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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You failed to rationalize it, partly because of your own view about value of life and failing to understand other people's value. You are putting everything on the huge number of deaths and how Hamas doesn't care.

Muslims don't see loss of life through the same lens of non-Muslims. Jihadi concept is all about sacrifice and Muslims don't consider losing life in this world a big deal.

I said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians and if anything, it helps their cause. You said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians. I don't see much difference in our position.

And about Muslims not considering loosing life a big deal, now you are being delusional. Some radical Muslims don't care about their life but vast majority of Muslims do. If Muslims don't care much about the worldly life, why internet is full of Muslims crying about dead Palestinians? Why Muslim Palestinians themselves crying about getting killed? Shouldn't they be thankful for getting an opportunity for heavenly life? I can think about a atleast 50 different conflicts in the last 30 years where Muslims requesting the world to save them from deaths and destruction. That doesn't sound like the actions of a group of peoples that doesn't care about worldly life.
I said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians and if anything, it helps their cause. You said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians. I don't see much difference in our position.
You're projecting. Hamas cares about it's peoples livelihood more than anyone else. You want to murder thousands of Palestinian civilians because you enjoy killing civilians and exclusively target civilians due to the terrorist nature of Israel, and try to downplay loss of life on Hamas. You may not value Palestinian lives, but Hamas definitely does.
I said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians and if anything, it helps their cause. You said Hamas don't care about loss of civilians. I don't see much difference in our position.

And about Muslims not considering loosing life a big deal, now you are being delusional. Some radical Muslims don't care about their life but vast majority of Muslims do. If Muslims don't care much about the worldly life, why internet is full of Muslims crying about dead Palestinians? Why Muslim Palestinians themselves crying about getting killed? Shouldn't they be thankful for getting an opportunity for heavenly life? I can think about a atleast 50 different conflicts in the last 30 years where Muslims requesting the world to save them from deaths and destruction. That doesn't sound like the actions of a group of peoples that doesn't care about worldly life.

Go offer anjali to a deity in a mandir. Don't tell me about Muslims.
Israeli leaders move Washington leaders around like a fickle. May be they're pushing Biden to undertake this regional conflict. If the conflict stops now & ceasefire takes place, they will have to negotiate with Hamas with prisoner exchange. For all of their talk about "destroying Hamas", that means a defeat. So they are looking for ways to broaden the conflict and get others involved in on Israelis' behalf.

Now, this idiot Macron of France is claiming to be working on building a coalition whose goal is to fight Hamas. As you can see, they see their image shattered as the Israelis can't risk undertaking a ground invasion of their own. So they're making all of the announcements, some of which could be psychological though. They want to scare any other country or group who may want to interfere on the Palestinian people's behalf.

Last night, there are reports that the Houthis in Yemen attacked an American warship. That puts the whole Red Sea under the umbrella of Yemen resistance's missile rain. So when you add all of these statements coming from Western leaders, there is definitely a panic. There is also the element of looking strong and that could mean a new escalation.

I agree Israel wants To get the US in a broader conflict just to save face

Now let’s see if the US takes the bait

Iran will annihilate the US forces in the region and a popular uprising will lead to all Americans being expelled
Go offer anjali to a deity in a mandir. Don't tell me about Muslims.

That was a very rational argument 😃

And no my dear friend, Muslims are not an alian group of peoples that we do not understand. We live alongside Muslims, went to school with Muslims, play games with Muslim friends. Muslims are not some people I read about in books, I live besides many.
That was a very rational argument 😃

And no my dear friend, Muslims are not an alian group of peoples that we do not understand. We live alongside Muslims, went to school with Muslims, play games with Muslim friends. Muslims are not some people I read about in books, I live besides many.

Hear comes Hindu expert on Muslims LOL.

Go count in history how many times this happened to Muslims and how they showed resilience. Better yet read the books of Jihad.

No more discussion on this. Over and out.
Yesterday Tucker Carlson did an interview with retired American Col. Douglas Macgregor. In this interview at the 9:50 mark the retired Col. says this, "Israeli and American special operations went into Gaza to reconnoiter and got shot to pieces taking heavy losses."

The Col. is known to have faulty information sometimes. Does anyone have more info about this or did he leak something that was supposed to be kept quiet?

You're projecting. Hamas cares about it's peoples livelihood more than anyone else. You want to murder thousands of Palestinian civilians because you enjoy killing civilians and exclusively target civilians due to the terrorist nature of Israel, and try to downplay loss of life on Hamas. You may not value Palestinian lives, but Hamas definitely does.

Israel is a ruthless state, I do not disgrace about that. But so is Hamas, it's also a ruthless organisation. It is willing to sacrifice as many Palestinians as it takes to further it's cause. It's not me projecting, Hamas themselves said so.

Yes, you can say that Afghan Taliban benefited from Doha Accords and found a way to reclaim Afghanistan in the end (I know this well enough by the way - no need to remind me). Afghan Taliban wanted to settle the war on the negotiation table as well but the fundamental issue and contention was about Al-Qaeda Network.

Al-Qaeda Network was a BIG THING back in the day and was bankrolling Afghan Taliban in the region. It was seemingly impossible to decouple these two forces but US came up with a strategy to make this possible. Job well done at a very low cost to American war machine and to reduce humanitarian crisis in the region.

The alternative was to wipe out much of Afghanistan and regions where Afghan Taliban could be found. Donald Trump pointed this out to Imran Khan in a meeting.

In the end:

US got what it wanted.
Afghan Taliban got what it wanted.
Pakistan got what it wanted.

Pakistan provided access to Afghanistan so Pakistan would preserve its interests in the process. This is logical.

I am afraid it's not the correct analysis. Usa invaded Afghanistan to remove the Taliban government, they used alqaida as an excuse. Usa invaded Iraq to remove Saddam but used weapons of mass destruction as an excuse, drums were beating to invade Syria because of chemical weapons, Iran is also the target because its part of the axis of evil.

In Iraq they removed Saddam and gave power to the kurds and shias, in Afghanistan they gave power to the Northern Alliance, gave billions of funding, weaponry but the project failed, this is when they realised even if they stay another 20 years in Afghanistan the outcome will be the same. This started their plan of withdrawal, the Afghanistan new government and army were a complete failure, Usa were inside their bases in Afghanistan (spoke to nato soldiers for info), they needed atleast 500,000 troops to control Afghanistan but it wasn't worth loosing 1000s of troops.

At the end Usa did a deal with the taliban to not support Alqaida, alqaida has been dead for many years now, new groups are created with different names, noone talks about ISIS, the new alqaida. The project is always to create a threat and then fight it to invade and conquer other nations.

We can argue Usa didn't loose in Afghan but their project failed 100%. They removed the Taliban government but they're back in power.

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