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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Everybody already knows from the beginning Hezbollah and Iran won't do anything. That's embarrassing for Hezbollah and Iran. And will hurt them and not Gaza. You may not be ashamed of that. But you don't understand how this organization is being viewed in the region, as a result.
Are we talking about the same region where Egypt imposes a blockade on Hamas, UAE and Saudis condemns Hamas and most of the countries have an Israeli embassy? That region?
There will be no ceasefire till our hostages are released .

Prisoner release was offered by Hamas, the apartheid regime rejected it.

URL unfurl="true"]https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/hamas-will-release-civilian-hostages-within-one-hour-if-israel-ceases-airstrikes-on-gaza-senior-militant-group-official-claims/news-story/0ee16c9bba9fc0762f9a87b3b3777d98[/URL]

Hamas will release civilian hostages within one hour if Israel ceases airstrikes on Gaza, senior militant group official claims

A senior Hamas official has vowed the terrorist group will release all civilian hostages within one hour if Israel stop its retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza.

October 18, 2023 - 1:35PM

But strangely, the leader of this organization has three sisters who hold Isra"e"li citizenship and reside in Isra"el". Reportedly he has nephews who served in the zionist occupation military. In 2012, a brother in law of said leader was allowed entry into Isra"el" from Gaza for treatment at an Isra"el"i hospital. Said leader owns a dwelling in Doha, Qatar, which is basically an American protectorate and which he can enter and leave at will. In 2014, only months after Tel Aviv bombarded Gaza, the leader's daughter received care at an Isra"el"i hospital.


Then Hamas was training out in the open for one and a half years for its recent offensive, right under the eyes of the zionists. Some very interesting footage in the article below:


It raises questions about this organization and its complex relationship to the zionist regime.
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They definitely have and are. I can share dozens of videos with you. It's a Arabic group and you aren't Arabic speaking, so that may be the reason you don't see it.
Yes, I dont know enough.
Not sure what this means. But Hezbollah are nationalists according to you. Since their concern is only Lebanon according to you. But then you say they concern about Iran activities elsewhere in region. You are also exaggerating that this is a religious group. It's not that religious.
They are exploiting the nationalist cause, they are a sectarian militia. They fight for their people and they fight to be the dominant force in Lebanon. These are not mutually exclusive categories.
But, anyway, you are just showing everyone what needs to be known. That Hezbollah is just become a sectarian pro-Israel group after the assassination of Imad Mughiieyeh.
it is. I mena they have had some real success, but it does not change their character. Without them Lebanon would still be occupied though.

It's unlikely anyone will fight your battles for you. You have 350 million Arabs that should be the first to fight. They clearly are reluctant to do so. Iran and countries further out you cant really rely on them either.

I sympathise with you and your cause, but I have too much to lose if my country 5,000 km away gets flattened trying to help. countries exist to protect their people.

But I have no doubt that at some stage you will be victorious.
Israel would level Lebanon if Hezb attacks. They will try to avoid this. Yes they did join in syria but the forces they were fighting against didnt have the power to destroy Lebanon. Israel sadly does.

The decission of Lebanon to to join this blood bath . rests in Iran not Lenanon.

Nassrallah was not happy to enter Syria to help Asad as well , but when he was ordered to do so by Iran , he had no choice,

Lebanon is in one of it's worst economic situation in it's history , always on the brink of civil war , and on top of that , they host 1.5 millions suni refugess from syria , that threaten the delect ballance between the populations.

If Hizbullah attacks , Lebanon would be devastated.

The decision by Hizbullah to attack Israel , makes as much sense , as sending those wheeled assassines to murder our citizens , on that doomed Suterday , the 7 of october.

And would lead to the same results.

Maybe those here who cheer such a scenario should think about that.

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There are 24 Hezbollah dead in the operation against this column, and it is still standing 😱

You keep posting the same BS post from a Saudi troll lol, the same Saudi who was ready to recognise Israel and who condemns Hamas by the way

Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah does not slaughter civilians from home to home but it targets military sites/targets, whatever group that replaces Hamas in what is left of Gaza should try to learn from that
Yes, I dont know enough.

