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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hear comes Hindu expert on Muslims LOL.

Go count in history how many times this happened to Muslims and how they showed resilience. Better yet read the books of Jihad.

No more discussion on this. Over and out.

Saying Muslims will fight back and make sacrifice is one thing, claiming Muslims don't really care about life is another thing. There is no need to read any books to see it, it's right in front of our eyes. Muslims cry when they get blown up or run to save their life when shot at. 10 million Bengali muslims fled east Pakistan to India not because they didn't cared about worldly life, because they wanted to save their life, just like most humans.
Yesterday Tucker Carlson did an interview with retired American Col. Douglas Macgregor. In this interview at the 9:50 mark the retired Col. says this, "Israeli and American special operations went into Gaza to reconnoiter and got shot to pieces taking heavy losses."

The Col. is known to have faulty information sometimes. Does anyone have more info about this or did he leak something that was supposed to be kept quiet?

There is a confirmed report that an attempted (limited) ground incursion into Gaza was successfully repelled by Hamas a few days ago and the IDF forces had to retreat.

Yesterday Tucker Carlson did an interview with retired American Col. Douglas Macgregor. In this interview at the 9:50 mark the retired Col. says this, "Israeli and American special operations went into Gaza to reconnoiter and got shot to pieces taking heavy losses."

As much as I would like to believe the things he says, I don't. He's said some pretty outlandish things and seems to have faulty information like you said. He might've been secretly forced to retire (just guessing on my part) or something happened between him and the US military that has caused him to be disgruntled or something else, who knows. But not only some of his info is seriously faulty, but many of his predications have also fallen short.

Old age does strange things to the mind and that could be another factor.
I said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians and if anything, it helps their cause. You said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians. I don't see much difference in our position.

And about Muslims not considering loosing life a big deal, now you are being delusional. Some radical Muslims don't care about their life but vast majority of Muslims do. If Muslims don't care much about the worldly life, why internet is full of Muslims crying about dead Palestinians? Why Muslim Palestinians themselves crying about getting killed? Shouldn't they be thankful for getting an opportunity for heavenly life? I can think about a atleast 50 different conflicts in the last 30 years where Muslims requesting the world to save them from deaths and destruction. That doesn't sound like the actions of a group of peoples that doesn't care about worldly life.
Jews also believe in after life and in the martyrdom why they don't sanctify Adolf Hitler. Atheists believe that death is just kinda sleep, so ISIS or Al Qaida are just kind of the sleeping tablets, why cry about them?
You see it is very easy to make any analogy, isn't it?
Right know, while walking I can make about 20 reasons why you should screw your own mum . Believe me , all of it makes a sense to me.
I will give you the list of the reasons and I think analogies like you shouldn't object to any of them. Deal?
state of the mind of western politicians, does he has any sanity left in his skull, it is more like that coallition to support Hamas would be formed.

My first reaction to Macron's proposition is that he really should shut the hell up. Then I thought well maybe if there was a coalition, that might force the zionist murderers to adhere to war regulation and drastically lower their war crimes that you know will be prevalent if they're in there with no one watching them. Now I'm not sure about either except they should end this murderous aerial genocide and just stay the hell out of Gaza.
Jews also believe in after life and in the martyrdom why they don't sanctify Adolf Hitler. Atheists believe that death is just kinda sleep, so ISIS or Al Qaida are just kind of the sleeping tablets, why cry about them?
You see it is very easy to make any analogy, isn't it?
Right know, while walking I can make about 20 reasons why you should screw your own mum . Believe me , all of it makes a sense to me.
I will give you the list of the reasons and I think analogies like you shouldn't object to any of them. Deal?

It's a specific answer to a specific comment made by a poster. The point is simple, Muslims does care about their life (same as jews) unlike the claim of the said poster. Atheists don't believe in after life and they only believe in this life. That itself is a good reason to care about this life.
Yeah they're really going after Hamas. Yep, for sure!

My first reaction to Macron's proposition is that he really should shut the hell up. Then I thought well maybe if there was a coalition, that might force the zionist murderers to adhere to war regulation and drastically lower their war crimes that you know will be prevalent if they're in there with no one watching them. Now I'm not sure about either except they should end this murderous aerial genocide and just stay the hell out of Gaza.

Bibi is doing what his cousin Zelenskyy did in Europe

And that is to drag the regions in to conflict

Bibi and Zelenskyy share the same father they just don’t know it

Both are war mongers

1 for Europe
And 1 for Middle East
As much as I would like to believe the things he says, I don't. He's said some pretty outlandish things and seems to have faulty information like you said. He might've been secretly forced to retire (just guessing on my part) or something happened between him and the US military that has caused him to be disgruntled or something else, who knows. But not only some of his info is seriously faulty, but many of his predications have also fallen short.

Old age does strange things to the mind and that could be another factor.

In the US, there is consumer for all sorts of media with all sort of leanings. Because of that people of some expertise have an opportunity to make money from these media by feeding to the confirmation bias for all types of consumers. Even if these experts don't believe in some of these things they say, they still say and event invent it because there is demand for it, as a result there is demand for their services (i.e., expert opinion) which translates to money being earned for themselves.

My first reaction to Macron's proposition is that he really should shut the hell up. Then I thought well maybe if there was a coalition, that might force the zionist murderers to adhere to war regulation and drastically lower their war crimes that you know will be prevalent if they're in there with no one watching them. Now I'm not sure about either except they should end this murderous aerial genocide and just stay the hell out of Gaza.

Marcon is a smaller dog, his opinion will not be implemented. The bigger dog (USA) will make a call and the lesser dogs will follow. Don't pay attention to Marcon except for amusement purposes.
It's a specific answer to a specific comment made by a poster. The point is simple, Muslims does care about their life (same as jews) unlike the claim of the said poster. Atheists don't believe in after life and they only believe in this life. That itself is a good reason to care about this life.
Not really in many situations, neither it can be specific for any particular group. Anyway, youf views go to completely different subject then the politics . It can be discussed for ages, especially because among other things, this involves what we conceptually can call nihilism. Maybe in the political conversation, regardless of the particular subject, is better not to make such analogies. No matter how it might appropriate at the moment. This topic is very wide and applicable for anyone, so truly is not for this subject.
4 eliminated HezboRats announced today. Backing up my assessment that Hezbollah are not fairing well thus far. They have killed 3 Israelis and their numbers are now approaching 40 dead.
US got tired? heheheheh you don't get tired of winning.

I hear again and again from American analysts both the Vietnam War, the 2003 Iraq War, and the Afghanistan War come into discussions as caution to Israel to not over-reach in anger and just about ALL the analysts categorize those three wars as blunders, if not defeat. Making excuses like 'we got tired' blah blah are excuses: In a boxing fight, the one who gets 'tired' is considered 'defeated'. In case of wars where foreign troops occupy and then leave in such a way that those who they were fighting against, come to power, then that IS a defeat.
But some people here are more apologists for those wars then even the American analysts are!!!

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