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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Lebanon is a borderline failed state and the pro-Israel / anti-Hezbollah Christian groups and militias are growing stronger. They will not forgive Hezbollah if Hezbollah goes to war for Hamas and invites destruction into Lebanon, a civil war could even erupt.

Syria is in anything but good shape. Their country is still occupied by salafist jihadists, Turks and Americans.

Christians and Hezbollah have good relations minus one militia. They can't harm Hezbollah. Lebanese state and army would stand behind them in the event of a confrontation. Hezbollah probably just wants to preserve it's arsenal and continue serving it's base. It doesn't want setbacks. Iran wants to preserve them too in case a strike on its nuclear program. Hezbollah could rebuild it's arsenal in 1-2 years I'd imagine.

Why Gaza have 2g network and is intentionally confined to 2g network?

Israel won't allow any modern infrastructure into Gaza and threatens to bomb it. Israel is a terrorist state.
USA is a failed state with idiots running around everywhere. USA has about 1-5 years left in it's existence before it plunges into a severe economic depression and civil war. The people here are largely retarded. As someone who lives here, international world is truly out of touch with mental state of Americans and cultural state. It's gonna implode.

Christians and Hezbollah have good relations minus one militia. They can't harm Hezbollah. Lebanese state and army would stand behind them in the event of a confrontation. Hezbollah probably just wants to preserve it's arsenal and continue serving it's base. It doesn't want setbacks. Iran wants to preserve them too in case a strike on its nuclear program. Hezbollah could rebuild it's arsenal in 1-2 years I'd imagine.
The March 14 alliance controls 30% of Parliament and they have militias. The Lebanese Army is funded and armed by the US, and would definitely not side with Hezbollah ever.

I agree with the rest of what you say.
What you said about the Palestinian position is contradicted by Sadat. Looks like you didn't watch your own video. I timestamped it.

lol, yeah, ok @ I didn't watch my own video. Good one. :lol:

So tell me, if Sadat answered the question on whether Arafat would accept a 2-state solution and he said, "they have taken a very advanced decision that they will create a Palestinian state on whatever land be delivered to them," yes?

Then you tell me, why did Arafat refuse to even negotiate on that, right off the bat? He declined the entire concept of a two-state solution before any negotiations took place, because............why? 🙂

He even declined to sign the preliminary map to the Abraham Accords in 1994 while standing on the stage with Yitzhak Rabin and Mubarak! That frustrated the living hell out of Mubarak where you could hear him tell Arafat to "stop playing games and being a fool and sign the effing paper you son of a dog!" loool. IIRC, he did end up signing it only after almost being beaten up by Mubarak but then he added a clause to his signature. That prompted Shimon Perez to confront him right on stage and point his finger in Arafat's face while everyone was cheering. I think Perez was telling him that he was preventing peace and if it fails it would be on him. It was somewhat of an awkward moment but very telling.

I think it's pretty clear what his position was, and he spoke for the Palestinians.

You see (and I honestly don't mean to undermine or belittle you in any way, honest to God that is not my intention because this might sound like that but no other way to say it) unless you've lived through this time, through this culture, through the region, through the Palestinian people, it's difficult to understand the actual beliefs & intentions people have in that area.

Hamas doesn't stand a chance. Israel can easily take out terrorists. So far Israel hasn't lost a single tank in Gaza. Impressive.
Bruh you spoke about how you have not witnessed this much disinformation and then you go on posting tweets of the person who is a self professed spokesperson of idf? Come on mannnnn. I have somebody that I know and he can tweet that usa has lost all its fleet and Israel is done and dusted. If you’re going to pretend to be “impartial “ and “righteous “ Do a better job don’t fail epically like you have here it is honestly embarrassing. I am not even trollling just pointing out plain stupidity. This ain’t Ukraine bro this is civilian population that’s being bombed daily.

Vivek Ramaswamy is obviously walking back his original stance of "weening Israel off of aid money", remember that? That was when that insufferable wicked witch of the west nicky shumckyhalley rippen him a new a hole about how he doesn't support the dear Israelis and showed him how you have to suck up to the zionists if you want to get anywhere in US politics. He seems to be learning that and slowly introducing his change in attitude with this BS. Too bad, I thought he might've been on to something if he stuck to his guns.
On topic: in my opinion Israeli military has been exposed. Any army worth their salt would have invaded by now. Instead they are only reduced to bombing a population that can’t defend itself. It doesn’t get more cowardly then that or as they say here it’s a bitch move.
Name of the game is to win with least casualties and losses on your side. Everything else is BS. Modern war is not a Gladiator sport.'Cowardly' and 'Bravery' are medieval concepts suited to King Arthur's battles.

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