They are exploiting the nationalist cause, they are a sectarian militia. They fight for their people and they fight to be the dominant force in Lebanon. These are not mutually exclusive categories.

it is. I mena they have had some real success, but it does not change their character. Without them Lebanon would still be occupied though.

It's unlikely anyone will fight your battles for you. You have 350 million Arabs that should be the first to fight. They clearly are reluctant to do so. Iran and countries further out you cant really rely on them either.

I sympathise with you and your cause, but I have too much to lose if my country 5,000 km away gets flattened trying to help. countries exist to protect their people.

But I have no doubt that at some stage you will be victorious.

We get it. Hezbollah and Iran led factions won't do anything. You don't need to keep repeating that. We already know from the beginning they won't considering what they've done to the people of Syria. And you're not even Lebanese to speak for Lebanon. So that's strange.

Anyhow, what you're saying is very different from the Iranian and Hezbollah rhetoric we've been hearing for years. That's the point. No one actually believed they would fight Israel at any point.
Is Hezbollah part of the axis of resistance against Israel? Do they operate under assumption that there will never be resistance against Israel? Are you guys scared or what? Just say the truth my friend. You're scared like the Sunni's are scared. So don't claim to be better than them next time. Muslims are so afraid of Jews they'd rather allow Gaza and 3 million Palestinians to be eradicated than intervene.

Fearing people more than Allah(SWT) is gonna bring a big punishment on us.
First of all please don't level me as a shia . I think Baba Google is right , he's telling the truth , can you show me a single Sunni lead state which has stand against Israel ? Everyone is showing their " Technical anger 🤬" .
You keep posting the same BS post from a Saudi troll lol, the same Saudi who was ready to recognise Israel and who condemns Hamas by the way

Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah does not slaughter civilians from home to home but it targets military sites/targets, whatever group that replaces Hamas in what is left of Gaza should try to learn from that

You're showing your true Zionist colors. Hamas attacks settler terrorists and you call them civilians. Meanwhile Hezbollah is raping Syrian women and dropping barrel bombs on them and you make them out to be some moral group. And blowing up and assassinating people in Lebanon.

First of all please don't level me as a shia . I think Baba Google is right , he's telling the truth , can you show me a single Sunni lead state which has stand against Israel ? Everyone is showing their " Technical anger 🤬" .

No. We're not changing the topic because of a few narcissistic Zionists. Everyone saw here on the thread what people said about all the nations in the region. We don't worry about their religious background Sunni or Shia. We're talking about governments and groups. Religious background is not concern for us.
I am old enough to remember your pro-Hezbollah statements from the first days of this war :lol:

He had also bashed Iran for the last few years at least. Now he wants their help.

I don't blame him though, as his people are under attack and losing their lives.

At this point, help from just about anybody would probably be
You're showing your true Zionist colors.
No, you are.
Hamas attacks settler terrorists and you call them civilians.
Hamas attacked many non-combatants. Hamas performed very well in direct combat with combatants inside Israel, but it also killed many non combatants. It's unfortunate.
Meanwhile Hezbollah is raping Syrian women and dropping barrel bombs on them
Didn't realise Hezbollah had an air force
and you make them out to be some moral group.
Indeed. In 2006 Israeli generals would drive across the border in civilian clothes because they knew Hezbollah would not attack civilians.
And blowing up and assassinating people in Lebanon.
Sounds like more of a Sunni / Zionist thing.
He's also bashed Iran here for the last few years at least. Now he wants their help.

I don't blame him though, as his people are under attack and losing their lives.

At this point, help from just about anybody would probably be good
Yep, he's the original sectarian anti-Iran / anti-Hezbollah poster, except in the first few days he was gushing with praise for his brothers in Hezbollah. Now as the battle tilts further against Hamas, he is increasingly frustrated and angry with Iran and Hezbollah instead.

Iran and Hezbollah are fundamentally rational actors: they will not lead their countries to war for the sake of a war that Hamas started, apparently without bothering to even give them notice in advance.
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