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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

16:12 what he mentions, I want to know if this is really true. If it is, it's despicable behaviour.
It’s also possible, considering many of the attackers probably thought they were on a kamikaze mission. There were reports many didn’t bring medical kits or even water.
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Who keeps advising these people to act like idiots and lecture other people and countries?

Automatically, I would oppose this statement because the stupid fool thinks she can make demands and issue musts to others. Well baerbock you must cease lecturing others, cease ignoring israeli terrorism against palestinians and i'm issuing you a warning not to endorse NATO terrorism in the region, because you are a terrorist sympathiser and must not issue any more instructions to others every again..

Lebanon can do what they want, you have no business issuing instructions.
See he can say that, but he should do what the Soviets did in 1973. Put his money where his mouth is and put his nuclear forces on alert. Fly supplies from Russia, over Iran and Iraq to Syria and deploy his Air Force in Damascus.

Bro, they are short for their own needs, all muslim states should go in Turkiye and Iran and asked them to join into their own AD projects with money to prop up production and capacities, no other pheaseable solution at moment unless china jump in big time.
You idiot😂 we don't need help to blow them all up, the money that comes to Israel comes just so Israel doesn't stop all water into Gaza and kills everyone

American Special forces are there to rescue American hostages, not to help any war cabinet.

You shouldn't have been cowering on your head while shitting yourself as soon as you hear the siren for the incoming Palestinian rockets.

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Lmao what's the fucking point of spending 10s of billions of US Tax payer dollars when in the end it's going to be overwhelmed by bunch of 100$ rockets? Brilliant mujahideen Hamas
Correct. Israel and its backers' approach is dated: No Arab armies are going to fight them conventionally.
What's interesting is that if they really get involved they are again getting embroiled in a middle eastern war, the Russians and the Chinese will be laughing their belly out. :lol:

I wrote a few weeks ago that no matter how smart the American strategists are, even the smartest make mistakes.
American strategists are not that smart and that's because they don't have the independence of action due to a certain Lobby controlling America's foreign policy. So, yes, the conflict between Arabs and Israelis is a great opportunity for Russia and China. Already there is a sense of triumphalism in Russia over the Ukraine war.
As I said here many pages ago, Israelis and their Lobby will be remembered in history as the entity which brought down a great power like America.


US Deploys THAAD System, Strike Group Amid 'Recent Escalations' by Iran​


The U.S. has deployed a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile battery and additional Patriot missile battalions to undisclosed locations in the eastern Mediterranean in response to "recent escalations" on the part of Iran and its proxies over the war between Israel and Hamas, Lloyd Austin has said.

The rest of the article is here.
"After hotel rooms in Eilat were filled with displaced settlers from the Gaza Strip, the mayor instructed the government to submit a plan to establish a tent city for the displaced, which would be established on an area of about 150 dunams near the entrance to the city.The mayor says: “We are facing the most difficult displacement crisis since the establishment of Israel.

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