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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

who told you Pakistanis behave like good muslims?

and no this not how God works.. you need lots of education
God works in mysterious ways. First, he decides a few thousand innocents should die in Israel, then to keep the balance he decides a few tens of thousands or hundreds of thousand innocents should die in Gaza. It is all a mystery, beyond human comprehension.
Hamas is a US designated terror organization by LAW. They will be dealt with

Negative chief they are fighting for their lively hood, they are the owners of that Land
Time for 2 state

Even native Indian tribes were called "Savages" , Terrorist , or Killers , and their Tribes were pushed into near extinction in USA, its part of history

It does not mean they were savages', someone landed on their land and brought cannons and guns and gun powder and killed them off
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Hamas is a US designated terror organization since 1997.

They will be dealt with, like the German Nazis, Imperial Japan, Al Qaeda, ISIS and so on.

Nazis are the Israelis you irrational Jewish facist pig. How are you this delusional? You're gonna bomb Gaza? Then what? Your Nazi regime will fall like Nazis did. You Jewish people committed murders of hundred of millions of Europeans. There's no bigger Nazis than you.
Hamas is a US designated terror organization since 1997.

They will be dealt with, like the German Nazis, Imperial Japan, Al Qaeda, ISIS and so on.

PKK is a USA designated terror organization too

but USA support and working with PKK-YPG Terror organization in Syria against NATO ally Turkiye

USA is a terrorist supporter country

Please give this extremist a warning. You can't commit genocide and it's say it's Hamas. Or better together ban him.

Genocide & Annihilation of Gaza is on Hamas. When they were shooting israelis at music festival, they literally forgot the outcome of their results. You are talking as if both have equal capabilities. It was as obvious as anything. Why on earth Israel should feel like stopping the genocide? Give me one reason. Do you think they should do pity or think for human lives ? Oh they never ever cared for palestinians and when they are angry and got the chance to wipe off the Gaza piece by piece they will not hesitate and this should have been understood by the Hamas before doing such attack.

The Tiger can go and kill the deer's baby. but if the deer comes back and kill the tiger cub, the Tiger will eat you alive. That's what's happening sadly.
It's part of Christian religion , they teach Christians that they must help
Israel at all cost in USA in order for Jesus to come and be happy with them

This conflict has a "Religious angle" which most western nations not admit

The blind support is based on this views Christians have about Region
While Atheist exist in USA but there are many Christians in USA who are fundamentalist in their opinion about Israel

For most Muslims this view is not understood well because in Main stream media it is not admitted by Christians

This view they have circles around a theory that region known as Israel must be run by Israelis in order for Jesus to return

And grant them paradise of course

It is messed up as it sounds but the religious angle will not be admitted openly
Yes I am aware of the evangelical Christians. LOL.

A stupid lot they are those Evangelical Christians are.
Genocide & Annihilation of Gaza is on Hamas. When they were shooting israelis at music festival, they literally forgot the outcome of their results. You are talking as if both have equal capabilities. It was as obvious as anything. Why on earth Israel should feel like stopping the genocide? Give me one reason. Do you think they should do pity or think for human lives ? Oh they never ever cared for palestinians and when they are angry and got the chance to wipe off the Gaza piece by piece they will not hesitate and this should have been understood by the Hamas before doing such attack.

The Tiger can go and kill the deer's baby. but if the deer comes back and kill the tiger cub, the Tiger will eat you alive. That's what's happening sadly.

Go kick rocks Jew barbarian. You're not gonna against God. This is a last ditch effort because you're communicating with Satan who knows his end is near. It's not gonna save you. Jesus and Gabriel will ruin you.

