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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I love this guy

Jackson Hinkle was basically kicked out of You Tube because he presented an alternate view about the Russia-Ukraine war. I had seen his videos where he appeared unshaven, dejected, gently asking to be supported through Patreon.
But he has sure found great support by so openly coming to support Palestinians. And that's whats needed: Americans supporting Palestinians and exposing the Military Industrial Complex and its nexus with the Israel Firsters in America.
Again, countless videos of non-Muslims picking up reading the Quran due to the confidence in God they see in the Palestinian people;

That was pretty good. She has such innocence and bravery to put herself out there and talk about how she was impressed with the magnificent verses in the Qur'an. I'm sure she will get a large dose of unfortunate hateful comments and replies from the large, bigoted, anti-Muslim MAGA crowd out there. Hopefully that doesn't deter her from pursuing the terrific positive views she learned for herself. Even questioning her interpretations was fantastic. The younger generations here in the US seems to be a lot more willing to learn for themselves instead of simply accepting common peer pressure. At least that's what I'm noticing. It's also evident from the generational approval of the Palestinian struggle that we saw earlier in this thread. The older geezers are less inclined for some bizarre reason.

I don't know the details but my guess is one of his objections may have been regarding Palestinian sovereignty. He would have wanted a full-fledged state which means a Palestinian army, something Arabs failed to establish between 1948-67. Egypt and Jordan lost those territories, as they weren't fighting for their homeland, leaving Palestinians behind against the most racist regime in world history. Another issue might have been the return of refugees. Third should be constitutional equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians in Israel and Palestine. The 1948 UN plan was that the two countries would operate as an economic unit, which implies freedom of travel and residency.

You challenged my comment about the majority of Palestinians believe along the same lines as the zionisist, as far as a 1 state solution. They understand that is the way the zionists think and so their option is to only think the same for them. Nothing wrong with that and I've been crystal clear about that part. You used Sadat's comment at the end of the video claiming that wasn't Arafat's/Palestinians point of view at the time. I replied and pointed out to you why did he refuse to even negotiate on a 2-state if he was ok with it, and he represented all the Palestinians at the time so he did speak for them. I even showed you another example with the signing of the map of the Abraham Accords in 1994.

Now you're shifting the goal posts saying "well maybe he objected etc." and that's fine. But it doesn't take away from the fact that he represented the Palestinian people who lean towards a full Palestinian state rather than a 2-state sollution, just like the zionists and the Palestinians backed him up for doing what he did. If you're not convinced and you still think the majority of the Palestinians want a 2-state instead, that's fine. I'm not here to convince you or force your thinking one way or the other. I merely replied to your challenge. Cheers.

Forgive my inability to express my position plainly to be understood in the desired context.

I listened to Sadat and I heard a man who did bargain from a position of weakness. "I'm not ready to bargain on my land, at all!"
He says immediately retorting to 1967 borders! May be I miss heard... yes he was making a compromise in every sentence with a qualification... A rump state Egypt was his answer...
A Sinai demilitarised zone... a UN peace keeping force, even American boots are to be considered etc.

"And the Arab land!"
Remember Palestinians are already under occupation, were occupied and Isreal immediately increased in size right after it's U.N backed creation. A rump state Palestine only ties their hands further... when they can keep giving it away both on the negotiating table and on the field. Remember their IS or was NO ONE, in equal capacity and strength to help Palestinians force their will on the battlefield.

So, what do we have on the table... Arafat is gone, Sadat, and Mubarak as well... we have a rump West Bank in straight jacket and rump state Egypt tied in accords, to the hilt, handcuffed and unable to do anything except witness ONLY in hopes that when they're done with Gaza they'd not seek Sinai!

And as I mentioned in my previous post... judging by history... American history and accords with the natives. That these pieces of paper only help keep the belligerent take out it's foes one at a time, at it's foremost will and at the peak of it's capacity and at the time of it's choosing. The victim just keeps seeking all the shade, protection and time it can by complying to it's end of the bargain, only to be brought to the slaughterhouse with all knots still tied.

