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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

So you find the killing of little children,old women and random people who might even support Palestine,as ok? You find it acceptable? You personally. Do you find it acceptable?
I answered your comment.

No, Palestinian should not kill kids and innocent women (it's Islamic rules)

But all peoples around the world believe "An eye for an eye" rule.

Jews also believe it. Palestinians should answer them with jewish rules.
Yeah yeah yeah, spare me the keyboard warrior machismo crapezo. You've had a bug up your nose about Sisi since I joined this forum 7 years ago and you're perfectly entitled to your disgruntled opinion. I really don't care, I'm just glad that you're in no position to make such decisions at any level under any circumstances since you're clearly not able to understand the implications and complexity of the circumstances at hand.

That whole gas thing is about as silly as can be lol. Egypt has 7 times more gas & gas exports than the zionist state with all the Mediterranean discoveries from the past decade. The only deal with the zios is we're refining their gas to export it to Europe since Egypt has the only gas refineries in the region. Whomever posted that gas shut down is about as fake as a 3 dollar bill. :D

That Pierce Shmorgan is another insufferable member of the all-too common media circus clown show. Absolutely brutal. He doesn't want to hear "what ifs" because it obviously doesn't fit his narrative. Unbearable to listen to one sentence from his gargle.

What a despicable action by one of Hollywood's greatest female stars and one of my favorites. What a shame. And I "used to" like her a lot. Oh well.

Dude, I couldn't give a flying f*** about Egypt or Sisi...and you've clearly mistaken me for someone else...I wasn't even on this forum 7 years ago!! lol :)
how about Egypt? can we close the suez canal like we did in 50s and paralyze most of the world trade?
what the US gonna do if we did that? attack 120 million person who are living close to Europe and possess ballistic missiles with chemical warheads?

They might instigate another Arab spring

More news of the barbaric terrorist murders from hamas coming out.

Its one thing to throw an israeli bomb at a hamas target, uncaring for collateral damage on civilians.
Its another for hamas to murder babies with their own two hands.

This will probably mean Israel will not let diplomatic pressure from europe and others put an early end to their offensive.
Thy are going to make cast lead seem like a afternoon picnic 🧺
Obviously you do. Why this massage then? I asked you before do you want a validation from me? Where exactly I belittle your service? What are you talking about? Just I said that there are better then you?? What? Are you King Kong? You don't boast about your Miltary service? Then why did you list your life story here? To be frank here , I am not questioning your history but to talk like you do , for me it is lack of professionalism. You said before that you work in Australia and Washington in some think tanks, suddenly you are a policeman??? Anyway if you reread everything I told you, then you will find that I am not mentioning any of your thoughts or observations, I mocking your style and I told you this a couple of times, no?
If you can't notice that then how possibly you can work with think tank? Maybe you do. But hey I have seen people from your elite universities specialising in the International law and diplomacy and, put it this way , it is not much. Maybe it is better that you are policeman. And where exactly I boasted that I kill someone, I just said I was besieged, I just hinted that later on I was somewhere else . What are you talking about? If you are what you claim that you are and you don't give a shit , why boasting how many likes you have???? Trivial. You see people can think what I am and they can wonder but in your case they can obviously doubt . Policeman or think tank???? I don't know. Elite unit then you get rattled by a jest?
Poor skill of constructing the sentences???!!! Not sussing the goings-on here? Valid question marks ,no? When I was using the words to annoy you, those were of indirect in a way. But hey Mehmed you are psychopath or Rambo . It doesn't make me angry at all but I just know that each everything, you took personally. You didn't give me any reason to be that personal with you. Who knows. If you were what you claim that you were then I suggest to US armed forces to ease a bit with the weights and do sometimes a different kind of training.
You sir, just made my first ignore list.

We are done here. I do not want to talk to you anymore. You are free to think whatever you think,
If all you can do is laugh in response to your own Arab brethren suffering, then it's no wonder you Arabs are so shameless.

Where in my post that you quoted did I laugh? Why are you lying and making things up? You can't find a legitimate quote to counter? Talk about shameless, look in the mirror first.

You've had your backsides handed to you on a plate several times from a foe far smaller, simply because of your complete incompetence. Oh well, might as well give up trying, maybe just nuke the whole dam Palestine and Israel, problem solved.

Yeah yeah yeah, spare me the usual delusional mumbo jumbo jive. Bring something I would actually care about spending some valuable time responding to, other than this worthless rubbish.
Hamas have taken over the hotel.

Muslim Brotherhood only creates problems. In Egypt,in Syria,in Palestine...even in Lebanon. These guys are radical Sunnis. They don't really want peace,they want the entire country for themselves and will use every last Palestinian as a human shield to achieve that.

Muslim brotherhood is to Egyptian Army as PTI is to Pakistan Army.

They are currently underground.

More news of the barbaric terrorist murders from hamas coming out.

Its one thing to throw an israeli bomb at a hamas target, uncaring for collateral damage on civilians.
Its another for hamas to murder babies with their own two hands.

This will probably mean Israel will not let diplomatic pressure from europe and others put an early end to their offensive.

Thy are going to make cast lead seem like a afternoon picnic 🧺
That's exactly what I have said this morning, they are beyond caring, it's either give me ammunition or stand aside type of thing. Just thinking all these slaughtering is going to happen send chill in my spine.....
Pakistani parliament must condemn the war crimes orchestrated by the Israeli war machine and move the OIC for legal proceedings on the issue.

The absolute genocidal carnage pursued by the Israelis has made it certain that the 2 state solution is imperative to world order.
People should go on street and overthrow these puppets if they don't condemn.
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