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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You and your garbage continue! Some land was sold and so that makes the immigrants the owner of a new State?? And talking about the land: 12,000+ Sq Km was 'Sold' by 'Arabs'?
Lol no
It shows lack of insight of people and leadership
Guess you are more a moron then I thought

(Two people can play the game of calling other people morons)
Incredible isnoreal

The lengths these scumbags go to hid their crimes. Incredible thrashing and bombing the hospital - realising the shit is about to hit the fan - they now pretend to give aide for the dying patients?
You vermin - firstly you shouldn’t have bombed a place for the injured and dying - then to pretend to offer assistance now after the incubators have had to be turned off is utter disgusting.
Whoever is calling the shots know they will be trialled for war crimes.
Now I see why some Jews are so shit out at
Film production - Hollywood would be proud of the snippet of audios being released
I know she is anti war etc. But in America, speaking against Israel is another thing because that's a red-line for the pro Israeli forces in America. Already champions for 'free speech and against the 'cancel culture' have changed their tunes when it comes to discussion about the Israel-Palestine conflict--and many of them are Israel Firsters like Ben Shapiro and Rubin.

Here is a video where two prominent Right Wingers in America (Glenn and Tucker) are again expressing their fears about free speech under threat.

She's spoken out for years.

Greenwald and Carlson -really? You might be better off looking elsewhere for your political commentary.
I just heard this

whoever you cannot criticise in your country is who is in control

in USSR couldn't criticise leaders

in China you cant criticise Xi

in Cuban you couldn't criticise Castro

and in USA you cant criticise who? which group ?

yes exactly the Jewish lobby AIPAC
First use of IED? A group of Nazis stopped on the road are blown to pieces by al-Qassam.

I believe that was a mortar team

first one landed just short second one right on the money

I doubt they could plant a IED too risky with drones everywhere and also how did they know Israeli would stop there
one of the hostages that was released at the beginning said that actually. That IDF was shooting left right and centre and they killed many of their Israeli citizens. Benjamin Netanyahu and is Lying Jewish Zionist scum lied to the world blaming Hamas mujahideen

Religion and prejudice make people completely blind.

How many videos are there where Hamas terrorists were directly firing on the cars and people, but blind APOLOGISTS are still denying it.

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