I suggest, maybe, you check, who you bargained with, before hiding behind those, for the apparent safety they offer.
It is limited and the expiration date isn't noted.

American Indian treaties offer an amazing insight. But as I said those aren't alone.
As Thucydides said,
“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

Congratulations. I honestly am not interested in your negative opinion. Your cunning and sly remarks have only one intention, to disparage Arab and particularly Egyptian integrity. Perfectly fine, have a ball and enjoy all the accolades you get from doing that. I'm only interested in substantive dialogue minus the insulting, hateful & disparaging remarks. There is absolutely no benefit for me to engage in that with you. Lord knows there is more than enough of that on this forum to go around 10 times over.

This sucks. Do you know if they've evacuated Deir El Balah completely? I have a friend whose family is there, and she & her husband haven't been able to reach them, even before they cut power & internet. They're worried sick and who can blame them. I'm trying to help them with any info in any way I can. My other buddy from Ramallah has been trying to leave here to get back and be with his family but he's having the worst time doing that. Even a noble Palestinian like him has to struggle mightily during normal times just to go back and visit his country. Now he says it's almost impossible for him. Poor guy gets questioned for 3 hours at the airport by a bunch of zionists bimbos just to make it difficult on him. 7aga khara awi!
Soon to be rott in hell. There will be so much wrath at the children of khazari....
First Ukraine
Israel Next
Wtf you doing on PDF ? Go fight cz soon khazari which in reality is Gog mogog will die..
Let me tell you how the khazari gog Magog will be whiped out ..
It's prophesied that GOG MAGOG will die from a disease....
American people are getting sick of this zionist BS hence
Btw little update for all the PDF members
I dated this slut while I was in midwood HS fked the shiznt out of her .. you can ask her .... She probably still remember the M5 ride thru Bedford Ave to Madison HS .... 😂😂 good times good times...
She is one pissed off cz a Turkish guy fked her and left her followed by my nut in her mouth.... She threatened to call cops on me 😭😭😭... I fked her on knapp street hotel Holiday Inn and once I came I left her telling her I'm gonna get some beer..... Well you know I was on my way home...
Long story short we often ran into each other on kings highway or Brooklyn college Starbucks.....
Where do you think o learned
Motza balls
We use to go to the one on Ave T near 59st right of from Kings plaza
Oh the pizza E14 and ave J total kosher
Dafuq did i read
Paktoad, the military diferential of India and Pakistan is not the same as the population differential. 1971 war for example was 1 million strong Indian army against 500,000 strong Pakistani army, yet your got a spanking despite being in a defensive posture. You unofficially spend like 10% of your budget on the army, we spend like 2%.

You people bootlick for Palestinians despite having nothing to do with them. No bootlicking for rohingyas or ulghurs, but yea, for Palestinians you will go in phull sapport mode. You have nothing whatsoever to do with this conflict yet you have spend your time hating Israel. The only reason India supports Israel is because you support the Palestinians, this is schoolyard rules.
OK Cow Piss drinker, half of Pak army were Bengalis, most of our naval officers and crew were Bengalis and the outcome was inevitable. You lick Israeli Boots even though they see you as inferior and dirty people. Netyanhu even insulted Rishi Sunak by refusing to allow Sunak to kiss him. To the jews you are just dirty pieces of rags to be used for their agenda, then one day they will treat you like the Palestinians too.
This sucks. Do you know if they've evacuated Deir El Balah completely? I have a friend whose family is there, and she & her husband haven't been able to reach them, even before they cut power & internet. They're worried sick and who can blame them. I'm trying to help them with any info in any way I can. My other buddy from Ramallah has been trying to leave here to get back and be with his family but he's having the worst time doing that. Even a noble Palestinian like him has to struggle mightily during normal times just to go back and visit his country. Now he says it's almost impossible for him. Poor guy gets questioned for 3 hours at the airport by a bunch of zionists bimbos just to make it difficult on him. 7aga khara awi!

People are still in their homes but go to sea for their basic needs during morning hours if they can.

Israel is in trouble. There needs to be humantarian corridor for Israeli refugees to seek refuge in Europe. Why is Europe not letting them in!?

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