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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Brate , sve najbolje nemam vremena za ovo mjesto. Vidis ovo je farsa kao sva balijska zajrbsncija. Vlasnici ovog foruma su zadnje ljudske gnjide. Uvjek pustaju zadnji olos da zajebaje svjet. Ovo mjesto Je smece. I Uvjek je I bilo smece. Nema potrebe trosit vrijeme ovdje , zbog 4 5 dobrih insane.
Allah emanet
Neka te, bude i dobrih upisa, a sarenilo kojekakvog hamelja je i ocekivano da baulja po topiku.
You are greatly mistaken. The reason Imran Khan is in jail today is because of THIS particular conflict and the importance it holds for Islam, if you but knew.
Disagree. Let’s not discuss this issue in this thread.
Why you are so angry ?

loser Iran is so angry and started this war via HAMAS

Persians are atheist Zoroastrians which never fought Chistians and Jews
On the other hand We muslim TURKS fought for 1.000 years to protect ISLAM and muslim Countries against Christian World including CRUSADERS

-- Go and kill more muslims in Syria with christian Russian military helping

-- Go and support christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan

-- Go and create more chaos in muslim Arab Countries

Iran destroyed Palestinian Cause when used HAMAS as a proxy to attack civilians in Israel
Iran gave chance to Israel-USA to destroy GAZA and to kick Palestinians out of GAZA

Iran is one of the biggest enemy to Muslims
Yes, that's true.
But I got a question if you allow me.
I assume you are german. Can you tell me how Germany achieved this scientific jump before and during ww2, how did they manage to develop such weapons like the v2 or the jet engines like the heinkel he 280 fighter jet or the horten ho 229 stealth bomber.. seriously how did they got these ideas?

I dont know. Science was always socially recognized in germany and often different scientist or groups push themself higher to be the first one what solve a problem or a science question what came up.
that within current climate and if it continues for while, serbs and croats will get green light for bosnia divide and formal occupation.
glimps of that you can see in europe as they crack hard on any dissent and protest against support to palestinian cause, GB arrested even their former parlament member.
If you are afraid of Serbs and Croats, don't fret. They aren't Israel.
pathetic Israel first should save Israelis from HAMAS-HEZBOLLAH ... lol
Palestinians are being bombed to pieces,but your excuses are good. Too bad. All those lists of Turkish superweapons and you're scared to take Kudus.
Good residence 😁
Western should not support Isis nation
Well he didnt start the war with UK and France, They declared war on Germany and attacked Germany first. Read up on it.

Man, what will you tell me about germany? Before hitler invads Poland, france warned that they will declare war on germany if germany attack poland. So if no attack against poland, then there no attack of france and due to that no ww2.
that within current climate and if it continues for while, serbs and croats will get green light for bosnia divide and formal occupation.
What formal occupation,first of all,the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is already divided to BiH and Republika Srpska. If the Bosnian Serbs leave,you will still be BiH. If the Bosnian Croats leave,then it's mostly Herzegovina. You'll just have the majority Bosnian Muslim parts. So what's the problem?
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