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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Ukrainian forces were not on par with Russian forces in 2022 (sure), but they have more than shown the capacity to fight a war. Ukrainian forces have demonstrated impressive survival and diversion tactics and drone warfare applications - even NATO is taking notes.

Aid package is of value when you have people who can fight in your camp - it is wasted otherwise. For instance, US provided similar aid to the Afghan National Army in Afghanistan only to see it fold like a deck of cards while confronting Taliban groups after American withdrawal.

All those volunteers in Ukraine did not make much impact but Ukrainian themselves.
Afghans and Taliban are of the same country (both afghanis) Taliban itself had popularity among afghans,Arabs and Muslims .. the training USA gave to Afghan national army is nothing and isn't compared to the aid it gave to Ukraine.

basically U.S and Nato supplied everything to Ukraine, but most importantly is the reconissance capability they gave to them throw their awacas and drone which enabled the ukranians to do precision strikes against russian troops. basically USA says to Ukraine ( hey look , here there are russian , go bomb them). and all the ukranians do is to fire. THAT'S IT.
when you have U.S and Nato stock piles opened for you, you can survive against 10 russia not only one.
In which world do you living??z
Israelis raping Palestinian women? Maybe some individual cases,I haven't heard of widespread rapes when it comes to this.

Usually they mock,they abuse,they shoot,they imprison. They let settler kids throw stones at Palestinians. They bomb them,they forbid them from crossing a checkpoint whenever they want,they demolish their houses and olive trees to steal the land. That's the tyranny.
They've wanted to steal Sinai since the late 40's and tried several times but failed. They thought they had it in 1956 by using the Brits & French but failed in epic fashion. All it took is a brief order from Eisenhower. Then they tried again in 67 only to suffer a beating in 73 and forced to give it back to its rightful owners in a diplomatic way, which is impossible to deny. And they'll fail again. They stole the Golan Heights but couldn't and never will steal Sinai nor force a Palestinian displacement onto it. Delusional ambition.

If all you can do is laugh in response to your own Arab brethren suffering, then it's no wonder you Arabs are so shameless. You've had your backsides handed to you on a plate several times from a foe far smaller, simply because of your complete incompetence. Oh well, might as well give up trying, maybe just nuke the whole dam Palestine and Israel, problem solved.
Israelis say it is a holy war

I think more and more should die in this holy war irrespective of age or gender

What is your problem with it? Why you want to deny Israelis dying in a holy war?
Then do you have a problem with Palestinians dying for holy war irrespective of age or gender?

And why do people have to die for holy war anyway?

Maybe these two deserve each other...
Who are few vs millions? Are you implying "millions of Palestinians"? Then that is wrong. But of course and it's unacceptable and of course Israelis have been very arrogant and oppressive to the Palestinians. Of course they are to blame for a lot of evil and bad things. Everybody knows this.

But I find what Hamas did,as barbaric. An act of terrorism. And I'm not talking about having battles with soldiers,I'm talking about going to cities and towns and shooting everyone and hunting down people.
And they aren't hunting down millions of unarmed Palestinians since 7 decades vs few children and elderly people killed by Hamas in this conflict what do you expect from Hamas to killed everyone in their path against evil Israel

There are moments in this life where pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world, The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. "

Biden said from the State Dining Room of the White House.

“This is an act of sheer evil, more than 1,000 civilians slaughtered in Israel,” Mr. Biden said. “Israel has a right to respond, indeed has a duty to respond.”

And they aren't hunting down millions of unarmed Palestinians since 7 decades vs few children and elderly people killed by Hamas in this conflict what do you expect from Hamas to killed everyone in their path against evil Israel
So in which way are Palestinians different from Israelis then?
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