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Gaza celebrates murder of family

This is the sick mentality bloody drag religion between every thing my religion does not teach me to be happy when any child die MAY BE OF ANY RELIGION but it is not the same for you dont bring religion into every god damn thing

i dont. i just make you see a fact. religion stuck in your minds. tell me why i never see one of you hindu guys criticize israel when they are killing "innocent" children? are palestinian children less innocent to you than israeli ones? nobody supporting children deaths here, but you have things to admit and obvouisly you didnt like to face it.
There is no question a muslim arab did this, they took responsibility for it Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
By your logic, terrorism is an inseparable part of Islam. And by desiman saying he is against terrorist cowards he is not a real Muslim?

I am not denying the possibility. Lets us wait fot the "officia invstigation" to run its course Einstein.
No hindu or jew thinks that innocent children`s death is right but if Hamas stopped putting their weapons in places like hospitals and kindergartens maybe they wouldn`t die? Or maybe if people like you didn`t teach their children to carry on that hate, they wouldn`t grow up like the animal that stabbed to death 3 children and their parents.
The death of any innocent is horrible, but to actually justify this brutality shows that people like you need to be exterminated. Quickly.

You need to watch ur words, unless you wanna get kicked out.

You call palestinian kids animals and should be exterminated. This is the second time you said that. And all the Indian posters supports this guy. Brothers in arms.
Ok then let me clarify. Yes Palestinians teach their children to hate Jews. Yes they grow up to be monsters just like their parents. And yes those that teach hate, teach violence, and teach that murdering children is OK because it is part of the "Resistance" Need to be exterminated. I called the person who did this atrocity an Animal, and i stand by by what i said they need to be exterminated.
Or is it only ok to say "Death to the Zionists" or "Death to the Hindus"?
Ok then let me clarify. Yes Palestinians teach their children to hate Jews. Yes they grow up to be monsters just like their parents. And yes those that teach hate, teach violence, and teach that murdering children is OK because it is part of the "Resistance" Need to be exterminated. I called the person who did this atrocity an Animal, and i stand by by what i said they need to be exterminated.
Or is it only ok to say "Death to the Zionists" or "Death to the Hindus"?

to actually justify this brutality shows that people like you need to be exterminated. Quickly.

This was your statement. You were generously recommending extermination against anybody who you thought were trying to justify the killings.
No i was stating a fact, people who incite and want hate to prosper need meet a very unfortunate death. They deserve nothing less.
i was talking about illegal settlements ...
I dont understand what legality has to do with murder of civilians. What would u say if someone slaugheterd family of illegal Muslim immigrants in Europe? Or in Israel itself? Do u know that we have tens of thousands of illegal Muslim immigrants in Israel?

its not about turkey,india,israel etc..sometimes you should leave politics aside and condemn israeli actions just like you do to Hamas etc..killing civilians deliberetaly is disgusting and should be condemned whether its hamas or israel..
Can you show any example of Israel killing civilians deliberately? I can show you many examples of Israel trying to avoid civilian casualties.
*** Warning! Graphic images! ***

Father with baby

Little boy

Unusually, the surviving family wanted these released. More pics, with added invective by a REAL Muslim-hater: link

Pray, do tell me, someone, how does this help the 'resistance'?

Such irrational senseless acts and joyous support for such, reflects the state of mind of a people. And then one wonders, are they capable humans? Do they deserve anything at all?

ps: @ Solomon2 - please a "GRAPHIC" warning.
The mutual distrust and hatred just run so deep in their blood. Personally, I do not see any way out for both sides. They will have more such terror activities and Israel retaliation activities. None will have peace there.

Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns terror attack - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah on Saturday poured out on the streets to celebrate the terror attack in West Bank settlement of Itamar, in which five family members were murdered in their sleep.
Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying their joy "is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank.

Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he "clearly and firmly denounces the terror attack, just as I have denounced crimes against Palestinians.
"We are against all types of violence," Fayyad stated during a tour in Bethlehem, "Our position has not changed. As we have said many times before, we categorically oppose violence and terror, regardless of the identity of the victims or the perpetrators."
IDF and security forces have been scouring the West Bank area since late Friday night, and have arrested 20 Palestinians from the villages of Awarta, Zababdeh, Sanur and Siliya. The IAF employed unmanned aerial vehicle in an effort to search for the suspects.
The Hamas movement accused the Palestinian Authority's security apparatus of arresting three of its activists nearby Qalqilya and Jenin.
"The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone," stated Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri, adding, "However; we in the Hamas completely support the resistance against settlers who murder and use crime and terror against the Palestinian people under the auspices of the Israeli occupation soldiers."
A pamphlet distributed by the Islamic group stated that the PA also detained activists from Nablus, who were previously imprisoned and released.
According to unverified report, Fatah's military wing – the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades – assumed responsibility for the attack. A group spokesperson told a Palestinian news agency that a cell of militants infiltrated the settlement of Itamar and committed the attack.
The spokesperson stressed that the attack "came as a response to Israel's continues hostile policy toward the Palestinian people."
'Give murderers death sentences'

Defense Minister Ehud Barak held an assessment meeting at the Defense Ministry offices in Tel Aviv, following the attack. The meeting was attended by Chief if Staff Benny Gantz and other military and intelligence officials.
Barak called on the leaders of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank to act responsibly and urged the Palestinian leadership to denounce the attack.
Ron Nachman, mayor of adjacent city Ariel, arrived in Itamar Saturday noon and expressed anger over the government and defense minister's conduct.
"We need to find those behind the attack and give them the death penalty. I can't recall such a horrific terror attack," he said.
Nachman refused to comment on future "price tag" operations of radical rightist, saying: "I am not responsible for violent acts from either side."

There is no death penalty in Israel.
The mutual distrust and hatred just run so deep in their blood. Personally, I do not see any way out for both sides. They will have more such terror activities and Israel retaliation activities. None will have peace there.

I have to agree with this, unfortunately.

The hatred between both sides, is just too strong. It will probably take decades, and another generation of leaders to fix the problem.
OMFG! How can you stab a baby! STAB!?!? Animals! They think THIS was going to help their cause? If I know the israelis, these animals' bodies are going to be used to wipe the fcuking floor of this house
It is sad, but why the settlers have to live on disputed land in the first place. How can immigrants have more rights that born native Palestinians. Israelis have killed score of civilians as well. This is just a fraction as compared to th Israeli attrocities on a daily basis.
*** Warning! Graphic images! ***

Father with baby

Little boy

Unusually, the surviving family wanted these released. More pics, with added invective by a REAL Muslim-hater: link

Thanks for the photos. Adults are not babys that needs warning. Censoring does not do justice, it takes away critical information that people need to make informed decision. People need to see what life is like when it is in the gutter. I hope they find the perpetrators that killed the family. I see the issue only compounding over the coming years.
What else can you expect from Branded Terrorists...
I wish Israel makes them pay from their backside for this horrendous terrorist activity..
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