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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

So when are you Arabs going to get your act together and finally stop yourselves from being humiliated by just a few pesky Israelis? If you all turned around and urinated in Israel you could drown them all. Seriously, over 70 years man?! For f*** sake do something!!

Yeah yeah yeah, spare me the keyboard warrior machismo crapezo. You've had a bug up your nose about Sisi since I joined this forum 7 years ago and you're perfectly entitled to your disgruntled opinion. I really don't care, I'm just glad that you're in no position to make such decisions at any level under any circumstances since you're clearly not able to understand the implications and complexity of the circumstances at hand.

LOL seems Egypt has chosen the Palestinian side and angered the Israelis.

That whole gas thing is about as silly as can be lol. Egypt has 7 times more gas & gas exports than the zionist state with all the Mediterranean discoveries from the past decade. The only deal with the zios is we're refining their gas to export it to Europe since Egypt has the only gas refineries in the region. Whomever posted that gas shut down is about as fake as a 3 dollar bill. :D

That Pierce Shmorgan is another insufferable member of the all-too common media circus clown show. Absolutely brutal. He doesn't want to hear "what ifs" because it obviously doesn't fit his narrative. Unbearable to listen to one sentence from his gargle.

What a despicable action by one of Hollywood's greatest female stars and one of my favorites. What a shame. And I "used to" like her a lot. Oh well.
Now that you mentioned it. There will be a war between Syria and Saudi Arabia when Mahdi will be consolidating his position in Saudi Arabia. Syria will be under control of a Tyrant as usual :rolleyes:. Syria will be defeated.

Romans will destroy two Islamic armies but will return after a treaty.

Jesus PBUH will be able to correct religious misconceptions of all believers perhaps. I do not think it is possible to wipe out jews in the manner stated.

Tsarists attempted to do that. Hitler attempted to do that. Arabs attempted to do that. All failed. It is important to learn from real developments and history.

Islam spreads with guidance and examples, not with violence. Prophets can do a better job in this matter of-course.

Only Allah Almighty knows what will happen in the future.

Back to topic now.

Yes, the details you mention are also true. I tried to summarize it into a few lines although the prophecies can fill a book.

This is not the right thread to discuss prophecies, but having an idea about them will help understand events a lot better. People would be surprised to know how much the people planning actual polices depend on the prophecies of their religion, Jews, Christians and Muslims. It will help understand policies that otherwise make no sense. E.g. the Evangelical Christians of America have huge power in government and their support of Israel is an integral part of their prophecies.

Both Christians and Muslims believe in the return of Jesus. In the Muslim version he will be a Muslim. Once he arrives then the inference is that most Christians will become Muslims and abandon support for the Antichrist. Which means that Israel will be left without US/NATO support and that is when the Antichrist and his army will be annihilated.

All the events happening now seem to be going exactly as predicted.
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Pakistani parliament must condemn the war crimes orchestrated by the Israeli war machine and move the OIC for legal proceedings on the issue.

The absolute genocidal carnage pursued by the Israelis has made it certain that the 2 state solution is imperative to world order.
Turkish President Erdogan:

Look, there are more than 20 American bases in Syria. What are American bases doing in Syria? What is being done with these bases? 23 bases. Shouldn't all this be evaluated?

But the US shoots down a Turkish UCAV. While the US shoots down a UCAV, isn't Türkiye a partner of the US in NATO? How do we explain this?

When it suits them, we are partners; when it suits them, the US supports, trains and equips all terrorist organizations.

Then, unfortunately, they turn Syria and the Middle East into a bloodbath. Let's see these too.



There are moments in this life where pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world, The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. "

Biden said from the State Dining Room of the White House.

“This is an act of sheer evil, more than 1,000 civilians slaughtered in Israel,” Mr. Biden said. “Israel has a right to respond, indeed has a duty to respond.”


Pedo Biden crying like a 👶 What a delicious sight.
Pakistani parliament must condemn the war crimes orchestrated by the Israeli war machine and move the OIC for legal proceedings on the issue.

The absolute genocidal carnage pursued by the Israelis has made it certain that the 2 state solution is imperative to world order.

Yeah. Where is Maryam and Whiskey? Oh wait, they can't criticise because pedo Biden would not allow them.
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