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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

He had also bashed Iran for the last few years at least. Now he wants their help.

I don't blame him though, as his people are under attack and losing their lives.

At this point, help from just about anybody would probably be good to him

Pointing out Iran's propaganda and lies isn't asking for their help. It's showing Iran, Hezbollah and Israel are all on the same page. This war has shown that to everyone. That's why you, as a Jew, are also defending them. You're all defending each other. To no avail.

No, you are.

Hamas attacked many non-combatants. Hamas performed very well in direct combat with combatants inside Israel, but it also killed many non combatants. It's unfortunate.

Didn't realise Hezbollah had an air force

Indeed. In 2006 Israeli generals would drive across the border in civilian clothes because they knew Hezbollah would not attack civilians.

Sounds like more of a Sunni / Zionist thing.

You are a Zionist and showed your true colors. You hate Hamas and support Israel's assault on Gaza and Hamas.

And you're also jealous of Hamas as the pro-Israel Hezbollah will dream about doing what Hamas did.

Hezbollah was aiding the mass-murdered Assad for a long time.

Yep, he's the original sectarian anti-Iran / anti-Hezbollah poster, except in the first few days he was gushing with praise for his brothers in Hezbollah. Now as the battle tilts further against Hamas, he is increasingly frustrated and angry with Iran and Hezbollah instead.

Iran and Hezbollah are fundamentally rational actors: they will not lead their countries to war for the sake of a war that Hamas started, apparently without bothering to even give them notice in advance.

Iran and Hezbollah aren't rational actors. They're allies with the Zionists that will gladly murder Syrians and Iraqis with help of US and Russia. Iran and Hezbollah simply do not view Israel as a enemy. Rather as a ally. Israel and Iran need each other. If one goes down, so will the other.

I've been saying for a long time Hezbollah and Iran won't do anything against Israel. And this is to show people that. People can see.
The decision by Hizbullah to attack Israel , makes as much sense , as sending those wheeled assassines to murder our citizens , on that doomed Suterday , the 7 of october.

Interesting is the fact that the zionist security apparatus allegedly failed to detect these movements, and that it took them hours to counter the attack. Strange, is it not? Especially when Hamas was training for the operation during one and a half years in plain sight.

Other puzzling tidbits that raise questions about the relationship between Hamas and Isra"el": why did Tel Aviv allow the daughter of the Hamas leader to receive medical treatment in Isra"el" in 2014, when it now bombs local Gaza hospitals frequented by ordinary Palestinians? Why was Haniyeh's brother-in-law permitted entry into Isra"el" in early 2012, also for medical treatment? Why do three sisters of Ismail Haniyeh possess zionist citizenship? Why have some of their sons reportedly served as soldiers in the "I"DF? Why can Haniyeh enter and leave Qatar at will, when Qatar practically happens to be a USA protectorate and home to the largest American military base in the region? How can he actually own a residence and regularly spend time there?



These are real questions right here, any explanations?
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You are a Zionist and showed your true colors. You hate Hamas and support Israel's assault on Gaza and Hamas.
And you're also jealous of Hamas as the pro-Israel Hezbollah will dream about doing what Hamas did.
I am not jealous that Hezbollah doesn't target civilians, far from it

You know Israel created Hamas and they use it as a tool to control Gaza and Palestinians, don't be naive. Hamas and Israel are allies:

Hezbollah was aiding the mass-murdered Assad for a long time.
A noble intervention to defend Syria from the hordes of extremist jihadists that flooded into Syria from around the world to establish their Islamic Caliphate
Pointing out Iran's propaganda and lies isn't asking for their help. It's showing Iran, Hezbollah and Israel are all on the same page. This war has shown that to everyone. That's why you, as a Jew, are also defending them. You're all defending each other. To no avail.

You are a Zionist and showed your true colors. You hate Hamas and support Israel's assault on Gaza and Hamas.

And you're also jealous of Hamas as the pro-Israel Hezbollah will dream about doing what Hamas did.

Hezbollah was aiding the mass-murdered Assad for a long time.

Iran and Hezbollah aren't rational actors. They're allies with the Zionists that will gladly murder Syrians and Iraqis with help of US and Russia. Iran and Hezbollah simply do not view Israel as a enemy. Rather as a ally. Israel and Iran need each other. If one goes down, so will the other.

I've been saying for a long time Hezbollah and Iran won't do anything against Israel. And this is to show people that. People can see.

Anyone who says something you don't like is automatically a Jew and a Zionist. Get a hold of yourself.

