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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Reddit is a cesspool of neoliberal brainwashed hypocrites. They are like sheeple who literally think with a hive mind and believe anything their zionist banker overlords tell them.
Reddit's turned into a playground for brainwashed neoliberals. Everyone there just parrots the same popular ideas, like mindless robots. It's like they can't think for themselves anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if zionist bankers are pulling the strings behind the scenes. What a joke of a platform it's become.
Huge development

Saudi Crown Prince asserts in phone call with Erdogan the need to stop attack on Gaza — SPA

rather than making silly statements- why does he not demonstrate in real terms his concern by for example- banning israeli airlines from his airspace????
Reddit's turned into a playground for brainwashed neoliberals. Everyone there just parrots the same popular ideas, like mindless robots. It's like they can't think for themselves anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if zionist bankers are pulling the strings behind the scenes. What a joke of a platform it's become.
reddit is only good for tech tips and movies reviews nothing else

You are moved by a photo and share it on your social media account to market it as a show of conscience. Then you remove it because it goes against your political beliefs.

This example has happened to many people from the US art scene today. There are 3 conclusions to be drawn here:

1- These people are not people with a conscience who care about children, they are hypocrites whose only concern is their own future and wealth.

2- They are unbelievably ignorant and bigots with no knowledge of the world.

3- They are vermin on the side of the Zionists, whose lives are based on PR and *** licking.

Four Hamas sympathisers arrested in Manchester.​

Four people have been arrested on suspicion of breaching the peace at a pro-Palestine event in Manchester.

Greater Manchester Police said the suspects were taken into custody because their actions "had the potential to cause disorder at an otherwise peaceful event".

"They were not arrested for supporting Palestine," the force said.

"GMP understands members of Greater Manchester's communities are devastated by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and that people have a right to express their support for both Israel and Palestine."
It seems you're either deliberately missing the point or confusing two very different entities for the sake of your narrative. The Wagner Group, no matter how you twist it, isn't a formal arm of the Russian military. Yes, they're involved in various conflicts and might have some shady affiliations, but to compare them to the official Russian armed forces is, frankly, amateurish.

Your assertion about the Wagner Group's involvement in Khasham and the subsequent Russian response is just as flawed. Had U.S. forces killed actual Russian military personnel, do you honestly believe Russia would've just shrugged it off? The geopolitical backlash would have been swift and unequivocal. Your attempt to conflate the actions of a mercenary group with an official state response is not only misguided but also dangerously naive.

The Wagner Group's ability to engage in for-profit ventures only emphasizes its distinct nature. Real national military forces aren't freelancing around the world for the highest bidder. I'd hoped this distinction would be evident, but it seems a reminder is in order.

And let's not even delve into the oversimplification of equating equipment with official military status. By that logic, every well-armed militia or insurgent group globally should be considered a nation's military arm. Your argument here is just surface-level and lacks depth.

Lastly, drawing broad and sweeping conclusions from a singular skirmish is an overreach. But given the trajectory of your arguments so far, it's hardly surprising.

Wagner Group Is an Important Income Source for the Kremlin

Moreover, the organization is a significant source of income for the Kremlin, enabling the Russian government to quietly and securely overtake lucrative mining and extraction sites for a significant profit.

This is not surprising: The foundations of the current Russian market for force are shaped by private firms that emerged in the post–Cold War era to support the security needs of state energy companies such as Gazprom, Tatneft, Stroytransgaz, Zarubezhneft, Rosneft, and Surgutneftgaz.

Russia has for years employed Wagner with strategic ambiguity: Private military actors remain illegal in Russia, allowing for broad uncertainty about the Kremlin's intent toward the group. Putin, in particular, has preferred to paternalistically treat Wagner's Prigozhin as one son, while treating his own Ministry of Defense as the other—never wanting to declare either to be the “favorite child.”

While this has served his aims at times in terms of plausible deniability, it was ultimately an unsuccessful venture.

In my book “Victory for Hire,” I found that mercenaries can strengthen military effectiveness when deployed in place of a military force, but can really weaken it when “codeployed” alongside regular military forces. Codeployment can work, but only if a clear and consistent command-and-control structure is put into place and everyone abides by it.

