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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The ME united? No, the region is not 'united'. For starter, who is accepting the Gaza refugees? That can be a true sign of unity.
Personally I helped few with a bit of money to cross American border. Different political profile. I heard in some cities in Southern US, close to the Mexican border, people can't go out in the evenings . It is almost similar to Gaza. But wait a minute it is not all. All this censorship and suppression of the opposing views in the case of Gaza will eventually reflect on you. I bet in a year or two, you won't be able to complain that your effin burger is cold. You see , everyone gets what they ask for.
Of this I have no doubts
The ME united? No, the region is not 'united'. For starter, who is accepting the Gaza refugees? That can be a true sign of unity.

That's what the Jews want

They want to ETHNICALLY CLEANSE the Palestinians off their land

The average age of Palestinian is 19
The average age of Jews around the world is 49 and in Israel it's 43.
The Palestinians are now equal/becoming the majority across Gaza, Israel and the west bank


They want to depopulate the Palestinians, because long term the Jews can't compete

We cannot allow the Palestinians to be ethnically cleansed and as rough as it is for them they have to suffer living in Palestine

This is what resistance is and why we have to support Palestine
Vo Nguyen Giap was no tactical 'genius' the media portrayed him to be. Giap was more capable as a guerrilla fighter than a general of a formal army.
Maybe a strategic genius.
In the end, the US got tired, not defeated, and left, and that goal rendered everything during the war irrelevant, including the fact that the US/RVN forces were politically restrained, not militarily incapable of destroying the NVA as an army.
US got tired? heheheheh you don't get tired of winning.
Pakistan has successfully tested another Ghauri weapon system.

The Ghauri is a land-based and supersonic medium-range ballistic missile, in current service with the strategic command of the Pakistan Army.
Governor Sindh, Pakistan.

I will depart for Egypt soon with humanitarian aid for Palestinians,

I announce rebellion and jihad against Israel. I don’t care about my governorship. Israeli attacks on innocent Palestinians are war crimes.”

“Israel showed barbarism by targeting refugee camps, churches and hospitals. The entire nation is standing side-by-side with their Palestinian brethren.”

The governor urged the international community to take notice of the barbaric actions of the Israeli occupation forces. He also appealed to the Muslim Ummah to be united.

state of the mind of western politicians, does he has any sanity left in his skull, it is more like that coallition to support Hamas would be formed.

This is also a reflection of the limitations Israel itself has

The Israeli themselves are in a lot of trouble, mobilising so many troops, the hit to the economy, accusations and hate from across the world.
Dual passport holders moving our of the country etc

Israel is under pressure and the world is not balanced enough yet,
So we might see the U.S, UK, France etc trying to bail Israel out once again

This is where public pressure comes in

It's also why we need to support Russia against Ukraine
We need a more balanced world, we need the emergence of others powers to counter the constant western bullshit

It's why Turkey, The GCC, the Arabs, Iran, Pakistan multiple countries need to emerge we need to counter this constant one sided shit from the white people
Bibi is saying Hezbollah hides in hospitals and so they will target hospital as a threat to Lebanon not to enter the war

You can clearly see how scared and worried Israel is when it comes to Hezbollah joining since they threaten hospitals even before the war has started

Hezbollah is in south Lebanon why threaten Lebanon ? Maybe because they are afraid Hezbollah will level Tel Aviv ? Or to force Lebanon to pressure Hezbollah not to attack

This is called reverse phycology


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