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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All Jews are terrorists?

Are all Muslim terrorists?


This forum will be down with such opinions and dumbfuckery.
All occupiers are criminals, many of them are in IDF and others helpings these IDF terrorists.

We ignore them only if they left occupied land of Palestinians.

Leave or die.
Exactly, members need to be careful what they are saying. Plenty of members here are literally committing hate speech.

But hey ho, their loss!
There are some specific members who have been making calls to violence. Legend deleted an idiot's post already,but he again made calls to violence I think. Now it's been HGV and mehdipersian along with maybe 2-3 other guys constantly calling for "death" and such slogans. The ones who can't tell the civilians from the soldiers.

Because it's so easy to say "oh,all of their population are soldiers" and "all of our population are civilians".
This woman is not elected by the popular vote. She is a pawn and a vile reptile.

If you wanted to paint a picture of hypocrisy, Von der Layen's face would be the silhouette that would appear on the paper.

It's clear that the EU acts differently towards Ukraine and Palestine, and it looks a lot like the old days of white colonialism. When bad stuff happens in Ukraine, which has mainly white people, the West is quick to support. But when the same happens in Palestine, with mostly brown people, the reaction isn't the same.

This isn't new. For hundreds of years, white powers treated brown and black people unfairly, using them for their own gain. It seems this mindset hasn't really gone away. The EU seems to care more about white lives than others, just like in the past.

It's not just politics. It's about old beliefs that say some lives matter more than others.
All occupiers are criminals, many of them are in IDF and others helpings these IDF terrorists.

We ignore them only if they left occupied land of Palestinians.

Left or die.
What if Arabs tell you "You are occupying Khuzestan. It's Arabistan. Leave or die". Or the Balochs in Balochistan or even the Turks and Azeris about Iranian Azerbaijan?
There are some specific members who have been making calls to violence. Legend deleted an idiot's post already,but he again made calls to violence I think. Now it's been HGV and mehdipersian along with maybe 2-3 other guys constantly calling for "death" and such slogans. The ones who can't tell the civilians from the soldiers.

Because it's so easy to say "oh,all of their population are soldiers" and "all of our population are civilians".
Well when they end up getting a door knock or put down for SSS on their next flight, they will learn words and actions have consequences.

Only The Saviour can bring back The Jews back to Israel. So Ben Gurion is The Saviour? Atheists like almost all charlatans who created that state. An Atheist was chosen to be The Saviour. Now I truly do not understand, is Jesus the Saviour or Jesus is Ben Gurion or what??? And The Saviour Ben Gurion was begging the Ottoman army to join them and the Saviour was refused ? Strange concepts ???!!! Or somewhere in the Bible was written like Israel belongs only to children of God who folow Jesus, something like that?! I am sure that % 60 Jews are Atheists and other % 40 believe that Jesus was bastered, that's the teaching of Judaism.
So someone who calls himself a Christian out of love of God makes the friendship with someone who claims that Christian God is bastered . Bizarre
This foundation is yet another explanation for the fact that the Judaeo-Christian model of civilization that the West seeks to uphold is a fundamentally flawed and unrealizable imposition. Let's take it one step further, a western civilization that defends everything that Christianity forbids as freedoms, I mean perversions and complete de-identification for christianism. There can be no such thing as a Judaeo-Christian world order when societies are being de-religionized. Therefore, this path is not the path of the Truth but the path to Satan. In contrast, the Muslim position is more consistent. And what's more, it is easier for them to become a unity for both theological consistency and sociopolitical reasons, they just need to get rid of the sediment.
What if Arabs tell you "You are occupying Khuzestan. It's Arabistan. Leave or die". Or the Balochs in Balochistan or even the Turks and Azeris about Iranian Azerbaijan?
Now why did you have to go and put something logical in this thread? This is what the people really want:

There are some specific members who have been making calls to violence. Legend deleted an idiot's post already,but he again made calls to violence I think. Now it's been HGV and mehdipersian along with maybe 2-3 other guys constantly calling for "death" and such slogans. The ones who can't tell the civilians from the soldiers.

Because it's so easy to say "oh,all of their population are soldiers" and "all of our population are civilians".
They killed Palestinian in more than 75 years. You can see their savageness in this war, they deserve "death".

Its not about their religion, it's about their crimes
-Hello,we need to stop the attack on Gaza. Do you agree?
-Yes,of course I agree. We need to stop the attack on Gaza. It's terrible.
-Thank you. Goodnight!
I didn't see you condemn one thing about this genocide. Do you support bombing food supplies and medicine coming in from Egypt!? We told you these Israelis are radical fanatics and you didn't believe us !!
just be glad that we are in a era of social media and this forum to debate ,refute and discuss different point of views and vent our emotions .
I prefer the debates to be in another thread and leave this one for updates and analysis only.

Analysis: Hamas taking children captive a failure. 👏

Al Jazeera senior political analyst Marwan Bishara has said he hopes a clip that appears to show Hamas fighters releasing captives would lead to more releases, saying Hamas taking so many civilians captive was a “failure”.

“I don’t think Hamas had dreamt that its operation would succeed the way it did in the sense that its fighters went in there and just killed so many people and captured so many, and clearly there was no coordination among the fighters about whom to capture and how,” he said.

“Clearly this was not only a mistake, it was a major failure to bring in children as captives into Gaza, because this is not tenable,” he said.

“I’m glad that they are able to, I’m not sure correct is the right word, but certainly release these captives, because holding them will simply compound the failure,” he said.
There are some specific members who have been making calls to violence. Legend deleted an idiot's post already,but he again made calls to violence I think. Now it's been HGV and mehdipersian along with maybe 2-3 other guys constantly calling for "death" and such slogans.
Please show where I did this, you scum.
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