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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is the top man of 2 billion so called Muslims. Distributing a german car at whim, with the wealth provided by Europeans, to show his greatness while teaching muslim subjects all over the world to keep fighting jews and other infidels till the end of times.

Little boys in the normal world wish for candies, toys and other stuff like that but in great arab countries they are taught materialism at a young age.
What does a kid do with a Mercedes? I can understand love of toy cars. But this seems bad child rearing by parents.

Chaos Erupts in Chicago City Hall as Palestinian Rioters Disrupt Council Meeting Over Israel Solidarity Resolution (VIDEO)

Palestinian rioters stormed Chicago City Hall on Friday, disrupting the proceedings and assaulting police officers. The incident occurred as the City Council was in the process of approving a resolution declaring solidarity with Israel, following a brutal attack by Hamas militants over the weekend.
Jews attacked many ambulances


Leaving nothing to imagination that this is a joint Israel + U.S. vs. Hamas war. I have no issue with Israel's action, but if we are a joint partner in war, we should have gone through the Congressional process. Now, this is resembling sleepwalking into a war like in Vietnam when we started assisting France and before long it became America's war.

Did you thing Jewish occupied USA was gonna consult with Americans over going to war ?
What is missing is the Muslim world response on this, I would expect US and the West to do nothing and the more traditional neutral power to stay neutral, but I would at least expect some response from the Muslim world and not just harsh word. Maybe threat somewhere, or maybe material help on Hamas, nothing, not even Iran, which I would suspect the most possible to do something, they still do nothing, now, it may change when Israeli launch their offensive into Gaza, but then this would already be too late.

Maybe this is the end game Hamas wanted, maybe not, but I think one thing for certain, Hamas did not think about this could happen when they planned this, they know they can't defeat Israel on a 1 on 1 fight, no matter how much they had prepared for it, which mean either what they were doing is to try to garner support on Muslim world and thinking they would be attacking Israeli from 3 sides after this, or this is a serious miscalculation on their part, and it increasingly seems like it's a giant miscalculation

That's the thing, US are going to provide weapon to Israeli with or without this attack, that's always been the case here, call it business or supporting an allied, or whatever you want, that has been the case since 1948. US itself is staying out of this war, and I don't think the US themselves will get involved even Hezbollah attack, it was there to deter bigger player (Syria, Iran) to take advantage, now whether or not this is hypocrisy if up to you to decide, but this is a standing policy regardless of whether this attack happen, it just happened so after this attack.

That's still moving the needle tho, you are asking the US to not support Israel, yes, it is not going all the way to support Palestinian but that is still moving the standing policy.

The problem is, most people see it this way, yes of course Israel killing and oppressing Palestinian is not right, and Palestinian have every right to be pissed, even would be rather willing to gave Palestinian or Hamas latitude to attack Israeli military target, but this attack is nothing but Military Target, then wouldn't it be the same thing, you want to separate Hamas with Palestinian Israeli attack Hamas is legit and Israeli attack Palestinian civilian is outrage, fair enough, but then if you can't separate between Israeli civilian and military, aren't that is the same point you despise what Israel been doing? That is the issue here, whether or not if there are burn baby or whatever, that's beside the point, the moment Hamas is overjoy with kidnapping Israeli civilian, which ironically most of these people are pro-Palestinian because they are living close to Gaza, and killing people just for the sake of venting anger, that is the moment they loses support, and this is what or why I suspected even most of Islamic World had stay silence, and if you have country like UAE, Egypt and Saudi staying silent or straight up staying out of it, what do you think would happen to Pro-Israel ally like US, and the UK.

There were this interview with Admiral Stavridis on NBC a few days ago capture the sentiment in the US quite perfectly, if this would have been happened in US, ie Hamas launch this attack in the US and attack civilian in, say Florida, the US will went in hard without mercy and there will not be a Gaza tomorrow, and most of our allies will support us and even most of our enemy will stay silence. And if that feeling is not reciprocated, then our friend will start judging our foreign policy, and our enemy will start to see this as a weakness.

For me, I am a casual observer, but if you ask me, the issue here is an impasse, the 3 parties in this all have different thing they want, and one of the is non-negotiable, Palestinian wanted their own state, Israeli want to have stability within their border, and Hamas wanted Israel gone, that 3 things does not really go with each other, because Israel won't have a secure border because Hamas wanted Israel gone, and that in turn means Israel are not going to allow Palestinian to have their own state because well, you can't have a neighbor that you live with that have every minutes everyday want you gone. And that created the current impasse. The sad thing is, I can't even see any side would take a step back and offer an olive branch.

Which mean at the other side of this impasse is fight, and that is never a pretty sight.
While most initial assessments, were pointing towards this Hamas action -- as a result of normalization of ties, between Israel and Arab states

There are more theories emerging, as it usually does in such situations.

There is talk about, Russian (through Wagner group training Hamas, and even some cyber attack which disabled response time by IDF at the start) and Chinese help to this event.

Possibly to divert attention away from Ukraine

Chaos Erupts in Chicago City Hall as Palestinian Rioters Disrupt Council Meeting Over Israel Solidarity Resolution (VIDEO)

Palestinian rioters stormed Chicago City Hall on Friday, disrupting the proceedings and assaulting police officers. The incident occurred as the City Council was in the process of approving a resolution declaring solidarity with Israel, following a brutal attack by Hamas militants over the weekend.

This is what needs to happen. All sites and events of Jewish/Satan worship and glorifying genocide need to be stormed. So do homes of Jewish Nazis like Alan Dershowitiz. They shouldn't be safe on the streets after this.

Japanese forces prepare to bring back citizens from Israel​

Japanese forces have been boarding a military plane heading for Djibouti as they prepare to bring back Japanese citizens from Israel.
The country has also arranged a charter flight from Tel Aviv today for its citizens wishing to leave Israel,
On Thursday, Japanese foreign minister Yoko Kamikawa told her Israeli counterpart the Hamas attacks could not be justified for any reason and that Israel had the right to defend itself and its people under international law.




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