I am not jealous that Hezbollah doesn't target civilians, far from it

You know Israel created Hamas and they use it as a tool to control Gaza and Palestinians, don't be naive. Hamas and Israel are allies:

Why are you here if you hate Hamas so much? Peddle more Zionist propaganda?

Anyone who says something you don't like is automatically a Jew and a Zionist. Get a hold of yourself.

You need to get a hold of yourself. Maybe find a forum that's welcome to Zionists that cheer on genocide and justify bombing hospitals. And accuse Hamas of crimes and deny the right to self determination for Palestinians. Hamas haters are Zionists. There is no qualm about that.
Why are you here if you hate Hamas so much? Peddle more Zionist propaganda?

You need to get a hold of yourself. Maybe find a forum that's welcome to Zionists that cheer on genocide and justify bombing hospitals. And accuse Hamas of crimes and deny the right to self determination for Palestinians. Hamas haters are Zionists. There is no qualm about that.

I'd love for you to point out where I said anything like that, but you can't.

You bashed the living hell out of Iran here for the last few years, that's a fact
I'd love for you to point out where I said anything like that, but you can't.

You bashed the living hell out of Iran here for the last few years, that's a fact

I haven't seen you condemn a single Israeli war crime in this thread.

Yes, I absolutely condemned Iran for some of its horrendous and atrocious policies towards other Muslims in the region. I never once denied that. And will continue to condemn if they do more things. I also condemn terrorist groups in Syria and elsewhere. And condemn the Arab regimes for their share of crimes and inaction towards Palestine. Why are you so bothered by everyone being held accountable for their deeds ?
Anyone who says something you don't like is automatically a Jew and a Zionist. Get a hold of yourself.
Perhaps you’re used to anyone saying boo about Israel and getting banned or having their knuckles wrapped - here he can rightdully express himself without having his wings clipped.
All the 1000s of posts about children and hospitals being attacked - yet this is what you pick to comment on. Says a
Plenty about you and your deep analysis mr wanna be think tank analyst - now respectfully jog on.
Why are you here if you hate Hamas so much? Peddle more Zionist propaganda?
Dude, grow up.

It's obvious I oppose Zionism (and Western double standards) and sympathise with the Palestinians. I have been sharing a lot of news from a Lebanese and Iranian perspective, as well as ways to donate to the Palestinians in Gaza subject to a genocide. The videos are heartbreaking.

I will not support or allow your slander of Hezbollah. I understand it is a very difficult situation for you (indeed for anyone with a conscience) but lashing out at Hezbollah is not the answer (but you are of course free to do as you please).

Perhaps you’re used to anyone saying boo about Israel and getting banned or having their knuckles wrapped - here he can rightdully express himself without having his wings clipped.
All the 1000s of posts about children and hospitals being attacked - yet this is what you pick to comment on. Says a
Plenty about you and your deep analysis mr wanna be think tank analyst - now respectfully jog on.

He is a full blown Zionist. He used to do that with the other Indian neocon Zionist that went under the name 'LeveragedBuyout' at the time.

Dude, grow up.

It's obvious I oppose Zionism (and Western double standards) and sympathise with the Palestinians. I have been sharing a lot of news from a Lebanese and Iranian perspective, as well as ways to donate to the Palestinians in Gaza subject to a genocide. The videos are heartbreaking.

I will not support or allow your slander of Hezbollah. I understand it is a very difficult situation for you (indeed for anyone with a conscience) but lashing out at Hezbollah is not the answer (but you are of course free to do as you please).

I'm seriously starting to think you're a undercover Zionist. Attacking and vilifying Hamas. Hamas is supported by everyone and is fighting a just fight and just struggle. While you and Salar are here polluting the thread with anti-Hamas hate. Like I said, if you hate Hamas, and I don't understand why you're here.

You can't allow or unallow anything. People are entitled to their opinions. People are rightfully calling out Hezbollah and Iran who spend every week accusing everyone of being Zionists preventing them from focusing on Israel, but when push comes to shove they fire anti-tank missiles at the same empty column on the same hill for 11 days straight. While their leadership sacrifices them for show, rather than using them to their full potential.
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AUGUST 8, 2023​

'Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple,' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year​

Arrival of five red heifers continues to cause excitement and consternation in the Jewish state​

This happened just a month before the current violence erupted.

Anyone not familiar with the Red Heifer ... it is a major requirement for the development of the Third Temple. The main issue has always been in finding such a heifer that meets all the requirements postulated in the Torah. This is the first time, in Jewish history of 3000+ years, that such an animal has been brought to Israel.
So, they are going to flatten Gaza for a calf? War generates disinformation, but this takes the cake (or a burger).
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