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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I don't see you questioning even in the slightest a single Israeli move here? To remind you, the great deal of the views which people for who you don't have any criticism, consist of calling your immigrant friends the human animals. I think you should view your friends puppies then
That is because you read with a blindfold.

I suggest You go and reread my posts and you will find criticism of Israel occasionally. I definitely consider Hamas to be much worse in the nature of its crimes.

I can’t say that I find that many that take the side of Hamas ever criticizes it.
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Actually, people do criticise them but not in the regards of the war in Gaza.
Out interst why Hamas " crimes" by thr nature are worse then Israelis and how, in the greater scheme of things, it has any bearing on the political situation?
They think that the far fetched hypothesis is some kind of point.
I have said a few times before, It is really hard to argue with someone so dumb. Wallahi , they look to me bewitched and possessed. Wether, they are ranting and raving with delight of death of people or they make " such: arguments that even them ain't sure what it is.
Dajjal army, truly

A lot of these guys just take sides with people purely because they were against the Muslim side 😂😂

Lebanese Christians have nothing to with this conflict and have formed militias attacking Palestinians. Yet somehow it’s phoool sapport despite knowing the reality or facts.
A lot of these guys just take sides with people purely because they were against the Muslim side 😂😂

Lebanese Christians have nothing to with this conflict and have formed militias attacking Palestinians. Yet somehow it’s phoool sapport despite knowing the reality or facts.
I know, there's nothing in it . Apart from Jews , it is pure nihilism.
You're projecting. Hamas cares about it's peoples livelihood more than anyone else.

Sure , and you can see the results of this " care " on the ground.

The lives of people in Gaza improved a lot in the last two weeks. All because Hmas cares a lot about it's people.

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Yesterday Tucker Carlson did an interview with retired American Col. Douglas Macgregor. In this interview at the 9:50 mark the retired Col. says this, "Israeli and American special operations went into Gaza to reconnoiter and got shot to pieces taking heavy losses."

The Col. is known to have faulty information sometimes. Does anyone have more info about this or did he leak something that was supposed to be kept quiet?

Col. Douglas Macgregor usually shares what he hears from the active military personnel that he served with in the US military. So if he saying American SOF were with Israelis, you better believe it because there were already American forces deployed there.

4 eliminated HezboRats announced today. Backing up my assessment that Hezbollah are not fairing well thus far. They have killed 3 Israelis and their numbers are now approaching 40 dead.

IsraHell lost 32 tanks in 12 days. Only 3 Israelis? You wish. At least 40 officers gone to hell.

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Sure , and you can see the results of this " care " on the ground.

The lives of people in Gaza improved a lot in the last two weeks. All because Hmas cares a lot about it's people.

They just made it quicker and with some meaning to the difference of slow and meaningless death which you wished. In doing so, they showed your vonersbilities , fake humanism and concerns. They forced you to make the mistakes which going to cost you. They changed your psychology, you can't get back to level headedness which is crucial if you want to survive in the long run.
I would say, pretty good trade off in given situation.
Yeah, this is what I was writing why they are delaying the invasion. This could be the reason.

The Israelis were itching to go inside. The American pigs advised the Zionists to hold on. The casualties would be too big. Right now the Americans along with Zionists are trying to guage the situation and gather as much intel as possible before launching a ground offensive. This is what we call silence before a massive storm. The Zionists are still bombing Palestinian territories, but what is about to come is much worse.
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Actually, people do criticise them but not in the regards of the war in Gaza.
Out interst why Hamas " crimes" by thr nature are worse then Israelis and how, in the greater scheme of things, it has any bearing on the political situation?
The biggest crime of Hamas is that they do not care about the welfare of their own.
How many Kurds have you killed?
Who said about killing them all? all I said was I have little sympathy. The same people who on Oct 7th were dancing in the streets with joy, are now crying with suffering. That's fine by me. In fact that is pure justice. There is no comparison between the two sides. One side has the destruction of their neighbour in their charter and the genocide of their race. The other reacts to attacks. Of course if these ISIS-like terrorists are always on the attack, more of them will die than Israelis. Just as more Kurds have died than Turks - and we know the Kurds have a much better claim to a nation as they are an ancient people whereas 'palestinians' were invented in the 60s. Also Kurds don't swear to kill all Turks or wipe them from the map.

Whataboutism again? Ok. So my answer is, Not the Kurds, but the PKK, yes they swear for that. A terrorist organization that has openly declared armed struggle against the Turkish people in its official declaration and has received support for over 40 years from the US and Israel, Syria, the PLO and many other states or armed elements in the region.

We still haven't seen pictures of babies beheaded by Hamas, but I can show you tons of pictures of dismembered babies slaughtered by the PKK. More than 200 mass civilian killings , thousands of bombings, assassinations, armed terrorist act. TR is fighting this narco-terrorist organization. If it were otherwise, Istanbul, İzmir, Antalya would not be the most Kurdish city in the world today, and Kurds would not be so well represented in Turkish political life, including the presidency. Even now I think a quarter of the cabinet is made up of Kurdish ministers. PKK is an armed terrorist organization that wants to establish a state on Turkish soil through terrorism, your equating all Kurds with Pkk also directly shows that you see all Palestinians as Hamas.

This is the point at which I criticize you. You see Hamas as terrorists, then all Palestinians are terrorists. Or, Pkk is a terrorist organization, then all Kurds are terrorists. This is a very problematic point of view.
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