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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel is targeting the civilian population and civilian infrastructure. Out of hatred or vengeance or a combination of many factors. There is no military angle to this. They want to create extremely dire conditions for the civilian population to drive them out of Gaza.

This is the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing. And Russia didn't come close to doing anything like this.

PakPak why laugh, Turks did intervention in those regions many times. In the relatively recent history,they did interwin in Cyprus, Libya, Syria Iraqi and Azerbaijan. For that reason, they didn't have time to take strategic lessons from you or sodimites who are shaping your little brain.
Stay loyal to your way of doing things and leave fighting to the man
He disregarded crucial word PROBING, none expects that turks declare war tomorrow or so, i understood it as strong diplomatic message and throwing stone in water, lets wait what kind of waves it will cause.
why dont you apply that logic and see if applies to Hamas too?

Sorry Israel's image as a strong military power got shattered in 1 week by a rag tag militia.
I was referring to claiming it was the other side. If Israel doing that made you disbelieve their claims would the same not apply to Hamas or Islamic Jihad too? Would not surprise if any side was responsible


A stratospheric craft with the designation N137WV and belonging to the company World View Enterprises is visible.

Read up more about the military applications by the product of this U.S. company here:

Israel has gotten 45 planes of military supplies. Just imagine that. All for the concentration camp of Gaza. We are seeing genocide and ethnic cleansing before our eyes. Everyone must protest in their country. Israel is murdering 1,000 Palestinian civilians a day. They literally are committing genocide.

They have hit Al-Sufara bakery, the only working bakery in Al-Nuseirat camp.
They are targeting restaurants and cafes as well. While people were picking up food from them:


At least 10 martyrs and a large number of wounded as the occupation aircraft bombed Sobh Shop, Jenin Restaurant, Akl Restaurant, Hamada Mall in Nuseirat Market, central Gaza Strip.

View attachment 964230

A stratospheric craft with the designation N137WV and belonging to the company World View Enterprises is visible.

Read up more about the military applications by the product of this U.S. company here:

View attachment 964232

View attachment 964230

A stratospheric craft with the designation N137WV and belonging to the company World View Enterprises is visible.

Read up more about the military applications by the product of this U.S. company here:

View attachment 964232
Great catch.
He disregarded crucial word PROBING, none expects that turks declare war tomorrow or so, i understood it as strong diplomatic message and throwing stone in water, lets wait what kind of waves it will cause.
Brate. Ja znam ove ljude. U Britain 80% njih prima drzavnu pomoc I izigravaju stratege etc to je duga prica. Vjeruj mi kad ti kazem da na neki bizarre nacin im je zao da nismo neststali. Da nas koriste kao argument I da mogu ozenit bjele zene. A ako je tip sa strane " kisre" onda je to ko biva da su ko oni nakve vodje etc.
Nevjerujem "kisrinim" topovima sekunde.
Ali sta je tu je. Pa mi smo pobil vise kafira nego monogi od njih zajedno a da negovorimo o turks.
Allahu Alim
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