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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I have spent years discusing this issues , dont feel this is the right atmosphere right now to discuss it here.

Not that it is not important subject.

But taking now , about who is to blame for f*cking it up 30 years ago , would not improve things now.

Agreed. We should create a separate thread to discuss that for sure. Don’t get me wrong I of all people will openly say I’m no Hamas fan. I like to look at both angles which is why at the start of this conflict many of the more ardent and passionate members here labelled me a Zionist bootlicker just for me saying “come on guys kidnapping people is a shit move.”.

There is a saying where we come from, don’t stir the hornets nest unless you want to get stung, if Hamas is a security threat to Israel sure that should be dealt with but this method is just wrong, the scale of it is wrong and using starvation as a weapon is unconscionable.

Anyone who disagrees with the latter is either stuck in the mediaeval era (king Richard calls and he wants his despot back) or is frankly so blind that they cannot see the woods for the trees.
Hamas went into this knowing this is like their final move. They will be finished maybe but will die fighting. The hostages were maybe intended to be used as bargaining chips and to prevent blind scorch earth bombings from Zionists. But Zionists didn’t even care about their own.
Don't be fooled,Hamas doesn't care about their own either. That,you should know.
I'm hearing EU dumbfucks talk about Gaza war, and they constantly talk only about Iran financial support to Hamas, they dont say the word "Qatar", never, goddamn, good money must be given Qatar to them to keep them so quiet.
Guys. What is happening is unreal.

This is genocide.

Plain and simple.

And the world is allowing it to happen.

I don’t even know what to say at this point.
Well short of starting WWIII, there is not much the world can do, Israel has said it will do things on its own terms and a timeframe to suit them. Even uncle Samiullah can’t tame them.
I'm hearing EU dumbfucks talk about Gaza war, and they constantly talk only about Iran financial support to Hamas, they dont say the word "Qatar", never, goddamn, good money must be given Qatar to them to keep them so quiet.
Qataris are and always have been shrewd businessmen. Plain and simple.
Me think it doesnt matter. If they send a lot e.g. drones then enough would hit to pressure Israel to sock up their AD in the southern region. And that would lower the AD in rest of Israel.
But a lot of them will land in Egypt and will kill Egyptians. The Egyptian Army spokesman said the drones came from the south of Red Sea.
You already hate us because of your natzis view. we don't care and we will continue eradicate Hamas isis in qaza. 20 days and all big talks form Arabs state/ iran and hizbullah..all are ((.))🤣
They hate you because you are an ethnic cleansing murderous nation. But the rest of the world did not know that and you just put that up on the billboard. All your nukes won't be useful because the spineless arab countries that you have them for won't come after you. But your destiny will be the Palestenaians. Using nuke on your own soil won't work.

So off Israelis will go into the sea in the next 30 years. It will be a temporary blip in history
Well short of starting WWIII, there is not much the world can do, Israel has said it will do things on its own terms and a timeframe to suit them. Even uncle Samiullah can’t tame them.
Uncle Sam can tame everybody, even Iran, remember Iran Deal.

But they wont do it, because they are the main scriptwriters of this movie.

Although they always wants to be seen as the peaceful men, when in fact they are the main instigator of every single conflict of this planet.
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