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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Ya Sayfullah al Yabani,look...this is the exact mentality that prevents people from finding a solution.
Sorry but I just can’t wrap my mind around surrendering half of legally Palestinian territory to an illegal alien occupier.
They go back to Europe and end their illegal state.
If they want to visit their holy sites or anything in Palestine they go through legal process and get a visa to do so.
Anyone illegal invader settler thief of military age who doesn’t vacate the land they illegally set foot on, they are a lawful target.
You as a Greek you don’t accept northern Cyprus while the people there are native. But still consider Cyprus as one (I have no objection to this). Occupied Palestine is literally illegal European settlers who occupied it. You wouldn’t want to give up half of your rightful property to an illegal settler for “peace”. Don’t expect others to do so either.

The land belongs to Palestinians. Any “peace” that illegally gives a single inch of Palestine to Zionists is not “peace” but a declaration of war.
Uncle Sam can tame everybody, even Iran, remember Iran Deal.

But they wont do it, because they are the main scriptwriters of this movie.

Although they always wants to be seen as the peaceful men, when in fact they are the main instigator of every single conflict of this planet.
Allow me to rephrase that, Uncle Samiullah doesn’t wish to reign in their little Bastard child in the ME right now. 😊
The obvious question.

WTF is Egypt Syria and Jordan doing?
Syria is practically a failed state at this point, Jordan is close to Israel, Egypt well, Egypt is much more complicated. I’ve run out of coffee to explain it in detail but @Gomig-21 can elaborate further the complexities of Egypts involvement here.
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Don't be fooled,Hamas doesn't care about their own either. That,you should know.
That could be true.
But what do Gazans have to lose?
Gazans were pushed into this.
They have been blockaded and isolated from the world for years.
Frequent Zionist air strikes kill them.
They were already living in horrible living conditions with little hope.
The only thing many of them had to lose was their life.
Zionist created this issue. Now they’re facing against a people who have nothing to lose but their life.

The missle probably came from Yemen and the target was Israel. not surprised the modern day pharoah is acting as Israel air defence

Don't blindly believe everything you read/hear. Think about this for a minute.

If one of the alleged drones was flying "outside Egyptian airspace over the Red Sea", then how did its wreckage end up falling in Nuweiba and the other in Taba, both in Egypt along the Red Sea coast?

It is physically possible that either drone was flying outside of Egyptian airspace and then tumble sideways for 6+ kilometers?


No country, in its right mind would EVER allow any type, size, color missile to be lobbed over its territory no matter what the designated target is. They wouldn't even allow it if it was asked by a friendly country. A missile is not the same as an international flight requesting a flyover. And with Egypt's ADS, it's almost a guarantee they will be shot down. Not every Tom, Dick & Harry on Twitter is trustworthy. Objectivity goes a long way, my friend.
Don't blindly believe everything you read/hear. Think about this for a minute.

If one of the alleged drones was flying "outside Egyptian airspace over the Red Sea", then how did its wreckage end up falling in Nuweiba and the other in Taba, both in Egypt along the Red Sea coast.

It is physically possible that either drone was flying outside of Egyptian airspace and then tumble sideways for 6+ kilometers?

View attachment 965777

No country, in its right mind would EVER allow any type, size, color missile to be lobbed over its territory no matter what the designated target is. They wouldn't even allow it if it was asked by a friendly country. A missile is not the same as an international flight requesting a flyover. And with Egypt's ADS, it's almost a guarantee they will be shot down. Not every Tom, Dick & Harry on Twitter is trustworthy. Objectivity goes a long way, my friend.
Brilliant post @Avicenna this is the complexity I was referring to in our original discussion re Egypt.
But a lot of them will land in Egypt and will kill Egyptians. The Egyptian Army spokesman said the drones came from the south of Red Sea.
It doesnt matter. If Houthi send a lot, e.g. drones, to Eillat, then enough would hit and pressure Israel to stock up their AD in the south of Israel. What would lower the AD in the rest of Israel.


