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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Come back to the topic now.
I was actually going to write a counter argument to your reply, but since this is not anywhere. No point. Let's agree to disagree.

P.S. Just a reminder, you were the one who initially veered off-topic. So, it's natural for others to follow the conversation's flow.
"It is very difficult to imagine him surviving this" because he has built his appeal to voters on security, Mr Carlstrom said.

"For many Israeli's there has been a feeling that Netanyahu has been distracted, he has been so focused on his domestic political battles, his legal battles, over the past few years."

For sure, the political battles in Israel--the elections, the narrow coalition govts, the extremist coalition govts, the anarchy around Netanyahu's Judicial reforms for many months... all of these have undermined Israeli society from the inside and has manifested in not only the Hamas attack but also exposed Israel to the world to be an unstable society.
Now there is a the new Emergency Coalition Govt. but that's a bandaid--a safety valve. In Pakistan they are the Martial Laws--but that's for another debate.
I was actually going to write a counter argument to your reply, but since this is not anywhere. No point. Let's agree to disagree.

P.S. Just a reminder, you were the one who initially veered off-topic. So, it's natural for others to follow the conversation's flow.
I am trying to keep this thread on track but members continue to bring other topics in the mix. All manner of discussion has to be done in one thread. If I shut you down immediately, you will scream Martial Law. Right?

As soon as I log off, this thread will loose its focus. I know how it is here.

Counter-argument? There is still room for it? This is mindset talking.
Yes, many of us have written all these before. Even the Jews are fed up with Israel. Every bullet fired, every call for atrocity, deepens the grave of someone.
Yes we all have but when people who have influence write it, the world sits up and takes notice. Slowly the voices of sanity are starting to trickle through.

Sadly that is not enough, as I write this bulldozers can be seen massing on the border with Gaza City, IDF soldiers armed to the teeth are being bussed in by the bucket loads.

By the time they are done, nothing will remain:

Not even animals are spared this onslaught:



Meanwhile the world is silent to the ever increasing war crimes in Gaza:

'They dropped phosphorous bombs', 'nowhere is safe' and 'a belt of fire': Life in Gaza​

In Gaza, the Sky News team on the ground has been speaking to those trying to survive Israel's retaliatory attacks.

Heading to the Al Karama area of Gaza City, they spoke to a woman about what life has been like.

She said she received a warning two days ago and left her home.

When her husband returned today, he found the whole area had been burnt.
"They dropped phosphorus bombs. They burnt the entire area, the whole community had to leave," she said.

"We didn't sleep the whole night…. I didn't think the situation would be like this.
"I came to see our house, to grab my stuff, my daughter came to grab her stuff. I found nothing. Everything is bombed."
Death rewarded with more agents of death:

Germany supplies drones to Israel​

Germany has supplied Israel with two drones as it continues to retaliate to attacks launched by Hamas.

The Heron TP drones will be "leased" from the German armed forces, the country's ministry of defence said.

"Germany supports Israel with up to two drones leased from the Bundeswehr," it said in a statement.

The German military currently leases five drones to Israel, which are used for "training German soldiers, among other things", it added.
West Bank entry to war

Abu Hamzah: We announce the official entry of the West Bank into the battle of Al-Aqsa. flood and the battle may soon be extended into the occupied country.
"I received such information from Egypt: A 6-hour ceasefire under Egyptian auspices is on the horizon. Arrangements are being made between Egypt, Qatar and Turkiye to deliver emergency aid packages if an agreement is reached with the Israeli side."

Why are they waiting for permission from Israel to deliver food and water to Palestinian children?
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