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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yesterday Tucker Carlson did an interview with retired American Col. Douglas Macgregor. In this interview at the 9:50 mark the retired Col. says this, "Israeli and American special operations went into Gaza to reconnoiter and got shot to pieces taking heavy losses."

The Col. is known to have faulty information sometimes. Does anyone have more info about this or did he leak something that was supposed to be kept quiet?

As much as I would like to believe the things he says, I don't. He's said some pretty outlandish things and seems to have faulty information like you said. He might've been secretly forced to retire (just guessing on my part) or something happened between him and the US military that has caused him to be disgruntled or something else, who knows. But not only some of his info is seriously faulty, but many of his predications have also fallen short.

Old age does strange things to the mind and that could be another factor.

Col. D. Macgregor has found an audience for his stance about the Russia-Ukraine war. I watch his shows because of his knowledge about American military hardware and troops/resources deployed in various theaters around the world. But it seems to me that he is basically a bitter person due to his promotion or advices being overlooked while deployed in Iraq; he seems to have a particular grudge against Gen. Petraeus.
It is good to form our opinions gathering info from several sources, especially from our adversaries' sources. There is much truth in '... Keep your enemies even closer'.

Multiple Israeli sources are embarassed by this PR disaster for Israel.

Freed Hamas hostage recounts ordeal, slams Israeli failures, speaks well of captors​

Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, released Monday, describes hell as terrorists rampaged in kibbutz; abductors beat her on way to Gaza; was taken into ‘spiderweb’ of tunnels, treated with care​

Romanian illegal emigrarant killed a local person. As Swede, it would be logical that you support the locals. Afterall, the hate towards immigrants is your one and only political view? Isn't it?
As a Swede it would be logical to ask for an investigation into what happened.
Some of my best friends are immigrants.
They are of course not criminals that whine about unfairness when they get caught.
I am almost shocked by how strong the Irish have taken up the cause of Palestinians. Sinn Fein has been especially vocal. There needs to be more white, Christian protestors in Western countries protesting.

Targeting the building foundation with JDAMs to cause a forced controlled demolition. Judging by the rooftop antenna, this was a communication building of some sort; media or TV or something along those lines. Systematic destruction with unimaginable collateral damage followed by the frustration of nothing being able to stop it.

Israeli state has collapsed from within.

They are trying to act tough outside but within their cities, state seems to has collapsed.

Just imagine what would happen if this whole thing escalates?

I think, in that case, Americans would take over Israel, replacing Netanyahoo :lol:

What a fall Israel suffered. Damn!

Israelis are in serious trouble if they think no one is going to exploit that.

They are literally standing naked and alone in whole region.
As a Swede it would be logical to ask for an investigation into what happened.
Some of my best friends are immigrants.
They are of course not criminals that whine about unfairness when they get caught.
I don't see you questioning even in the slightest a single Israeli move here? To remind you, the great deal of the views which people for who you don't have any criticism, consist of calling your immigrant friends the human animals. I think you should view your friends puppies then
I have no idea what you are trying to say
They think that the far fetched hypothesis is some kind of point.
I have said a few times before, It is really hard to argue with someone so dumb. Wallahi , they look to me bewitched and possessed. Wether, they are ranting and raving with delight of death of people or they make " such: arguments that even them ain't sure what it is.
Dajjal army, truly

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