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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


21 October 2023
The Gaza Strip: The protection of civilians an absolute, solemn obligation at all times

“For the past two weeks, the war has continued, unabated. 

“In the Gaza Strip, relentless air strikes and bombardments, coupled with evacuation orders issued by the Israeli Forces, have displaced nearly 1 million people and caused the death and injuries of far too many civilians.

“Half a million people are currently sheltering in UNRWA facilities across the Gaza Strip. They have come to these UN facilities in search of safety, and protection. In Khan Younis and Rafah– in the south of the Gaza Strip- shelters have become overcrowded. Many have taken refuge in UNRWA buildings that were not set up to be shelters where the living conditions are just untenable. 

“Civilians -wherever they are- must be protected. The life of all civilians, the integrity of all UN facilities and premises, as well as civilian infrastructures, including hospitals must be shielded from harm and protected at all times under international humanitarian law.  

“I emphasise that since the war began on 7 October, UNRWA has been regularly providing the coordinates of all its facilities across the Gaza Strip to all relevant parties. Nevertheless, at least 35 UNRWA facilities have been impacted so far, some were directly hit.  

“We are devastated to receive continuous reports of civilians killed in Gaza, including at UNRWA. To date, 17 of our colleagues have been confirmed killed in this vicious war. Very sadly, the actual numbers are likely to be higher. Some of our staff were killed with their families while sleeping in their beds at home.   

“No words can describe the levels of condemnations of all atrocities and violations, everywhere. I - once again- recall the non-negotiable legal obligations incumbent on all parties to the conflict to protect the lives of civilians, wherever they are, at all times, and to refrain from attacks on civilian facilities, including schools, hospitals, places of worship, and civilians’ homes, including those of UNRWA staff. These are basic, moral imperatives of our collective humanity. 

“Let me be clear: protecting civilians in times of conflict is not an aspiration or an ideal; it is an obligation and a commitment to our shared humanity.
“I echo the calls from the UN Secretary-General on all parties to reach an urgent humanitarian ceasefire. This is the only way out of this mayhem; any other way will plunge Gaza – and the world – deeper into fathomless, dark depths. 

Source: https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/offi...unrwa-commissioner-general-philippe-lazzarini
All the mods on this site do their best, I also know why he posted what he did and why he had to ask people to dial down the rhetoric at times.

But what we are seeing unfold in Gaza and the West Bank right now, that deserves to be called out and condemned.

Don’t be mislead by my staunch pro Palestinian stance here. Whilst I am a strong believer in the right to self determination as guaranteed under the Oslo Accords.

But where I draw the line is what Hamas did, I am sorry but as someone who has lost friends and loved ones to terrorists and had to pick up human remains like “chichra” from a butchers shop, I can only condemn Hamas.

Similarly whilst I wish that the Jews could live in peace and harmony, I will always condemn the Israeli government because of their brutality and apartheid tactics against the people of Palestine.

The Palestinian people deserve all their universal human rights restored to them.

In 2003 I took an oath to protect all human life. I only care about lives, to me political barriers, religious and ethnical barriers don’t mean anything.

The killing has to stop.
I don’t see any difference from an Israeli kid or a Palestinian kid - hell my son is playing football with his Jewish mates as we speak.
I object to the dehumanisation of Palestinians be in Muslim or Christian.
I despise how lies becomes truths In the sold out media.
I object to war crimes and genocide being committed as we talk.
I naturally object to what Hamas has done 2 weeks ago.
And finally I do object to Indians being more Jewish than the Jewish.
If Gaza falls all of Ummah falls. We will enter period of great moral corruption and even worse politics than we see today. We can't allow that. And we won't inshallah.

Great moral corruption is not the consequence but the cause of this mess.

The Muslims, particularly the Arabs (but not only them), have not realized yet that all this mess originated not from foreign invasions but from internal decadence and weakening of the self.

Good question to ask is: why were you so weak to allow this to happen? Unfortunately, the Muslims haven't yet arrived at this stage of introspection; they are still stuck at blaming everyone but themselves.

Comparatively, what's happening now appears less severe than what happened during the Mongol Invasions. But the cause is the same. The Ilkhan Mongol Hulagu, when he sieged Baghdad and imprisoned the caliph, he brought him a plate of gold to eat, reminding him of the price of decadence.
Tbh even if Netanyahu murdered every Palestinian child with his bare hands on live television, the Saudi royalty would still be eager to cut a deal with Israel. The only thing holding them back is the wider public opinion in the Arab and Muslim world.

There is no doubt that GCC Arabs are hell bent on recognising Israel. Just wait when things calm down a little. This MBS will polish the boots of Zionists himself.
So they're committing genocide and ethnic cleansing and trying to force all Palestinians out then taking about government of Gaza. They don't intend to allow for Palestinians to govern themselves and deny their right to self determination. The intent is committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.

25% of homes in Gaza destroyed is genocide and there is no military purpose to it. They can't win any war without US intervention and breaking international in a severe manner. The world can't watch and allow this to happen. The world has a Jewish problem and needs to deal with it.

Netan yahu is facing intense pressure inside israel and the whole world is banging them on social media. US knows that israel will be beefed up if they enter ghaza using ground force. Netanyahu yahu is finally admitting the reality that more destruction and his brutality is turning whole world against Zionist. It’s no more in there interest nor western countries could stand up for him. Millions of Jews are dual national and ready to leave so who israel will fight for? Too much blood has been spelled on both side and we can’t afford this craziness anymore. I am seeing independent Palestine and I will pray that it happens soon.
I don’t see any difference from an Israeli kid or a Palestinian kid - hell my son is playing football with his Jewish mates as we speak.
I object to the dehumanisation of Palestinians be in Muslim or Christian.
I despise how lies becomes truths In the sold out media.
I object to war crimes and genocide being committed as we talk.
I naturally object to what Hamas has done 2 weeks ago.
And finally I do object to Indians being more Jewish than the Jewish.
I really like your style of posting, please do post more here. Also in reference to your last comment... Check this out:

Netan yahu is facing intense pressure inside israel and the whole world is banging them on social media. US knows that israel will be beefed up if they enter ghaza using ground force. Netanyahu yahu is finally admitting the reality that more destruction and his brutality is turning whole world against Zionist. It’s no more in there interest nor western countries could stand up for him. Millions of Jews are dual national and ready to leave so who israel will fight for? Too much blood has been spelled on both side and we can’t afford this craziness anymore. I am seeing independent Palestine and I will pray that it happens soon.
Even if there is a ceasefire. The revolution against global Jewry is only in it's beginning. The world and humanity must deal with the Jewish problem now and no longer push it aside for later. After today, the Jewish problem will be approached differently. And the Jewish ISIS Nazi tribe will not be looked at the same.

Global Jewry needs to be destroyed and annihilated and not be allowed to respawn again. Hamas triggered the revolution against global Jewry and the Jewish problem must be dealt with. Christians and Muslims need to get together after his war. And began taking initiative against the global Jewry demonic cancer.
I really like your style of posting, please do post more here. Also in reference to your last comment... Check this out:
View attachment 963977
View attachment 963978
Goodness me - they hatred towards the musselman and love and desire to be accepted by the white man holds no bounds. The obsession is deep.
Thanks for the kind worda - will try to post more - if my son allows me to - football cricket party iPad homework karate and swimming is a daily routine - not forgetting school!!
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