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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Quite perplexing how the likes of CNN and Fox are so deep inside Zionists behind.

A message to the Arabs and muslim world going forward to boycott these entities who lend a helping hand to the Zionists.

The economic boycott of Muslims towards Zionists should be permanent.
Sub-human Hamas-ISIS interviews

Her husband is still being kept hostage.
Under police interview? It figures. Anyway, I personally wouldn't waste my time, foe example I would just put bullet into your head without ceremony. No point to have a chit chat.
Personally I enjoy your rage. As you are worthless. I see you as a dirt on the pavement.
So send more so called proofs and rage , I don't give a f , I just wished that your little story was true, unfortunately it isn't. As an European, I consider Jews racially Inferior and any European who supports them, I consider race traitor.
Now F off and you can screw your own S. Ernst
Capici karro amiko? F off
Sub-human Hamas-ISIS interviews

Her husband is still being kept hostage.

This has nothing to do with HAMAS or ISIS

The root cause of this conflict is not HAMAS it’s the continued occupation which is going to keep radicalizing the next generation of Palestinians and the cycle of violence will continue

The head of the MI6 said the you cannot separate foreign policy from radicalism

If US didn’t invade Iraq there would be no ISIS

No Israel no HAMAS

These groups are a RESPONSE to the invasion and injustice

They are products of illegal invasions

Palestine are not like black Africans where colonial power will come and invade and black people will pray for the invaders

Palestine are not Sub-servant to colonial masters and never will be

There is no Hamas in West Bank and 36 kids have been murder by Israeli

So problem root cause is the illegal occupation

Until that is not solved this will go on
I think our point of view should be directed towards the people who have some understanding at least of themselves. Why spent energy on the common trash lurking here? Even if you physically shown them all the beastialities of the Kaykdom , it wouldn't change absolutely anything for them. This damned Kuffar are destined for internal hell fire, from the day of their damned birth.
The US Army crushed the VietCong in the Tet offensive…

I must say mr Gardener,that I`m rather surprised that you dont remember this famous exchange..... 🤨

"Col. Summers, then the chief of the U.S. delegation's negotiating team, was chatting with his North Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Tu. 'You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield,' Col. Summers said. 'That may be so,' Col. Tu replied, 'but it's also irrelevant.'"
Two things of an issue can be true. Like this one.

Yes, it was true that the NVA/VC alliance were routinely crushed by the US/RVN forces. And the word 'crushed' is not hyperbolic. Vo Nguyen Giap was no tactical 'genius' the media portrayed him to be. Giap was more capable as a guerrilla fighter than a general of a formal army.

Yes, in the end, for the Vietnamese communists, their losses were irrelevant because they were determined to fight with any mean, including involving neighbors (Laos and Cambodia) who wanted nothing to do with the Vietnamese civil war. In the end, the US got tired, not defeated, and left, and that goal rendered everything during the war irrelevant, including the fact that the US/RVN forces were politically restrained, not militarily incapable of destroying the NVA as an army.

There are parallels with this latest Israel-Hamas war. But I suggest you read not too deep into them.

What these stupid westerners don’t understand is that the more baby’s they kill the harder Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will fight

The more united Middle East will be and more help from Muslims towards Russia and China win the war in Ukraine

Basically they are signing their own death warrants

US bombs baby’s and goes back to USA too far to get revenge

Israel has to live in the Middle East and so revenge is easy and coming

So Israel should not follow US style baby killings
What these stupid westerners don’t understand is that the more baby’s they kill the harder Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will fight

The more united Middle East will be and more help from Muslims towards Russia and China win the war in Ukraine

Basically they are signing their own death warrants

US bombs baby’s and goes back to USA too far to get revenge

Israel has to live in the Middle East and so revenge is easy and coming

So Israel should not follow US style baby killings
The ME united? No, the region is not 'united'. For starter, who is accepting the Gaza refugees? That can be a true sign of unity.
The ME united? No, the region is not 'united'. For starter, who is accepting the Gaza refugees? That can be a true sign of unity.

Yes because west is united killing 100 million of each other in two world wars and 70 years of peace was too long for them

And now about to killing another 100 million in a 3rd world war

West cannot take moral and ethical high ground when it comes to wars and killing

Because west sets the standard on that
From past few days my brain can’t process something which I doubt everyone or someone is thinking as well. Why Israel is less attacking ghaza in broad day light but choose dark night? I may sound stupid but this is what really bothering me. From past few days less attack on ghaza in day light.

I wonder if there is a plan to parachute/paradrop soldiers and troopers behind Hamas lines to conduct secret operation for hostages or for neutralising Hamas soldiers.

Hamas should be prepared for behind enemy lines action.

Enemy is very cunning.
The ME united? No, the region is not 'united'. For starter, who is accepting the Gaza refugees? That can be a true sign of unity.

Now then Mr Vietnam Lumpia.

The nation that has adopted you go around the world - displacing attacking and creating proxies all over the world - then want to talk about refugees?

Its Palestine you twat. Why should Palestinians leave their country to become refugees elsewhere?

How about forcing Israel to follow international law and stop stealing land - creating genocide and killing and targeting kids and civilians?

What Hamas did was awful but to attack innocent children blow up hospitals - blow up churches and blow up people told to leave for a safe zone then targeting them is a war crime.
You are unable to make comments or say anything? The duplicity and selectiveness of the west and little lumpia like you is remarkable.
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