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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is an operation they have been planning for years. The recent incompetence of Mossad and the IDF shows they either deliberately created a casus belli to attack Gaza, or are truly incompetent, both are bad.

There is no way you can "train" 300,000 deployed troops in open fields for URBAN warfare days before a massive urban mission. They are re-calculating to ensure they know what they're getting themselves into, as HAMAS today is not the same as before. It is much more organized and has more lethal and modern weapons.

There is no way they can neutralize the tunnels (as shown in US incompetence in Vietnam), it is too dangerous unless chemical weapons are used in which case the IDF exposes itself to chemical warfare, as do their citizens. I don't think they have an iron dome for chemical weapons, or do they?
Without using chemical weapons, can't they pour concrete at multiple places to seal up tunnels? Blow a manhole on top of tunnel and pour concrete down. Of course, I know nothing about how deep these tunnels are.
I understand the US is sending awesome firepower into the region hoping to deter a Hezbollah and Iranian attack, but that is not working. Hezbollah already spent 5 IDF soldiers with their skirmishes a long the Lebanese border. It is an already low intensity war, and it will proliferate with time. The aircraft carrier will not stop this, sure, they can send air bombings, but what will that accomplish? What has that accomplished in the past? two lost wars (Iraq and Afghanistan). I am convinced, after days of research, that Iran and potentially Hezbollah have full capability to sink an aircraft carrier. Iranian missiles are no joke.
I understand the US is sending awesome firepower into the region hoping to deter a Hezbollah and Iranian attack, but that is not working. Hezbollah already spent 5 IDF soldiers with their skirmishes a long the Lebanese border. It is an already low intensity war, and it will proliferate with time. The aircraft carrier will not stop this, sure, they can send air bombings, but what will that accomplish? What has that accomplished in the past? two lost wars (Iraq and Afghanistan). I am convinced, after days of research, that Iran and potentially Hezbollah have full capability to sink an aircraft carrier. Iranian missiles are no joke.
Didn't the war in 2006 start off with just 5 Israeli soldiers being killed?

We've seen no escalation at that level despite Hezbollah doing much worse.

@LeGenD What do you think about their ability to sink an aircraft carrier?
2000 since when? I read they sent up to 100 green berets, did I miss something. I am 90% close to moving out of the US as I see it as a failing empire, the country is broke and literally prints money out of thin air to pay for basic services. And they still want to engage in hot wars with money they DON'T have. Just last week they borrowed 500 Bil $ in a SINGLE day.
Many american troops stationed in israel,saudia,jordan,kuwait,bahrain and uae.

is the american situation really that bad? much poverty over there?
Without using chemical weapons, can't they pour concrete at multiple places to seal up tunnels? Blow a manhole on top of tunnel and pour concrete down. Of course, I know nothing about how deep these tunnels are.
Roughly 60 meters, this is a maze, there are numerous exits, entrances, connections it is literally a network. It would be impossible to do without incurring casualties as I do not think the IDF will have the opportunity to stand around for hours pouring concrete.
Didn't the war in 2006 start off with just 5 Israeli soldiers being killed?

We've seen no escalation at that level despite Hezbollah doing much worse.

@LeGenD What do you think about their ability to sink an aircraft carrier?

If Hezbollah fired at an IDF tank and killed one of their officers just 2 weeks ago the IDF would be fully engaged. But today it is an everyday occurrence, the IDF has truly exposed themselves as being a paper tiger. I see the TikTok videos of the female IDF soldiers shaking their butts, attractive yes, effective NO.

in 2006, the IDF lost the war.
Many american troops stationed in israel,saudia,jordan,kuwait,bahrain and uae.

is the american situation really that bad? much poverty over there?

Poverty is rising, but the system will implode or hyperinflation will take place given irresponsible fiscal policies and printing like there is no tomorrow. Europe is no better. I am glad Bosnia barely has any debt. (30% of GDP).

a meme from China social media
Poverty is rising, but the system will implode or hyperinflation will take place given irresponsible fiscal policies and printing like there is no tomorrow. Europe is no better. I am glad Bosnia barely has any debt. (30% of GDP).
Wow I didn't know it was that bad.
Bosnia doesn't have any debt but it has a problem regarding its serbs and croats.
Roughly 60 meters, this is a maze, there are numerous exits, entrances, connections it is literally a network. It would be impossible to do without incurring casualties as I do not think the IDF will have the opportunity to stand around for hours pouring concrete.
So how do they get in and out of 60 meters depth? 60 meters is 20 Storey building high. I can't even climb 20 Storeys carrying my lunch, using a staircase, let alone a rocket.
Wow I didn't know it was that bad.
Bosnia doesn't have any debt but it has a problem regarding its serbs and croats.

Yes that it does, but not too big of a problem, they know war is costly, no more JNA to misuse and no more defenseless Bosniaks to attack.

So how do they get in and out of 60 meters depth? 60 meters is 20 Storey building high. I can't even climb 20 Storeys carrying my lunch, using a staircase, let alone a rocket.

You can find videos, but I saw them using sliding down a pole in some of the videos LOL.
I have been wondering and asking the same on PDF!

Israel is stalling.

Invasion will lead to escalation, which Israel must reconsider when it is low on ammunition, manpower and willpower.

That wont work, IDF will have to do the "hard work"-street battles to dislodge Hamas, and by then, the north of Israel will be as hot as Gaza, i believe.

Reason for wait! According to most analysts idf has performed badly … lol

The IDF troops around Gaza were caught napping and appeared to offer little resistance. Backup was slow and
disorganised for such a large military in such a small country. The IDF is a conscript army and such an army does not compare well with the experience, training and motivation of a professional volunteer army. The IDF has also been used as an army of occupation to quell protests as religious nationalists build settlements on the West Bank.
It is claimed the bombing of Stalingrad favoured the defenders as a landscape of ruins restrict movements and provide cover.
Against motivated fighters, the IDF will struggle. Gaza is going to be a brutal meat grinder for both parties. I certainly would not wish to be in an Israeli tank facing a Malyutka At-3 sagger Anti Tank guided missile!!!
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