And yes, some would fall onto Egypt or Saudi. But who cares? They do not help anything against the genozid there. So....
Zionist created this issue. Now they’re facing against a people who have nothing to lose but their life.
Look,they started this,but the ones who made it worse every time,were the Palestinians. Of course,the Israelis didn't help either when they let all these extreme right-wing settlers demand take more land from Palestinians inside the West Bank and Gaza,demolishing houses,destroying olive trees and occupying them.

However,Palestinian violence in terrorist attacks was what kept provoking Israelis to take stricter measures. First in the 60s,then in the 70s,in the form of hijackings,attacks on tourisms,bombings and attacks by PLO. In the 80s they had conventional warfare in Lebanon. In the late '80s they had the First Intifada. Israelis kept getting stricter. In the late '90s and early 2000s when the Second Intifada started,the amount of terrorist attacks by Palestinian groups,made the Israelis put more checkpoints,build walls and fences and basically turn Gaza into a huge ghetto.

Don't think that Palestinians don't have their own share of responsibility in this. If you see a list of their early terror attacks,but in the 60's and 70s when there wasn't the level of this oppression by the Jews,you will wonder "Why couldn't they try to solve this diplomatically back then? Why didn't they try to solve this peacefully? Why didn't they negotiate to get back to to the UN partition plan?"

Well I guess the reason is,because they wanted the entire Holy Land back,thinking they could defeat the Jews,just like that blunder in 1948.
Sadly this is where some people’s perception of warfare comes from:

Constant shelling and sporadic gunfire can be heard on the Reuters webcam positioned over on media tower in Gaza:

Look,they started this,but the ones who made it worse every time,were the Palestinians. Of course,the Israelis didn't help either when they let all these extreme right-wing settlers demand take more land from Palestinians inside the West Bank and Gaza,demolishing houses,destroying olive trees and occupying them.

However,Palestinian violence in terrorist attacks was what kept provoking Israelis to take stricter measures. First in the 60s,then in the 70s,in the form of hijackings,attacks on tourisms,bombings and attacks by PLO. In the 80s they had conventional warfare in Lebanon. In the late '80s they had the First Intifada. Israelis kept getting stricter. In the late '90s and early 2000s when the Second Intifada started,the amount of terrorist attacks by Palestinian groups,made the Israelis put more checkpoints,build walls and fences and basically turn Gaza into a huge ghetto.

Don't think that Palestinians don't have their own share of responsibility in this. If you see a list of their early terror attacks,but in the 60's and 70s when there wasn't the level of this oppression by the Jews,you will wonder "Why couldn't they try to solve this diplomatically back then? Why didn't they try to solve this peacefully? Why didn't they negotiate to get back to to the UN partition plan?"

Well I guess the reason is,because they wanted the entire Holy Land back,thinking they could defeat the Jews,just like that blunder in 1948.
For anyone who needs to understand the complexity of this, try to get your hand on this here book;

Translation :

#Military_Spokesman: Within the framework of following up on the results of the ongoing investigations by the competent committee into the two accidents of a foreign object falling in Nuweiba and a piloted drone in Taba...
By analyzing and gathering information, the results of the investigations revealed that (2) unmanned aerial vehicles were heading from the south of the Red Sea to the north, and one of them was targeted outside Egyptian airspace in the Gulf of Aqaba region, resulting in some of its debris falling in an uninhabited area in Nuweiba...in addition to the fall of The other is in Taba.
The Air Force and Air Defense Forces are intensifying the work of securing Egyptian airspace on all strategic directions of the country.

If they were heading north and were outside of the Egyptian airspace, why would they be targeted?
Narrated Thawban:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) صحيح (الألباني)حكم :
Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 4297
In-book reference : Book 39, Hadith 7
English translation : Book 38, Hadith 4284

src: https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4297

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