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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Admins plz ban him.... This is not sectarian defense thread its about whats going on in gaza.... Enough of his repititive sectarian crap....
He's posting 7 year old posts which I got 6 month bans for. Because he is mad we are posting real time updates. Which he may or may not like. Childish behavior.
Admins plz ban him.... This is not sectarian defense thread its about whats going on in gaza.... Enough of his repititive sectarian crap....
For the fourth time: show me where I said anything sectarian ever. According to you, me posting evidence of @Falcon29's multiple disgusting sectarian comments about Shia Muslims is sectarian! LOL

If you are going to call someone sectarian, you should produce the evidence. Like I did for your friend. But you are a liar and a clown, so you cannot produce an iota of evidence for your lies.
He's posting 7 year old posts which I got 6 month bans for. Because he is mad we are posting real time updates. Which he may or may not like. Childish behavior.
I thought you had me muted and were not looking at my posts? :lol:
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Jordan has joined KSA intercepting missiles coming to Israel. This is Terror alarm source

Yes Jordan. 50 percent of Jordanians are Palestinian
Jordan is totally occupied by US and Zionist masters, There are 10,000 US troops in Jordan who protect the midget Abdullah. Jordan was created by the British masters by dividing Iraq. It is a fake state and very repressive one. It has killed an many Palestinians as the Zionists in the Black September 1970, with the Pakistani bastard Zia ul Haq's help.
This is how you fight a noble battle. You slander and attack Hamas for dealing Israel the worst blow since it's existence and fire at columns and pillars.

I guess IDF soldiers must be living in those columns and pillars

you are upset they didn't kidnap 85 year old women, I guess, but not everyone can be as genius and sophisticated in their military doctrines as Hamas
Jordan is totally occupied by US and Zionist masters, There are 10,000 US troops in Jordan who protect the midget Abdullah. Jordan was created by the British masters by dividing Iraq. It is a fake state and very repressive one. It has killed an many Palestinians as the Zionists in the Black September 1970, with the Pakistani bastard Zia ul Haq's help.

50 percent Palestinian population of Jordan did not make a protest to that.

That is interesting.
Syrian Government was not involved in the "liberation" of Raqqa, do some basic research
Okay, looks like US did indiscriminate bombings in Raqqa killing many civilians. But, Assad didn't care about civilians in Syria, Russians didn't, Iranians didn't, Americans didn't either. America didn't create millions of displaced Syrians, this could only be done by the regime and its backers.
50 percent Palestinian population of Jordan did not make a protest to that.

That is interesting.
Have you seen how brutal the Zionist trained Jordanian police is? they beat up school kids just for mentioning the word PALESTINE. Jordan is one of the most repressive police state in the Arab world. The CIA controls every aspect of Jordan, like Egypt, Saudis, Emiratis etc. THERE ARE NO PROTESTS ALLOWED IN JORDAN!
He's posting 7 year old posts which I got 6 month bans for. Because he is mad we are posting real time updates. Which he may or may not like. Childish behavior.
Guys I respect all of you for your sincere support for the Palestinians who are facing a real holocaust at Zionist evil hands, so please STOP ATTACKING EACH OTHER. I know this is a difficult time, but a united and principled stand is needed. We have enough enemies within and without.
Okay, looks like US did indiscriminate bombings in Raqqa killing many civilians. But, Assad didn't care about civilians in Syria, Russians didn't, Iranians didn't, Americans didn't either. America didn't create millions of displaced Syrians, this could only be done by the regime and its backers.
In the liberation of Aleppo (which lasted for over a month), 465 civilians were killed and 450 anti-government terrorists were killed by the Government. That's a 1:1 ratio. By contrast, in tiny Gaza, Israel kills more than that number of civilians every day with a 100:1 ratio of civilians to combatants. Only a braindead individual could try to compare this.

The anti-government terrorists also killed 150 Syrian civilians with their indiscriminate shelling, and most Syrian civilians continue to live under the protection of the Syrian Government, but these facts don't fit your narrative.

Guys I respect all of you for your sincere support for the Palestinians who are facing a real holocaust and Zionist evil hands, so please STOP ATTACKING EACH OTHER. I know this is a difficult time, but a united and principled stand is needed. We have enough enemies within and with out.
Did you not see the screenshots I posted? This guy has a long-standing and deep-rooted racist and venomous hatred of Iranians and Shias. It doesn't take much for this to come to the surface for him, he can only pretend not to hate Iranians and Shias for so long.
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