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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

He knows.....


Some facts about this loony macron which some members here might not know about his wife. It’s weird pedo borderline stuff: In 1993, at the age of 40, she met the 15-year-old Emmanuel Macron in La Providence High School[21] where she was a teacher and he was a student and a classmate of her daughter Laurence.[22]She divorced Auzière in January 2006 and married Macron in October 2007.[23][24]She has seven grandchildren.[25]
Had you paid better attention to my avatar you would notice that it is from the Epic Mahābhārata ,Krishna blowning his Horn before the battle.

Had you read it you would understand why it is relevent to the topics here. Krishna by the way tried to stop that war , but one side refused - saying he would not give up even one inch of land , reminds you of anyone ...?. Not so diffrent than our story.

Krishna by the way in many places in the wold ,is not used as a religous image , but more of a symbol for peace , love freedom , happiness.

Starting with the hippies movment in the 60 that brought those ideas from India , it is now a universal synbol . same as the smiling Budha :

e,g :

And speaking of india.

India is one of the few countries that manged to get free from colonialism . with little use of violence.

India is one of the few countries that rather than keep resentment to their past occupiers , respect the british colture and adupted from them stuff they like.

They now beat England in cricket and UK have a PM of Indian descent.

So maybe there is something to learn from them after all ?


A Jew can never write this post

It is a pajeet. Confirmed
Don’t get me started about krishna and his 16,000 wives and how he supposedly stole clothes from women while they were bathing

You do understand you are getting worked up over a story ?

I understand the clothes are symbolic to attchment to material stuff.

You folks created this virus. You should take it back.

Nope. We dont produce the Zionists. Take a look back over the thousands of years. There you can see that there was always a difference between this kind of "zionist style" and Jews.
Thanks but no thanks for telling me facts about a country which I have no interest in but you clearly have a bias for, like I previously said phull sapport. You know a lot about Mahabharata yoy do realize how Krishna had the pandavas eldest brother killed. I know because I had a childhood interest in mythology. If you had read the Quran as voiceforusly as you read the Mahabharata then you wouldn’t have spewed biased venom in this thread. I know ALOT more about Hinduism than you do. Because I research all the faiths before establishing faith in Islam and my religion teaches the same to research and reflect!

Don’t get me started about krishna and his 16,000 wives and how he supposedly stole clothes from women while they were bathing if that is god then I am glad I am Muslim and believe in a god who is above any physical characteristic and has no partners.

Facts bro! First we need to stop label each other as kafirs and have unity then we can go out and conquer the world. The early muslims were successful not only because of faith which they had plenty but unity as well!
Pajeet can’t hide the facts of his real ID
Here we are on the Gaza conflict and mr pajeet roles into a lesson on Indian history that we
Ain’t interested in. Desperate to pretend deep he’s not pajeet not realising his in depth knowledge of statue worshipping is second to none.
Pajeet is not intelligent enough to hid his true nationality
Yes...heard it all before sadly....If only the palestinians would accept occupation and a zionist version of apartheid everything would be fine.....for the zionists.
Basically its a variation on the:please craw off into a dark corner somewhere and die quietly out of sight and out of mind of us.
This is basically:if you`re not going to craw away to die,then please quietly just accept your lot as non-persons living under a brutal foreign occupation with no rights of any kind,or indeed anything else apart from whatever few small crumbs the zionists in their boundless munificence see fit to throw you......when they`re not stealing what little you have left that is.
Do you know what they use to call this sort of thinking?
No,I'm not saying they should accept occupation,but bombing buses and cafes isn't exactly good for the Palestinian cause.
You do understand you are getting worked up over a story ?


No shit genius and it is a story created to satisfy lusts of brahmins who vow not to touch women. In their devotion to god but maybe cause their god did not leave any woman for them. See how twisted this crap is., just like the sky is blue and water is wet. By the way the manner in which you were giving us a lecture on Mahabharata it seemed like you believed every word so it is a fairy tale for me but maybe not for you? Btw I keep derailing this thread by feeding to your troll behaviour if you want to debate Judaism or Hinduism with me we can open a separate thread and go all guns blazing I don’t mind. But not here.
No shit genius and it is a story created to satisfy lusts of brahmins who vow not to touch women. In their devotion to god but maybe cause their god did not leave any woman for them. See how twisted this crap is., just like the sky is blue and water is wet. By the way the manner in which you were giving us a lecture on Mahabharata it seemed like you believed every word so it is a fairy tale for me but maybe not for you?

If you want to sell a story you need intresting plot , just saying.
If you want to sell a story you need intresting plot , just saying.

Kinda like the plot israel sells to the west about not bombing hospitals but ask patients to evacuate and then gives the blockbuster of tunnels underneath hospitals that even Spielberg couldn’t conjure up. Maybe “Ronnie Screwala” can produce this crap of a script that sounds like a b grade movie plot.
Kinda like the plot israel sells to the west about not bombing hospitals but ask patients to evacuate and then gives the blockbuster of tunnels underneath hospitals that even Spielberg couldn’t conjure up. Maybe “Ronnie Screwala” can produce this crap of a script that sounds like a b grade movie plot.

You mean this incident ?

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