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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

u are a piece of shit forwarding ur agenda.... get lost from this thread and dont derail it with your zombies crap..... Bug off sectarian piece of shit.... He is proud that his ancestors were forcefully converted by safavids ... Bastard...
Put them on ignore. He's pulling 7 year old posts. We ask where is Hezbollah to help their ally Hamas, then he starts accusing us of sectarianism. As if that's gonna stop people from criticizing Hezbollah position in conflict so far.
I am sure most of the damage in Raqqa was not done by Americans. Can't whitewash what Assad regime did. This loathsome regime would respond to Israeli attacks and occupation of Golan by protests, but went Nazi on Syrian demonstrators. They are all loathsome in the middle east, but Israeli Jews don't genocide their own.
Syrian Government was not involved in the "liberation" of Raqqa, do some basic research
Intel Slava Z

🇵🇸🇮🇱 Hamas reported the death of 9 Israeli soldiers, the destruction of two IDF combat vehicles and the destruction of an apartment in which soldiers barricaded themselves in Beit Hanoun. The Zionist criminals are demobilizing some of the child killers as their parasitic economy is dying due to the high cost of the war on Gaza women and children.

'Israel' mulling demobilizing reservists over economic woes​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Israeli Media
  • 17 Nov 2023 23:00

The Israeli occupation forces might be letting go of thousands of Israeli reservists as the economy suffers in light of the war on Gaza.

Do you still think the Houthis are a "terrorist minority" and "Rafidi kafir liars" that intend to "commit genocide against Sunni Muslims"? You should tell them to stop firing missiles at Israel, then.

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@waz @LeGenD is this racist language permitted?
yes when twats like u promote sectarianism then u must be put in place.... we have seen alot of ur zaynabion and fatimiyon shit... Khomenei killer of children.... People dont understand .... But indirectly taliban brings sectarian stability to pakistan... U iranian twat....
This war exposed these frauds:

According to what the “resistance” axis says, they are

They were preparing a comprehensive strategic plan to liberate Palestine next year, but the Hamas movement’s operation without prior information and coordination with Hezbollah thwarted the entire plan.

What is behind this escalating rhetoric...is this confirmation that they will not act now or tomorrow?

Or is it a revelation of the tension in the relationship with Hamas?


Jordan has joined KSA intercepting missiles coming to Israel. This is Terror alarm source

Yes Jordan. 50 percent of Jordanians are Palestinian
yes when twats like u promote sectarianism then u must be put in place.... we have seen alot of ur zaynabion and fatimiyon shit... Khomenei killer of children....
For a third time, I ask you: show me where I posted anything that was sectarian. You cannot. Clown.

You don't think calling Shias "kafir people through and through" is sectarian, but somehow me, a non-Muslim who has never posted anything sectarian, is? You are a joke. No surprise you support the terrorist cave dwelling Taliban animals.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 02.45.18.png
For a third time, I ask you: show me where I posted anything that was sectarian. You cannot. Clown.

You don't think calling Shias "kafir people through and through" is sectarian, but somehow me, a non-Muslim who has never posted anything sectarian, is? You are a joke. No surprise you support the terrorist cave dwelling Taliban animals.

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Admins plz ban him.... This is not sectarian defense thread its about whats going on in gaza.... Enough of his repititive sectarian crap....
Some fun snippets about the Battle of Bint Jbeil (2006), where Hezbollah humiliated a massive force of invading IDF terrorists:

"The battle for Bint Jbeil started on 24 July when Israeli forces approached the nearby town of Aynata from the east and approached the Sadr district. Five Golani soldiers were wounded by friendly fire, and two tanks were sent to evacuate them. The first tank was hit by a missile, killing the platoon commander and wounding two of the crewmen. The second tank, a Merkava IV, ran over a powerful remote-controlled mine and rolled over from the blast. One of the crew was killed and the commander of the 52nd battalion, Lt.-Col. Guy Kabili, as well as his deputy, was wounded. An armor-plated D-9 bulldozer that attempted to rescue the casualties was forced to retreat after being hit by a missile.

An Apache Longbow attack helicopter flying support mission for ground forces at Bint Jbeil crashed on the same day on the Israeli side of the border, killing both pilots."

"Gen. Hirsch declared victory to the press. "The town is in our control," he declared on 25 July. "The work is almost completed and the terrorists are fleeing." The statement would quickly prove disastrously wrong. An Israeli soldier would later describe his feelings when hearing Hirsch's words over the radio, while being under Sagger missile attack "from every direction" in the town: "you realize something is wrong."

The third company walked into a well-prepared ambush in the outskirts of Aynata, the town immediately to the east of Bint Jbeil. IDF Platoon commander Merchavia and two of his men were killed immediately as they entered the olive grove surrounded by high wall. One Hezbollah unit attacked the Israeli force in the grove while a second unit fired at the reinforcements from positions in the upper stories of buildings with small arms and anti-tank rockets. Most of the soldiers from the platoon that entered the olive grove were eventually killed or wounded.

The battalion's deputy commander, Major Roi Klein was seriously wounded when he reportedly covered a hand grenade with his body to save his troops. The only soldier who witnessed the episode, Sgt. Shimon Adega, was killed shortly afterward. Klein was later killed by a second grenade. Then the company commander was injured and his deputy was killed. Lt. Itamar Katz, who did not know the names of his men, took over command. 25 immobile wounded lay in the orchard screaming for help.

After evacuating their dead and wounded, the Israelis withdrew from its positions in Aynata, claiming to have "completed operations"."

This is how you fight a noble battle and defeat a technologically and numerically superior enemy, not by kidnapping 85 year old women.

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