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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Cost is not a problem for US Navy - take a look at American defense budget. Do you realize how big it is?

Problem is not American defense budget
Problem is American Missiles so expensive to compare with cost effective Turkish solutions
quantity always will win

American Destroyer has limited fire power without dozens of ASROC Missiles

American Destroyer can not stop even a swarm attack of 30 unmanned kamikaze UAVs



An American CBG is equipped to defeat all manner of threats you can come up with.
I respect Turkish technology but you are really pushing it.

Israel also dreamed about IRON DOME
but HAMAS kicked IRON DOME with large scale of swarm attack ( 3500-5000 rockets in a day )
Israel is so lucky that HEZBOLLAH did not attack Israel at the same time with HAMAS

as I said American Destroyer has limited fire power without hundreds of Missiles

1 SM-6 Missile = $4.3 million
1 ESSM Missile = $1,8 million

on the other hand

1 GOKSUNGUR : less than $50.000

I respect American technology .. but Turkiye is not Iraq or Libya or Syria

GOKSUNGUR JEMSAH supersonic fake decoy Drone

Weight : 100 kg
Range ; 300 km

it will be used to deceive and confuse the enemy air defense systems during the battle,
and to consume their missiles by waking them early and causing them to fire incorrectly

low-cost decoy Drone for Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) missions

American MALD
İsraeli TALD

to fire 50 GOKSUNGUR JEMSAH supersonic fake decoy Drones and enemy Destroyer will fire all SAMs in panic to consume their missiles by waking them early

Good luck to Enemy Destroyers , They will need it

even I am not talking about 700 km SUPER SIMSEK kamikaze Drone

Weight : 200 kg
Warhead : 35-50 kg
Speed : mach 0,85
Range ; 700 km

Cost effective solution

or 500 km AZAB kamikaze Drone with E/O Camera

or 800 km KARGI anti-radiation Drone with RF seeker

or 250 km KEMANKES mini Cruise Missile

even I am not talking about Unmanned Vessels

10 MARLIN USVs can fire 200 KUZGUN-TJ Missiles on enemy Destroyer from 180+ km away



Now only unmanned Systems are enough to turn enemy Destroyer into scrap of metal

-- from air launched anti-ship missiles to ground-based anti-ship missiles
-- from supersonic anti-ship missiles to anti-ship ballistic missile

and of course Turkish Navy

When KAAN , ANKA-3 , KIZILELMA enter service as of 2030 , then even US Navy will be not safe in the Eastern Mediterranean
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What? America is a colony of Israel. Their president, secretary of state, their senators, and their CENTCOM commander have already gone or are heading to IsraHell.

Let me get something straight: It looks like those bagel-eating, human-argan harvesting, matza-ball eating, joboys could not continue fighting against loosely armed Palestinian guerillas, so they're bringing in all of their puppets.
I understand the US is sending awesome firepower into the region hoping to deter a Hezbollah and Iranian attack, but that is not working. Hezbollah already spent 5 IDF soldiers with their skirmishes a long the Lebanese border. It is an already low intensity war, and it will proliferate with time. The aircraft carrier will not stop this, sure, they can send air bombings, but what will that accomplish? What has that accomplished in the past? two lost wars (Iraq and Afghanistan). I am convinced, after days of research, that Iran and potentially Hezbollah have full capability to sink an aircraft carrier. Iranian missiles are no joke.
Iranian forces could not even take Basra in war with Iraq while US-led forces closed the chapter of Saddam regime, defeated other hostile groups, and changed the political landscape of Iraq. But US lost the war in Iraq?

US focused on defeating Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, but respected Pakistani interests in Afghanistan. US allowed Taliban to return to power when it accepted American condition for not supporting Al-Qaeda Network with Pakistan and Qatar being involved as mediators in Doha Accords.

As for Hezbollah and Iran sinking an American fleet:



Don't blame me for making these claims.
I think that was due to the sheer incompetence of the Iraqis rather than anything else. The Middle Eastern countries have awful training and standards. I mean Israel defeated multiple Arab militaries in the six day war so badly it was thought to have been a miracle.
Did anyone knew that BEFORE Desert Storm? When I received orders to deploy to DS, no different than everyone else, I was apprehensive, after all, there was the Iran-Iraq War to study. The last combat actions the US military had was Viet Nam, and the Iran-Iraq War was more recent. So here are US and allies going to fight against a military that had more recent combat experience than ALL of us.

Mike Tyson said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Iraq found out how good were their plans.

Iran will be facing the US Navy and Air Force, not Army. Long range, not up close. Whose plan is better? Only one way to find out.

Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing. They need to help Gaza along with Egypt ,Turkey and Saudi Arabia. No one can watch what is happening anymore.
Southern Lebanon is understandable but North side never took part fight against Israel.

Iranian forces could not even take Basra in war with Iraq while US-led forces closed the chapter of Saddam regime, defeated other hostile groups, and changed the political landscape of Iraq. But US lost the war in Iraq?

US focused on defeating Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, but respected Pakistani interests in Afghanistan. US allowed Taliban to return to power when it accepted American condition for not supporting Al-Qaeda Network with Pakistan and Qatar being involved as mediators in Doha Accords.

As for Hezbollah and Iran sinking an American fleet:

View attachment 962792


Don't blame me for making these claims.
Yes, because during that war , US and European provide constant live satellite feed to Saddam artillery fire pin point Iran infantry positions...
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Did anyone knew that BEFORE Desert Storm? When I received orders to deploy to DS, no different than everyone else, I was apprehensive, after all, there was the Iran-Iraq War to study. The last combat actions the US military had was Viet Nam, and the Iran-Iraq War was more recent. So here are US and allies going to fight against a military that had more recent combat experience than ALL of us.

Mike Tyson said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Iraq found out how good were their plans.

Iran will be facing the US Navy and Air Force, not Army. Long range, not up close. Whose plan is better? Only one way to find out.

The thing with conflicts in modern times is that while you may be a militarily enormous force, your actions are going to have conseuqences for the rest of the world, and especially the region in which you take action in.

Just look at any place where the US has gone, is it a bastion of peace now?

The US can very well annihilate Iran and reduce it to rubble finer than coal dust, but the aftermath will be devastating for millions of people in the region.
The thing with conflicts in modern times is that while you may be a militarily enormous force, your actions are going to have conseuqences for the rest of the world, and especially the region in which you take action in.
Why is that NOT applicable to regional powers, large and small?

Just look at any place where the US has gone, is it a bastion of peace now?
Europe. JPN.

The US can very well annihilate Iran and reduce it to rubble finer than coal dust, but the aftermath will be devastating for millions of people in the region.
See item one.
Why is that NOT applicable to regional powers, large and small?

Who said it isn't?

It is applicable to every single nation or power currently trying to impress it's military might on the world.

Europe. JPN.

Completely different background as compared to the current situation. Should have been more clear before. It's MUCH more nuanced than simply US bad, but you get the point.
What? America is a colony of Israel. Their president, secretary of state, their senators, and their CENTCOM commander have already gone or are heading to IsraHell.

Let me get something straight: It looks like those bagel-eating, human-argan harvesting, matza-ball eating, joboys could not continue fighting against loosely armed Palestinian guerillas, so they're bringing in all of their puppets.
Do you know that at least 30 Americans have been murdered and at least 20 Americans are held hostage by Hamas? This is not somebody else's problem. The families of the dead and hostages won't keep quiet if the government pretends we don't care. They are all over the TV asking what the heck are you doing sitting on your butt?
Did u ban me because I disagreed with you? If you did that's pathetic and if it was another mod then let me know
Let you know? What will you do? You were sent on a leave for not paying heed to facts and trolling in response. The management will not give the benefit of doubt to a member for being irrational and trolling. Take this as a lesson and improve your posts.
Who said it isn't?

It is applicable to every single nation or power currently trying to impress it's military might on the world.
Has anyone admonished Iran about consequences in the region? But only on US?

Completely different background as compared to the current situation. Should have been more clear before. It's MUCH more nuanced than simply US bad, but you get the point.
You asked a broad question, I gave an equally broad answer.

By the way...

Chapter 28. America: The Anticommunist Anchorman​
Although American intervention failed in Vietnam, it bought time for the rest of Southeast Asia. In 1965, when the U.S. military moved massively into South Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines faced internal threats from armed communist insurgencies and the communist underground was still active in Singapore. Indonesia, in the throes of a failed communist coup, was waging konfrontasi, an undeclared war against Malaysia and Singapore. The Philippines was claiming Sabah in East Malaysia,. Standards of living were low and economic growth slow. America's action enabled noncommunist Southeast Asia to put their own houses in order. By 1975, they were in better shape to stand up to the communists. Had there been no U.S. intervention, the will of these countries to resist them would have melted and Southeast Asia would most likely have gone communist. The prosperous emerging market economies os Asean were nurtured during the Vietnam War years.
A long time ago, but still applicable. The US failed in VN, but saved most of Asia. Wonder if we can do the same for the ME -- from Iran.
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