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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I think a far simpler explanation is they are still not ready with removal of tall structures. The evacuation of residents is obviously taking longer due to their continuous bombing causing transport bottlenecks along with lack of fuel and electricity. They can't start ground operations till structures are removed and that can't finish till people are still around. Probably it will take them a few more days to get all the people out and remove the structures. There is a lot of pressure on them to reduce casualties and their bombing tempo has likely come down. Always remember, a good general wants to win a war, schedule be damned. There is no medal for saying we screwed up but we were prompt.

They delayed the operation at least 2 times so far, perhaps more. Are days and days behind schedule. I don’t think it is possible to remove all tall structures. Regardless, the Hamas fighters will still be able to move around more efficiently than the IDF, and it could also be that Hezbollah could launch missles into Gaza targeting the IDF since they won’t have anti-air systems, hard to maneuver in the ruble and destroyed roads. It would need to be launched alongside the coast to avoid the iron down (or lessen its efficacy). The rubble would be their demise as Hamas freely fires missiles from southern Gaza into areas the IDF is operating in.
This is the current situation:


The fact that he will meet with King Abdullah of Jordan and President Sisi of Egypt shows that the US plan is ready to take the final step in the complete ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Trying to scare them into accepting ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank into Egypt and Jordan. Can't speak for Jordan, but Egypt will not budge. They want to destory Egypt for rejecting these proposals in the first place.
They delayed the operation at least 2 times so far, perhaps more. Are days and days behind schedule. I don’t think it is possible to remove all tall structures. Regardless, the Hamas fighters will still be able to move around more efficiently than the IDF, and it could also be that Hezbollah could launch missles into Gaza targeting the IDF since they won’t have anti-air systems, hard to maneuver in the ruble and destroyed roads. It would need to be launched alongside the coast to avoid the iron down (or lessen its efficacy). The rubble would be their demise as Hamas freely fires missiles from southern Gaza into areas the IDF is operating in.
Yes, all those challenges are probably keeping them awake at night planning and revising their tactics. This is probably an operation they had never prepared for, so they have to train the troops with all the complex offensive and defensive maneuvers. In the middle of all the rubble and still standing but unsafe structures, I don't know how they can neutralize the tunnels. Their military engineers have their hands full and some.
Yes, all those challenges are probably keeping them awake at night planning and revising their tactics. This is probably an operation they had never prepared for, so they have to train the troops with all the complex offensive and defensive maneuvers. In the middle of all the rubble and still standing but unsafe structures, I don't know how they can neutralize the tunnels. Their military engineers have their hands full and some.

This is an operation they have been planning for years. The recent incompetence of Mossad and the IDF shows they either deliberately created a casus belli to attack Gaza, or are truly incompetent, both are bad.

There is no way you can "train" 300,000 deployed troops in open fields for URBAN warfare days before a massive urban mission. They are re-calculating to ensure they know what they're getting themselves into, as HAMAS today is not the same as before. It is much more organized and has more lethal and modern weapons.

There is no way they can neutralize the tunnels (as shown in US incompetence in Vietnam), it is too dangerous unless chemical weapons are used in which case the IDF exposes itself to chemical warfare, as do their citizens. I don't think they have an iron dome for chemical weapons, or do they?
in addition to 2000 american soldier they were already inside israel.

2000 since when? I read they sent up to 100 green berets, did I miss something. I am 90% close to moving out of the US as I see it as a failing empire, the country is broke and literally prints money out of thin air to pay for basic services. And they still want to engage in hot wars with money they DON'T have. Just last week they borrowed 500 Bil $ in a SINGLE day.
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