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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In their defense, Saudi monarch is known to suppress their own people fast if they speak out.

They know how much impact their country will have the moment their sheikhs tells the people to rise up, meaning it will hurt their own throne.
People of every single Muslim country need to revolt.
Take power back from these cowards.
If this massacre doesn't cause the useless Arab and Muslim leaders to act, I don't know what will. We're truly cursed with leaders like this. A tiny cruel, settler entity can cause this enormous pain and suffering to us, and here we're always burying our head in the sand with shame. We truly became people with a weak eman. :mad:

We do have weak emaan. In contrast, look at this little Palestinian girl -

If this massacre doesn't cause the useless Arab and Muslim leaders to act, I don't know what will. We're truly cursed with traitorous leaders. A tiny cruel, settler entity can cause this enormous pain and suffering to us, and here we're always burying our head in the sand with shame. We truly became people with a weak eman. :mad:
We need to revolt in our respective countries. Let these cowards know we dont side with them.
So attacking a hospital with precision weapons is not war crime
Attacking a hospital which is illegally used for military purposes is legal after an unheeded warning. This is easily avoidable by not building military bases inside hospitals.

but if your artillery rocket deviate from its course and hit a building it is a warcrime
Hamas use of unguided artillery rockets fired at population centers is according to Goldstone bordering to Crime against Humanity, possibly over the border.
If Arab countries have nuclear weapons with a range of over 10000KM(Even 3000KM is enough). They don't even need fighter jets.

Remember. Nuclear power comes first.
They can't use that nuclear power because Israelis also have it, it would be MAD.

It would be deterrence
the question did USA condemned 75 years of occupation and oppression that led to Palestinian resistance today
What do you think happened that got Israel to give up territories in return for peace? I mean they could have just kept it all.
If Arab countries have nuclear weapons with a range of over 10000KM(Even 3000KM is enough). They don't even need fighter jets.

Remember. Nuclear power comes first.
Ok but then you be killing the Palestinians that they supposedly come to protect then right?
Don't know what you are going on about. With every 'normalization' step Israel took with Arab regimes, who are gross violaters of human rights, Israel escalated its abuse, persecution, violence, and human rights violation against Palestinians. Every western human rights organization reported it. Amnesty International called Israel apartheid state years ago. That is a very kind word for Israel. It is much worse than that. Years ago I met some South African Muslims originally from Gujarat, India, and they said life wasn't too bad in apartheid for them.
You know what I'm going on about. You know the Hamas attacks could provoke something like this. What do you think the end goal was for Hamas? To get the Israelis to bomb and killed the Palestinians? Now Hamas and Iran asked to stop the bombings? We are sorry for provoking you? Or is this what they really want? Maybe hopefully to get the Israeli Army in Gaza and destroy it. You think that was Hamas's plan?
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