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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Well, I don’t like to see innocent Israelis die. I don’t like to see innocent Palestinians die.
On both sides the leaders are responsible for a lot of suffering. But the civilians ON BOTH SIDES are suffering.

They should put Netanyahu, Sinwar, Hanijeh and others in a cage and fight themselves. While they hide in their villas, their soldiers and fighters die.

And that, is the true tragedy of every war.

I have one advice. Watch the speech Charlie Chaplin made while impersonating Hitler, in the movie The Great Dictator.

This speech is still valid, 90 years later:

Your not making sense

Outside of open conflict, the Palestinians are under occupation and oppression and the Israeli are continuously expanding the illegal settlements,,,,, but your countries are doing nothing and I would add you as an individual go back to your normal life

Expecting millions of Palestinians to live under siege occupation apartheid and oppression is not tolerable

And you popping up whenever the brutal occupation gets a response is stupid
I have been really disappointed with Germany. I thought germans were smart but i was so wrong. Germans mostly are stupid pathetic morons. They went the wrong way by standing with hitler and standing with genocide and massacre... And now yet once again these bufoons stand with israel and again stand with genocide and massacre. History will remember u idiots.
germans are held by the holocaust guilt and always will be. Israel will say jump Germany will say how high. Truly pathetic. Its akin to a mother spoiling a child because she dropped the baby on the head.
Because the Palestinians are winning?
At least not like you Serbs who achieved the world record in war you couldn't kill a single opposition soldier. Despite, Kacavenda The Monk praying - though such distinctive persona at least can say that he is the number 1 peodo and faggot in the history of Balkans. You known him well. He bumed you senseless
The airlift being carried out by the US appears to be akin to the 1973 airlift they carried out when Israelis were against the wall.. draw your own conclusions…
do you now.

as i said a dog attacking some guy, he didn't open fire before the attack
but what the poor cat did , Mewed at your F-15

you did not even spare Garfield
We know Israeli units attempted incursions into Gaza and were repelled and withdrew. We have video footage of a Panther APC being hit by a ATGM by Hamas near the border of Gaza. I do not expect Israel to admit the full extent of their losses.

Regarding whether Israeli units have entered Gaza and are operating from inside Gaza, this provides useful clarification:

"The Oasis area is an open security area and is not considered a populated area. It is classified as a relatively empty area, and there are only recreational chalets in it. It is not considered an area protected from entry. The area extending from Zakim to the Oasis and the American School are all open security areas, and entry is expected, but this is not considered A real ground advance entered Gaza.

The occupation is looking for a picture and a snapshot in order to say that it is making progress on the ground."

The soldier placing the flag on the building tells you all you need to know - they are never leaving Gaza..
Netanyahu: Our holy book says, "You must remember what Amalek did to you"

The Verse Referred to is I Samuel 15:3: Now go and smite Amalek. Destroy completely everything they have, and do not spare them; kill both man and woman, babies and nursing ones, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.

This man is now completely out of his mind. The fact that Secular Europeans, who cannot tolerate the slightest religious reference when it comes to Islam, not even the Tekbir, cannot utter a word against the most bigoted religious state in the history of the world, is a clear picture of the collapse of western civilization. They just came to point of passive puppet states under the auspices of evangelical terrorisn and Zionist terrorism
At least not like you Serbs who achieved the world record in war you couldn't kill a single opposition soldier. Despite, Kacavenda The Monk praying - though such distinctive persona at least can say that he is the number 1 peodo and faggot in the history of Balkans. You known him well. He bumed you senseless
1.I'm not a Serb.
2.Stop nagging,when Serbs were kicking your *** you were crying,when you were winning you called them cowards.
3.I've no idea about the weird shit you're talking about all the time,these obscure supposed sources and unknown people you keep mentioning.
Netanyahu: Our holy book says, "You must remember what Amalek did to you"

The Verse Referred to is I Samuel 15:3: Now go and smite Amalek. Destroy completely everything they have, and do not spare them; kill both man and woman, babies and nursing ones, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.

This man is now completely out of his mind. The fact that Secular Europeans, who cannot tolerate the slightest religious reference when it comes to Islam, not even the Tekbir, cannot utter a word against the most bigoted religious state in the history of the world, is a clear picture of the collapse of western civilization. Your era is over.
It was all facade and lies by them in last century and people got duped by it.
Racial religious supremacy thing never left the building by inch in west.
Apologies, brother. It can be hard to tell if someone is trolling or not. Your line of questioning seemed very similar to trollish comments made by anti-Hezbollah propagandists in recent days.

Lebanon is in dire crisis and Hezbollah does not control Lebanon in the way Hamas controls Gaza. Hezbollah has a lot to take into consideration before it escalates and takes Lebanon to a destructive war with Israel (for example, a large Christian population which strongly opposes such a war).

Hezbollah is ultimately a guerrilla force best suited to defensive operations where they resist and repel an invading force. In recent years they have added some, limited offensive capability with their experience in Syria and the Ridwan Unit. It is not clear what their military goals would be if they were to escalate, fire thousands of rockets and missiles into Israel, cause a lot of damage, then get invaded by Israel and have their cities carpet bombed? There is not much military utility in that.
Constant war is a strategy. It's a way that countries get tired and exhausted, South Africa was in a constant state of war. People eventually relised that their regime can survive only if they are in a constant state of war. They gave up and went back to europe and Australia. and Canada.

Yes they will try to invade Lebanon again. perhaps demolish it. They cant totally demolish it, people will rebuild. Are they going to occupy another 6 million people in Lebanon? what then? conquer syria and control another 30 million? At some point they will be stretched too far. unable to control things. Unable to provide safety and security to anyone.

Then the colonial project expands. and it will eventually fall like British colonies and French colonies. Which were much more powerful than the future Israeli colonies.

Or will they get US to occupy Lebanon for them? and Iraq again? Look, it will just not work out for them. They re in a war against humanity. Muslims are the humanity. 25% of the world population. They will lose, and this is only one strategy. There are others but Iran and its proxies have chose to implement this one. We will see how it goes.

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