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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Stupid United Nations should implement Two State Solution and make Jerusalem an international city.
I blame USA for not letting this happen.

It's part of Christian religion , they teach Christians that they must help
Israel at all cost in USA in order for Jesus to come and be happy with them

This conflict has a "Religious angle" which most western nations not admit

The blind support is based on this views Christians have about Region
While Atheist exist in USA but there are many Christians in USA who are fundamentalist in their opinion about Israel

For most Muslims this view is not understood well because in Main stream media it is not admitted by Christians

This view they have circles around a theory that region known as Israel must be run by Israelis in order for Jesus to return

And grant them paradise of course

It is messed up as it sounds but the religious angle will not be admitted openly
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When the US election results were being counted, Bibi was one of the first to congratulate Biden, and Trump never forgets lol. So he took the opportunity to leak confidential information yesterday, saying how Bibi let him down by backing out of the assassination of Shahid Soleimani at the last moment, and generally criticising Israel's lack of preparedness and calling Hezbollah "very smart"

But he is still hardcore Zionist and panders to his evangelical base that has a messianic obsession with Israel
You are better off reading prophesy from the intestines of slaughtered animals than from Trump's words.
Venezuela: Maduro: Venezuela is on the front line of every massacre committed by “Israel” against the Palestinian people

Right there , this is issue right now for not gathering world support. Maduro has no better records on human rights or as leader in his country. See how many people from Venezuela has left country and still leaving continuously. Despite having one of most resource rich country in planet their population does not simple food to eat let alone other things like soap and toothpaste. He himself is cliched to power using brute force against his own people.
Atleast India gave official statement about still supporting two state solution. I don’t hear that from any western leaders anymore.
Jewish liars are evil people. They didn't tell the UN. They're telling the UN, which is a few employees, to evacuate 1 million Palestinians out of northern Gaza. And will commit genocide. Now is the time for for all free nations to make warnings to Israel.

Hamas brings death and destruction upon Gaza.

Understand this, Hamas will be dealt with
US has attacked Iraq on false pretext of WMD. US does attack countries for it's so called interest thousands of miles away from their country.

Iran or any country who want to develop any kind of capability that goes against American or western interest of total dominance of the world, provokes them. So the only way any country can never provoke them is by being a good doggie forever and letting them dominate the world forever and destroy any country or any nation forever. If you like the good doggie strategy it's your choice. I have a different choice.

I don't need a large post on America's military capabilities and tech and all things, I already know that.

We have a difference of opinion here on a very fundamental matter. I will be happy to agree to disagree and leave it there.
American conflict with Iraq go back to 1990. It is a long story.

Iraq attacked USS Stark in 1987 - US settled for Iraqi compensation.

Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. US gave Iraq 1 year to leave Kuwait. Not a small time.

The point of no return came in 1991.

It comes down to provocations; crossing a red line if you will.

Otherwise, how so many countries are safe or not attacked?

As for the WMDs trope, US troops did find chemical weapon cashes in Iraq. This is documented. But tropes are repeated ad hominem.

But WMDs was BS excuse. Real motive was to complete what Bush daddy started. Eliminate Saddam regime.

The focus should be on Facts and Figures, not on tropes and speculations.

Saudi and Turkey are angry that US have not done much about Iran. Israel too. But all will deny it. US has to fight for everybody, right?

Let's be honest. Every country expects from US to take its side.
What is Pakistan's statement on the matter , been very quiet

Unless it is safe to assume since country's only Leader is in Prison , we have no voice

But lot of opinion on Pakistan Defence forum

It's too bad , Pakistan's current crisis has resulted in a mute response from Pakistan
literally handicapped with no voice on international matters

Pakistan statement?
A country that can kneel down on US deputy secretary. Generals which attack its own country and topple elected govt for a foreign power interests. Pakistan cannot harm a single hair of Israel. I fear Pak Generals may even sell military 155mm shells to Israel via third country. Pakistan is a state where people's representation is not in power. Its a terribly weakened state with no moral principle where military forcefully suspends constitutions and bogus cases and using force to break political parties, abducting citizens and forcing them to make statements at gun point.
Pakistan statement?
A country that can kneel down on US deputy secretary. Generals which attack its own country and topple elected govt for a foreign power interests. Pakistan cannot harm a single hair of Israel. I fear Pak Generals may even sell military 155mm shells to Israel via third country. Pakistan is a state where people's representation is not in power. Its a terribly weakened state with no moral principle where military forcefully suspends constitutions and bogus cases and using force to break political parties, abducting citizens and forcing them to make statements at gun point.

Well nothing is really expected from likes of Anjum video maker or Hafiz government toppler

Please give this extremist a warning. You can't commit genocide and it's say it's Hamas. Or better together ban him.

Hamas is a US designated terror organization since 1997.

They will be dealt with, like the German Nazis, Imperial Japan, Al Qaeda, ISIS and so on.
Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 18-28-17 Secular Pakistani nationalists.png
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