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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Pak bhoj Army at least tweet this.

This is Asim Whisky when war breaks out.
Jews hate you they use a derogatory term call you unclean Gentiles it says in their Torah so why are you Europeans bending over backwards for them for?
Let’s leave religion out of this. I mean most Muslims are Muslims in name only. Most can’t even recite their version of the Lord’s Prayer, they drink l, take drugs but politically identify as “Muslims”.

Sadly. Saudi rulers are sold out, they should do that already, everybody else would follow them.

Saudis along with most Arab countries have done a lot for the Palestinians. Problem is that it would seem futile to keep repeating pro Palestinian policies when it was not just the rabid attack dog of America Israel but the entire West, backed by America, behind Israel. One can only do so much against such a reality. Oil in KSA etc is going to run out and so the Saudis are frantically trying to create some alternate economy and in that endeavor they were/are willing to even make peace with Israel.
I can't blame them. The rise of Israel coincided with the exponential rise of America after WW II and you can only ignore that for so long.

But on one count the Saudis and/or Iranian can't be forgiven is the Shia-Sunni based strife in that region. The enemy was/is Israel--a rabid attack dog of America which could destroy the Middle Eastern countries--but regional countries didn't recognize that. So they waged/waging several proxy wars playing against each other while Israel benefited. Even in this forum you'd see the stupid Shia-Sunni divide. I guess people from Europe would chuckle over this, reminding of their own Catholic-Protestant wars and debates centuries ago.
I have nothing against the Palestinian people and their legitimate grievances, I take exception to non state actors like Hamas holding an entire region to ransom.
You're talking about groups like Hamas, but aren't you seeing what Israel is doing too? Gaza isn't just "like" a big prison, it actually is one because of Israel's actions. They control what goes in and out, making life very hard for the people there. Plus, many innocent Palestinians, including kids, have been killed.
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202-206 Buckingham Palace Road Belgravia

I’ll be waiting at the front desk for you. 😊
Your history of your shitty country is so dirty. You can't compare it even with another shit countries (like murica)

We will punish all terrorist in world. Your country is in our list.

Wake up to reality. colonial age is over, your country is just a bitch for your former colony now.you are so weak.

So you should be careful abour your behaviour.

Get lost
I have nothing against the Palestinian people and their legitimate grievances, I take exception to non state actors like Hamas holding an entire region to ransom.

It’s the other way round mate . The Palestinian people are the ones who have been under the horrible siege lockdown for over 70 years. By your Israel. We are not supporters of terrorists on here just ordinary people sticking up for these oppressed Gaza / West Bank
there's a pub inside maybe even tea and biscuits dont missout
17 Avenfield House, 118 Park Lane, London, W1K 7AF.
Nah cheers pal, I gave up the booze a while ago, not good for your liver.

Your history of shitty country is so dirty. You can't compare it even with another shit countries (like murica)

We will punish all terrorist in world. Your country is in our list.

Wake up to reality. colonial age is over, your country is just a bitch for your former colony now.you are so weak.

So you should be careful abour your behaviour.

Get lost
Making threats like that make you sound childish.
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