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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Saudis also intercepting missiles on the way to Israel
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Can someone tell me how taking a 85 year old woman hostage helps to free Palestine?

Ex-IDF chief: Israel prefers that Assad stay in power​

Israel would prefer that Bashar Assad hold onto the presidency in Syria, rather than leave a power vacuum that could be filled by Islamic radicals, according to former IDF chief of staff Dan Halutz.

“The regime in Syria kills its citizens every day, but we must acknowledge that the opposition in Syria is composed of Muslim extremists like al-Qaeda,” he said at a fundraising event for Israel’s Tel Hashomer hospital in Moscow on Monday, according to the daily Maariv. “The question ‘what is better for Israel?’ is an important question because we must ask ourselves if we want to trade the bad regime we know for the very bad regime that we don’t know, and this is something that requires serious consideration.”

Do you still believe all Shias will be "forcefully converted back to Sunni or all your adult males should be executed"?

Just checking in case anyone thinks your recent posting history might be motivated by sectarianism. Not me, of course, but a more cynical individual might come to that conclusion - erroneously, of course!

Shia Iran: provides missiles to its allies throughout the region to strike Israel with

Sunni Arabs: act as Israel's missile shield, have full diplomatic and economic relations with Israel

Degenerate sectarians: Shias run this forum, all Iranians and Shias will be "forcefully converted" or "executed"

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NOW I GET U .... what a sectarian piece of crap u are ..... Iranian dog... And why u were pissing the other day,,,, snake... Iranian shit thinks they can play everywhere lolx..... Like the world dont know there shit.... I think khomenei time is near ... more Power to Taliban....
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NOW I GET U .... what a sectarian piece of crap u are ..... Iranian dog... And why u were pissing the other day,,,, snake
Can you tell me what I posted that was sectarian? I am not even Muslim, so that would be quite impressive.

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Is calling Shia Muslims "Rafidi subhuman backstabbers" who will be "forcefully converted back to Sunnism" or "executed" sectarian?

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Is this forum "run by Shia's"? Is calling Shias "kafir people through and through" sectarian according to you?

Or only me posting evidence of someone else's sectarianism is sectarian for you? I guess you don't think any of the above is sectarian, since you share the same beliefs.
Can you tell me what I posted that was sectarian? I am not even Muslim, so that would be quite impressive.

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Is calling Shia Muslims "Rafidi subhuman backstabbers" who will be "forcefully converted back to Sunnism" or "executed" sectarian?

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Is this forum "run by Shia's"? Is calling Shias "kafir people through and through" sectarian according to you?

Or only me posting evidence of someone else's sectarianism is sectarian for you? I guess you don't think any of the above is sectarian, since you share the same beliefs.
u are a piece of shit forwarding ur agenda.... get lost from this thread and dont derail it with your zombies crap..... Bug off sectarian piece of shit.... He is proud that his ancestors were forcefully converted by safavids ... Bastard...
u are a piece of shit forwarding ur agenda.... get lost from this thread and dont derail it with your zombies crap..... Bug off sectarian piece of shit....
You keep calling me sectarian, but can't explain what I said that was sectarian, and refuse to condemn clearly sectarian comments from someone else. This says it all.

I will give you a chance to redeem yourself: do you think this forum is "run by Shia's"? Do you think calling Shia Muslims "kafir people through and through" is sectarian language? I would never say such disgustingly sectarian things about Sunni Muslims.

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show me what Raqqa looked like after the Americans "liberated" it please
I am sure most of the damage in Raqqa was not done by Americans. Can't whitewash what Assad regime did. This loathsome regime would respond to Israeli attacks and occupation of Golan by protests, but went Nazi on Syrian demonstrators. They are all loathsome in the middle east, but Israeli Jews don't genocide their own.
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