All this Killing is to please Jesus so he will come and make Christians happy , and they can build heaven on earth

It is really one of the most idiotic concepts you will hear but it is what they believe in

Secretly in their Sunday gatherings they take oath to help Israel for that reason

It's a fundamentalist ideology , but they won't admit it in public

Israel can kill 100,000 people or 50,000 people, women / children /elderly but in end the newspapers will only show Israel as suffering

This is the main reason , they always look away from Bloody hands of Israel world wide

Back in USA some politicians will be sitting in room , and praying to Jesus help us , and then their Father will bless them and say , it's ok Let Israel Kill and bomb cities because it will help bring Jesus closer to us

Go on any western Website


Any media outlet which is showing the counter view is being heavily scrutinized

Etc , you will see a Calculated campaign so that people will not question why is Israel is commiting Genocide in Gaza

However it is perfectly ok to imprison 3-5 million people in small region called GAZA and bomb them from time to time from Air
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Occupied Palestine: Reuters, according to a UN official: The United Nations calls for the cancellation of any deportation order for residents of the northern Gaza Strip to avoid a catastrophic situation.

All this Killing is to please Jesus so he will come and make Christians happy , and they can build heaven on earth

It is really one of the most idiotic concepts you will hear but it is what they believe in

Secretly in their Sunday gatherings they take oath to help Israel for that reason

It's a fundamentalist ideology , but they won't admit it in public

Jewish people are cursed like Satan. A permanent curse by God. They thus, like Satan, want to drag everyone to Hell with them. They can't corrupt people of Gaza so they want to commit genocide them. They couldn't kill Jesus as God raised him to him. And God will bring him back to end this tribe of Satan once and for all.
American conflict with Iraq go back to 1990. It is a long story.

Iraq attacked USS Stark in 1987 - US settled for Iraqi compensation.

Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. US gave Iraq 1 year to leave Kuwait. Not a small time.

The point of no return came in 1991.

It comes down to provocations; crossing a red line if you will.

Otherwise, how so many countries are safe or not attacked?

As for the WMDs trope, US troops did find chemical weapon cashes in Iraq. This is documented. But tropes are repeated ad hominem.

The focus should be on Facts and Figures, not on tropes and speculations.

Saudi and Turkey are angry that US have done much about Iran. But both will deny it. US has to fight for everybody, right?

I guess you are failing to understand or I failed to explain the difference of opinion on fundamental level, if we understood each other no further post would be required.

Let me try to explain in a different way.

There can be two different arrangements:

Arrangement 1:

The current superpower and it's allies are dominant in every spectrum. Weapons, military, tech, economy, basically everything. They want to sustain this all spectrum dominance forever or as long as possible. So other nations can comply with whatever is in superpower's interest even at the expense of their own nations' aspirations. In return, these nations get to live somewhat of a good life but give up their sovereignty and independence to a great degree. This is comparable to a slave master and slave arrangement. The slave still lives somewhat of a good life, he still eats, he still gets to wear clothes, has a roof over his head but he is not a free man, he can't leave the job and get a job of his choosing. This compulsion is created and perpetuated by the superior tools and capabilities the slave master has at his disposal. He can continue to live the somewhat good life by being compliant for the rest of his life and giving up his aspirations to be a free man, get any job he wants, trade with anybody he wants, doesn't work at all whenever he doesn't want to and so on.

Arrangement 2:

The current superpower and it's allies are dominant in every spectrum. Weapons, military, tech, economy, basically everything. They want to sustain this all spectrum dominance forever. Other nations don't want to be subjected to their all spectrum dominance. They want to break free and pursue their own aspirations as a nation, make friends with whoever they want, trade with whoever they want, build whatever weapon they see fit to defend their country and so on. This is comparable to the slave trying to break free of his slave master and the system of slavery and become emancipated.

From the above two arrangements, it just happens to be the case that some nations like the arrangement 2 and they will pursue it. What you say a nation should do by being in compliance is suitable for arrangement 1. The subjectivity of the actions of a nation is dependent on the context, in the context of arrangement 2 what you say doesn't work.

I hope we understand each other now. I don't particularly disagree with you, I just don't think what you say is applicable to the context of arrangement 2 and it is just a reality that there are many nations who are the subscribers of arrangement 2.
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