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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I'd like to see a surprise USAF attack on Hezbullshit. Total and complete annihilation in one go. I think it's possible. The USAF can do it easily.
You won't believe in prophecies but it would be north Korean nuclear missiles that'll turn US into a wasteland, just something to keep in the back of your head.
I am. afraid the situation will escalate and other countries will jump in, there will be no containment of this warfare.. Blinken is trying his best but i think it is too late.
Its too late for whichever countries and entities aren't ready for this warfare today, like those that are low on ammunition.
It is a scary thing for Israel when mainstream Right wing American politicians and analysts like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carson, Rand Paul , and YouTube channels like 'The Hill', and others start to, very cautiously, challenge the unconditional support for Israel. This is but one video; of course people like Ben Shapiro--the Israel Firsters Trojan Horse is upset.
When will Americans awake to this cabal of leeches draining American resources across the world??

Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and Iranian-backed militias have begun to mobilise fighters including to southwestern Syria towards the Israeli border, in the event Israel's war on Gaza escalates to new fronts in Lebanon and Syria.

The potential involvement of groups from Syrian territory risks pulling another party into the raging conflict between Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah, forcing Israel to fight on two or three separate fronts.

israel is "amassing" tanks on Gaza's borders....while probably at the same time trying to find a workable secret truce deal between Israel and Hamas that probably Egypt or/and US could help broker, but it wont work this time, because the stakes are too high already, Israel will understand what its like to be bombed to the stone ages for the first time.

Also!- when Israel said no electricity, water or food or medicine will enter Gaza? One mistake Israel made by saying that is that if there is no water, no food, no electricity and no materials in Gaza, that automatically means the only thing to do is produce, store, load, and fire mortars, rockets and missiles all day long- Hamas and Gazans are doing that already. Israel seems to be on a lose-lose situation honestly- will take a big loss either way, whether it invades Gaza or not.
It is a scary thing for Israel when mainstream Right wing American politicians and analysts like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carson, Rand Paul , and YouTube channels like 'The Hill', and others start to, very cautiously, challenge the unconditional support for Israel. This is but one video; of course people like Ben Shapiro--the Israel Firsters Trojan Horse is upset.
When will Americans awake to this cabal of leeches draining American resources across the world??

Hizbullah should open the front now. This is a quick war and quick and sustained response from Lebanon and Syria is required. If Gaza is evacuated, there will be nothing left fighting for.
Good points, but a key thing to remember is that Israel still hasnt cleared Hamas and other militants from Gaza- its being theorized, fantasized, etc, but it hasnt happened yet, and until it does, its all hogwash and fake lies. Resistance factions will jump in before ISrael turns Gaza into an actual wasteland and tries to destroy all human life in Gaza.
Huge rallies of solidarity in Jordan, Yemen, Iran and across West Asia (and even Europe, where it is banned to support Palestine in many countries)

I find it ironic that there's mass protests in most of these countries, given that for the better part of 20 years they've been killing each other...have they all of a sudden just realised who their real enemy is? As much as I despise Israel, I respect their strong national identity and unity, despite the differences they have. This is why a nation of a few million can effectively subjugate the entire Arab world. The Arabs only have themselves to blame. In a few months time, they'll go back to slaughtering each other in Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.
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