Putin has intentionally done everything to avoid instituting such a clear and consistent command-and-control structure between Wagner and his military, instead preferring to pit the private and public sides of the coin against each other.

On June 24, 2023, the Wagner Group—which has played a key military role in Russia’s war in Ukraine—staged an armed revolt against Russian forces. Wagner forces seized the headquarters of the Southern Military District in the city of Rostov, and set up checkpoints in and out of the city. They subsequently threatened to advance towards Moscow to overthrow Russian military leadership in the Ministry of Defense.

It seems that the official Russian stance will remain complex and contradictory. Several days ago, the Russian government announced that Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mansion in St. Petersburg had been raided and Russian state television broadcast images of the cash and gold that had been seized. This coverage aimed to erode Prigozhin’s popularity in Russia. Shortly after, it was announced that President Vladimir Putin had hosted Wagner leaders, including Prigozhin himself, within days of the rebellion, during which they pledged their allegiance to Putin. It is an open question whether Wagner will continue its work with or without Prigozhin, and whether the Wagner Group will be as effective if its founder is no longer at the helm. This question is particularly on the minds of Syrians, given the significant presence Wagner forces continue to play in the country.

Over the past decade, Wagner forces have expanded beyond their initial role as a group of green-clad mercenaries that the Russian Ministry of Defense or intelligence agencies used to carry out operations for which they did not want the Russian government to be held responsible. The Wagner Group has now grown into a major force with tens of thousands of fighters engaged around the globe in diverse activities including economic investment. Its ongoing role in Syria helps highlight the potential future of the group there even as its role back in Russia is being renegotiated.

Although the Wagner Group had previously been active in former Soviet republics, its intervention in Syria marked the first time it became involved beyond the Soviet sphere. This was because Putin needed fighters on the ground after he announced that Russia would become involved in Syria during a September 2015 session of the State Duma. He stated that Russia did not intend to become embroiled in the Syrian conflict and that its intervention would be limited to air power without ground operations. However, it proved difficult for air power alone to decisively shift the balance of the conflict, especially since Syrian regime forces were depleted and on the brink of collapse. Putin therefore turned to the Wagner Group to spearhead necessary ground operations in Syria.

Accounts from Wagner fighters, including Marat Gabidullin, attest to the extent of the group’s early engagement in Syria. With regard to the first battle of Palmyra in early 2016, Gabidullin stated that Wagner fighters became involved first, then the Russian army, and eventually the “Arab” forces—i.e., the Syrian army—at which point the reporters’ cameras appeared. As a result, it appeared to the world that the Syrian forces, rather than the Wagner Group, were the ones fighting against ISIS. Gabidullin added that hospitals in the Hmeimim Air Base and in Russia were full of wounded Wagner fighters, to the extent that Russian doctors were asking whether the Russian army or private military companies were the ones doing the fighting.

In his interview, Gabidullin also stated that Wagner forces had committed atrocities such as beating Syrian army deserters with a sledgehammer and beheading them, and filming these acts in order to intimidate others. This appears to have been part of the Wagner Group’s approach more generally, since news reports mentioned the use of similar tactics during the long Battle of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.

Do you really think that Wagner is not important to Russian state? Just stop, man.

1. Wagner is answerable to Russian state just like any other Russian arm.
2. Wagner is well-equipped just like Russian army.
3. Wagner represents a military model that is unique to Russian security system.
5. Russian state uses Wagner to do its dirty work and can maintain plausible deniability in the process.

I have allowed you to comment on this off-topic theme but you continue to push it and make excuses for Russian lack of spine and leaving Wagner to fend for itself when it was up against US-led forces in the Battle of Khasham.

Come back to the topic now.
Reddit is a cesspool of neoliberal brainwashed hypocrites. They are like sheeple who literally think with a hive mind and believe anything their zionist banker overlords tell them.
Take a look into combatfootage. They were hating the Russians nonstop and claimed every fired bullet is a "warcrime".

But now they are cheering in pure bloodthirst, how israel is leveling Gaza.
I can't describe, how much i despise these NPCs here in the west ...
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