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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

BREAKING — Emir Sheikh Tamim ibn Hamad Al Thani of Qatar threatened to stop gas supplies to the world if the bombing of Gaza did not stop.

‎This reminded me of King Faisal (RA) of Saudi Arabia.

Ummah is finally prevailing some sense
No, it's not prevailing. Give it some time and he'll backtrack.
Slowly but nation pressure is building up

best example of a shit and evil country in history.
They killed millions of innocent peoples around the world and now one of them,

Black guy banging your ex wife? Butt hurt much? You want to meet someone in private. If you are in London I will be I'm front of Victoria Clock on Friday about 2 pm ? OK?
202-206 Buckingham Palace Road Belgravia

I’ll be waiting at the front desk for you. 😊
Russian state calls on the Wagner to fight its battles just like any other Russian arm. Russian state called on the Wagner to fight its battles in Syria (and Ukraine). Wagner is a well-equipped force and allowed to call Russian Air Support in its battles as had been the case in Syria (and Ukraine). But Wagner is allowed to accept contracts of a 3rd party for profits instead of relying on Russian state funds due to Russian economic limitations. It is not cheap to fight battles in other countries so Wagner model suits Russia.

Declaring Wagner a bunch of mercenaries is really really underselling it. Clips show otherwise - Wagner is equipped like an army with big ticket items.

The fact is that Wagner met its match in US-led forces. It was possible to defeat other forces but not a side that could fight back. Accept it and move on.
It seems you're either deliberately missing the point or confusing two very different entities for the sake of your narrative. The Wagner Group, no matter how you twist it, isn't a formal arm of the Russian military. Yes, they're involved in various conflicts and might have some shady affiliations, but to compare them to the official Russian armed forces is, frankly, amateurish.

Your assertion about the Wagner Group's involvement in Khasham and the subsequent Russian response is just as flawed. Had U.S. forces killed actual Russian military personnel, do you honestly believe Russia would've just shrugged it off? The geopolitical backlash would have been swift and unequivocal. Your attempt to conflate the actions of a mercenary group with an official state response is not only misguided but also dangerously naive.

The Wagner Group's ability to engage in for-profit ventures only emphasizes its distinct nature. Real national military forces aren't freelancing around the world for the highest bidder. I'd hoped this distinction would be evident, but it seems a reminder is in order.

And let's not even delve into the oversimplification of equating equipment with official military status. By that logic, every well-armed militia or insurgent group globally should be considered a nation's military arm. Your argument here is just surface-level and lacks depth.

Lastly, drawing broad and sweeping conclusions from a singular skirmish is an overreach. But given the trajectory of your arguments so far, it's hardly surprising.
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