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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

israel has always been very sensitive for it's hostages and POW's , and was willing to go to great length to bring them home , one way or another.

If you remeber the Entebbe raid , where Israel took a huge risk to rescue them or after the Munich olympic massacre where are athletes where taken hostage , Israel went to great lengh to go after those responsible all over over the world.In 2006 Israel went to war in Lebasnon over 3 kidnapped soldiers .

And those are just few examples.

Our whole country regrets that we had a chance to free one of our pilots in such a swap and he went missing and was never seen again :

Yes I agree that this ecourages more hostage situations , but I think a country has a duty to bring it's citizens back home , no matter the cost.


A consistent.
10 to 1 trade.
If negotiations fall through, we kill 50 of yours for each of ours.

Seems better to me.

Ah well. They have to forego their 100 to 1 anyway.
Total incarcerated palestinians is 5000?
That would be 25 to 1 if a deal of all prisoners released vs all hostages freed is made.
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loser Iran is so angry and started this war via HAMAS

Persians are atheist Zoroastrians which never fought Chistians and Jews
On the other hand We muslim TURKS fought for 1.000 years to protect ISLAM and muslim Countries against Christian World including CRUSADERS

-- Go and kill more muslims in Syria with christian Russian military helping

-- Go and support christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan

-- Go and create more chaos in muslim Arab Countries

Iran destroyed Palestinian Cause when used HAMAS as a proxy to attack civilians in Israel
Iran gave chance to Israel-USA to destroy GAZA and to kick Palestinians out of GAZA

Iran is one of the biggest enemy to Muslims
You are now just slave of jews and western countries.

You are not even muslim anymore. Did you ever pray (namaz) in your life?

Your friends in syria and Azerbaijan are look like you too.
Sad very sad

The Zionists are shafting the innocent Palestinians and yet again you guys have ended up having a bitch about each other. This is and has always been the issue with Muslims - can’t unite - as the enemy takes advantage and massacres Muslims. Bravo simpletons - bravo.

Take a minute and reflect on how stupid you make yourself look
2,400,000 Iranians signed to go to war with Israhell(until now)

A public campaign has been conducted in Iran and milions of people have signed it so far

Two million four hundred thousand people announced their readiness until now.

Last night, this system was able to register only 300,000 people and 300,000 people signed it
Its now 3,500,000 people
People who want to go to war are increasing every day.
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Palestinians are being bombed to pieces,but your excuses are good. Too bad. All those lists of Turkish superweapons and you're scared to take Kudus.

Israelis are being bombed to pieces too
and paper tiger Israel scared to take GAZA ....

Nobody attack Turks and Turkiye
Palestinians are not Turks and not citizens of Turkiye

Arab countries S.Arabia, The UAE , Jordan , Egypt , etc should fight Israel for Arabs in Palestine
You are now just slave of jews and western countries.

only Israel supported Azerbaijan when Iran-Russia backed christian Armenia occupied Azerbaijani territory Karabakh

Iran is worse than Israel

if İsrael killed tens of thousands of muslims in Palestine since 1948

Iran and radical sectarian terrorists killed hundreds of thousands of muslims in Syria since 2011
Well Germans did way better.

Someone was needed to fulfill the dreak of creating the promised land of Jews. Keep in mind, Europeans generally hated Jews at that time. It was an other high potential that could be used in favor of promised land in Jerusalem.

Zionists les by super wealthy Zionist-Jewish families signed multiple contracts with Hitler behind the scene. In exchange, Hitler scared Jews of Europe exploiting the afformentioned hatred of Jews by European people, hence helped Zionists to transfer Jews from Europe into Palestine.

Reason was that majority of Jews refused to leave their homes in Europe for deserts of middle east. Hitler was scarecrow for Jews. That is why you see some Jews in parts of world burn flags of Israel. Jews are a tool in hands of Zionists. For whatever reason, they want to establish a powerful and Satanic regime in holy land of Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem.
That's good explanation.

Thank you.
only Israel supported Azerbaijan when Iran-Russia backed christian Armenia occupied Azerbaijani territory Karabakh

Iran is worse than Israel

if İsrael killed tens of thousands of muslims in Palestine since 1948

Iran and radical sectarian terrorists killed hundreds of thousands of muslims in Syria since 2011
Why you didn't answer my questions?
If we had supported the Armenians in the war, there would not be a country called Azerbaijan now.
Also radical terrorists are your friends in syria. They creat war crimes and destroyed syria for benefit of jews.

Heavy clash in southern Lebanon
View attachment 962917
The number of martyrs of Hezbollah reached 4 people today.

This is while the Zionist regime is preventing the publication of its casualty statistics in the battle with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah announced the martyrdom of its fifth force named "Ibrahim Habib al-Dabaq" in today's clashes on the Israeli border.
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