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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This whole thing can end if USA takes a even remotely rational position on the conflict. It's extremist approach and extreme bias towards Israel is why this could escalate. People can calm down everywhere if US stops enabling Israeli genocide. We know Israel can't do this without USA emergency $30 billion supplies in munitions and moving all our aircraft carriers away from China sea and to coast of Gaza.

China has golden opportunity to annex Taiwan now.

Analysis: Bulldozers will be followed by tanks into Gaza​

More military armour has amassed north of Gaza than international affairs editor Dominic Waghorn has ever seen in one place, he said.
"Other armour may be hidden and secreted in the woods and fields around Gaza," he added.

Israeli troops are also being "bussed in on coaches" to towns in huge numbers.

"There is no real sign yet of any kind of imminent ground offensive despite what the government is saying, but I think we can assume that something is being planned and it is likely to be going ahead in the coming days," said Waghorn.

"We've seed D9 bulldozers that will be forcing their way into Gaza, they will be followed by tanks.

"It will be very difficult fighting in densely populated urban neighbourhoods."

No, no listen to the military expert , they are underperforming,

Overwhelming force in urban combat? I mean , I like thinking but it doesn’t add up.

They mobilased 300 000 and called the aircraft carryer with 10 ships! Russia deployed that kind of force for Ukraine and Israel for tiny Gaza, this is humiliating for Israel.
sometimes you wakeup late
Iran is too far from Israel and cannot intervene in a meaningful way,
Iran has long range missiles In Iran AND close to Israel's borders that it can use to "intervene in a meaningful way". Iran also has IRGC soldiers in Syria and LEbanon who could directly take military action against Israel, that sounds "meaningful" enough to me...you are underestimating Iran because of lack of direct military action against Israel.
except to continue to arm and finance the Palestinian resistance, which it does with full force.
and more!
Hezbollah literally just destroyed two IDF vehicles today causing multiple Israeli casualties, in an attack the IDF is saying 'changes the rules of war' (possibly indicating some Israeli soldiers were killed).
Hezbollah hitting ISrael in that border region pretty precisely and timely.
Syria is too weak to intervene but continues to serve as a vital land bridge for weapons to be transferred to the resistance.
lack of military action by Syria has you thinking Syria cant harm Israel? Syrian war has winded down and Syria has rebuilt its military, military equipment and ammunition stocks, etc. Gaza probably doesnt have 10% of the Syrian military's strength and look at how Gaza is manhandling Israel? All i'm saying is that at this time, all assumptions we had coming into this conflict need to be strongly reconsidered.
Houthis are far away but have threatened to intervene if the USA does.
But Houthis have cruise and ballistic missiles plus longer range drones that can hit Israel- Houthis were asking in the 2021 clash between Israel and Hamas to be allowed to participate, and it didnt get the go-ahead from Iran/Iran+Gaza, but Houthis are a potent threat to not be underestimated, no wonder ISrael had been working with UAE and US to degrade the Houthis' military capacity for the past several years.
Sunni Muslim nations should then be the next to stand with the Palestinians but they are busy blaming the Palestinians for being occupied. Sad.
Sunni powers must feel so naked and exposed right now, especially the likes of Egypt- shows you that the real military capacity of any group of people is primarily in their spirits.
Remember that along with the US, it was also Russia that was suppose to be a guarantor of the Oslo Accords, if I’m not mistaken. The west and Israel have advanced while Russia and the Arabs receded during the last 30 years, the unipolar moment, a world with only one superpower. If the Arabs only followed the Finland model and bought Arabs from both China/Russia and the west in equal shares it would give them strategic autonomy, considering they can’t act while they watch their children dying one after another in yet another war.

Russia is indeed making a strategic move to appeal to old ties and its past pro-Arab stances. An opportunity the Russians (and Chinese) could have only hoped for.

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Look,illegal or not,the UN decided to give them that land. Now it was normal for Arabs not to accept it,since the Jews were given about half the land in one day,but imagine that if they had accepted the Two State solution back then,now they would have had way more land and their own country. Of course,they didn't know that tiny Israel would not only resist an attack by a coalition of Arab countries,but also beat them.

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But after all,it was a UN plan. It is unrealistic to demand the entire country back now.
I`m sorry,but that just sounds like the usual sort of excuse one hears from your typical lefty-liberal type european/western supporters of israel.

One would`ve at least thought that the un would`ve consulted the indigenous populace before carving their nation up "munich" style and giving half of it to a bunch of foreign colonists who had absolutely no right or claim to it.
Indeed I would think that many in this day and age would consider that the un had no right to do what it did and that its partition of palestine was and is completely illegitimate.
Israeli airstrikes are continuing all over Gaza. They are too many to report. But they are actively brutalizing Gaza. And murdering Palestinians in the West Bank.

We are seeing escalation of violence in the occupied West Bank today
So much for keeping the conflict contained, so much for the Fatah that tried to work within the frame work and being the governing authority. So much for MBS’s “make life easier for the Palestinians” strategy. All facades are being pulled down. Will the Arabs sit by and watch a second Nakba?
What a bullshit comment. You know nothing about Iran and Iranic peoples.

Most peoples in khuzestan are lurs(iranic peoples) , arabs are minority,also arabs love Iran very much because they are shia.

Baluches and azaries are Iranic peoples, Iran is their homeland.

We love all of our people,

And you compare this to savage jews? they are steal Palestinians land and they are killing Palestinians every day?

You love jews so much, why?Do you know Jews hate Christians more than muslims

He sat a trap for you and you bit....

Ask him how many jews lived in what they called today as Isreal exactly 100 years ago? That would be 1923... go back another 10 or 20 and that'd be an insignificant minority something similar to their presence in certain European states... perhaps even in Greece. But who really cares...
And therein lies the historical claim and their distorted, rehashed revisionism... the storyline keeps changing and adapting...
Which is why their ultimate game and goal is creating facts on the ground!
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