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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The US Army crushed the VietCong in the Tet offensive…
I must say mr Gardener,that I`m rather surprised that you dont remember this famous exchange..... 🤨

"Col. Summers, then the chief of the U.S. delegation's negotiating team, was chatting with his North Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Tu. 'You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield,' Col. Summers said. 'That may be so,' Col. Tu replied, 'but it's also irrelevant.'"
Let' wait and see but In all likelihood, the chances of Israeli operation in Gaza are very slim. They will simply continue bombing civilian targets and then somehow, they will be a ceasefire.

Here is another NY Times Headline ! I told you guys, Israel is VERY HESITANT to launch this attack.

With Their Soldiers Poised to Attack, Israelis Try to Decipher the Delay​

War in Vietnam had territorial element. American withdrawal from Vietnam is regarded as a defeat because Nixon administration abandoned American interests in the region - to preserve South Vietnam. This could be done as Operation Linebacker II had shown but Nixon had made up his mind.

War in Afghanistan did not had territorial element. American mission in Afghanistan was largely aimed to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region for threatening American interests and homeland and this objective is met. But something had to be done about Afghan Taliban as well because these people have sufficient strength to rule Afghanistan. US convinced Afghan Taliban to not support Al-Qaeda Network and similar organizations in Doha Accords - this was a necessary step to conclude War On Terror in Afghanistan. This deal makes it possible for the US to make Afghan Taliban accountable in terms of not supporting terrorists. It is surprising to see that some do not understand the significance of this deal. Pakistan also benefits from this deal.

If US had acted as per your advice and left Afghanistan in 2011, US would have unfinished business in Afghanistan in this case. Al-Qaeda Network could recover and Afghan Taliban would not be accountable in this case. This would have been a disaster.

It is easy to comment on and critic past developments as a historian but good historians have a sensible take on all things.


I really dont get it.

We are attempting to discuss the hard facts and ground realities of whats going on in Gaza in the last 2 to 3 weeks and every other post you do is a history lesson that we can all google and educate ourselves. Dont forget when divulging into historical records and notes - its always written by the victor - sometimes obscuring what were facts and reality.

Today - due to Hamas and their attack on civilians - which was a hideous act - the innocent Palestinian civilians are getting bombarded. Genocide and war crimes are being committed by a nation that has leaders that were itching for an excuse and Hamas gave them exactly what they wanted.

To attack and bomb a hospital church and school is beyond belief. The west sit and watch - the Arbee brethren sit and watch. Hell i saw a video yesterday - the Israeli illegal settlers taking deck chairs to top of a hill sitting their with binoculars watching the systematic bombing of the innocent taking place like a firework display. Horrific - absolutely horrific - yet you want to focus on giving us a lecture on the past? Yaar come on.......
I was addressing OP according to the context of his post. Since you liked that post, I tagged you to understand American intervention in Afghanistan in its proper context that many seem to ignore due to inherent biases. Do not quote me to take a jab at me for this is trolling. If you have a point to make, you can bring it to my attention without taking a jab at me.

Yes, you can say that Afghan Taliban benefited from Doha Accords and found a way to reclaim Afghanistan in the end (I know this well enough by the way - no need to remind me). Afghan Taliban wanted to settle the war on the negotiation table as well but the fundamental issue and contention was about Al-Qaeda Network.

Al-Qaeda Network was a BIG THING back in the day and was bankrolling Afghan Taliban in the region. It was seemingly impossible to decouple these two forces but US came up with a strategy to make this possible. Job well done at a very low cost to American war machine and to reduce humanitarian crisis in the region.

The alternative was to wipe out much of Afghanistan and regions where Afghan Taliban could be found. Donald Trump pointed this out to Imran Khan in a meeting.

In the end:

US got what it wanted.
Afghan Taliban got what it wanted.
Pakistan got what it wanted.

Pakistan provided access to Afghanistan so Pakistan would preserve its interests in the process. This is logical.

All developments should be understood in correct manner. This is my point and emphasis.

Some of you are mentally stuck in the world of Empires and Colonies or come to this forum to troll.
it is your platform, i can only make dignified retreat as obviously only one different perspective to be pushed as correct, so be it.
do not want to get another trolling warning for merely expressing my opinion.
Pakistan has tested Ababeel MRBM recently.
Sanctions on Chinese companies might be due to MTCR but China might figure out what to do.
Why make noise and stir the pot? WE do our work.

Chinese ships are there in the Middle East to protect China-bound oil tankers.

Pakistan has tested Ababeel MRBM recently.
Sanctions on Chinese companies might be due to MTCR but China might figure out what to do.
Why make noise and stir the pot? WE do our work.

Chinese ships are there in the Middle East to protect China-bound oil tankers.
It's another test for Hindutva, but if Israel escalates this Palestinian conflict, there will be an oil crisis, and America doesn't want that for its already inflated market in the US. Six Chinese naval ships surprised Israel too, putting pressure on Israel, and the Israeli general may halt the ground invasion if the Palestinian resistance people return Israeli peoples,This what in SC not 100% confirm.

Things are going into de-escaltion

Us on any cost dont want leave middle east , if israeli escalated the ground invasion on Gaza.

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The are 30 children held Hostage by Hamas , they filmed thrmselves kidnapping them , don't lie bluntly in the face of evidence.


Yeah just like 40 beheaded Israeli babies already prove fake Western propaganda against Hamas

if israel were an illegal state, who is the legal one?
Who was living before the creation of Israel tell me that
what a pr disaster for west and their violent narrative,


CNN is on another level.
I really dont get it.

We are attempting to discuss the hard facts and ground realities of whats going on in Gaza in the last 2 to 3 weeks and every other post you do is a history lesson that we can all google and educate ourselves. Dont forget when divulging into historical records and notes - its always written by the victor - sometimes obscuring what were facts and reality.

Today - due to Hamas and their attack on civilians - which was a hideous act - the innocent Palestinian civilians are getting bombarded. Genocide and war crimes are being committed by a nation that has leaders that were itching for an excuse and Hamas gave them exactly what they wanted.

To attack and bomb a hospital church and school is beyond belief. The west sit and watch - the Arbee brethren sit and watch. Hell i saw a video yesterday - the Israeli illegal settlers taking deck chairs to top of a hill sitting their with binoculars watching the systematic bombing of the innocent taking place like a firework display. Horrific - absolutely horrific - yet you want to focus on giving us a lecture on the past? Yaar come on.......
Some members bring up other topics or points of discussion in this thread for some reason. I would say that all should focus on the topic on hand. You are welcome to remind others to stay on topic.
I must say mr Gardener,that I`m rather surprised that you dont remember this famous exchange..... 🤨

"Col. Summers, then the chief of the U.S. delegation's negotiating team, was chatting with his North Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Tu. 'You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield,' Col. Summers said. 'That may be so,' Col. Tu replied, 'but it's also irrelevant.'"
I said before, this people are sick. How someone normal can argue with them?
Someone would expect at least that they have a proper European right wing outlook but no my friend, all is just resentment. Out of their nastiness, they made themselves on the level of the animals. Nothing there worth to discuss, nothing can be reached. Truly animals
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