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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You're talking about groups like Hamas, but aren't you seeing what Israel is doing too? Gaza isn't just "like" a big prison, it actually is one because of Israel's actions. They control what goes in and out, making life very hard for the people there. Plus, many innocent Palestinians, including kids, have been killed.
Believe me or don’t believe me, I empathise with Palestinian people, the innocents, but I cannot in good conscience condone what Hamas does. Anyway I think I am detailing this thread. I will take my leave, enjoy posting here but just be mindful my warning was a friendly one.

Heed it or don’t, if you share content that promotes terrorism or celebrates acts of terrorism POCA enables the UK government to possess your house and all your possessions and sell it to aid the state.

Saudis along with most Arab countries have done a lot for the Palestinians. Problem is that it would seem futile to keep repeating pro Palestinian policies when it was not just the rabid attack dog of America Israel but the entire West, backed by America, behind Israel. One can only do so much against such a reality. Oil in KSA etc is going to run out and so the Saudis are frantically trying to create some alternate economy and in that endeavor they were/are willing to even make peace with Israel.
I can't blame them. The rise of Israel coincided with the exponential rise of America after WW II and you can only ignore that for so long.

But on one count the Saudis and/or Iranian can't be forgiven is the Shia-Sunni based strife in that region. The enemy was/is Israel--a rabid attack dog of America which could destroy the Middle Eastern countries--but regional countries didn't recognize that. So they waged/waging several proxy wars playing against each other while Israel benefited. Even in this forum you'd see the stupid Shia-Sunni divide. I guess people from Europe would chuckle over this, reminding of their own Catholic-Protestant wars and debates centuries ago.
I agree with most of it exept oil thing there are decades ahead if ever for their reserves to ne impacted, so that is not exuse for projection and weaponisation of their strongest asset, for example they can make china nervous only hinting that move snd that could start the whole chain of phone talks and so on but there has to be will first for such.
poor lass died before i get to meet her
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