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Gaza celebrates murder of family

wow dost pic are just horrendous to said the least. on the hand so is all the killing of palestinians by israel americans made weaponry
...either way no death of innocent people are justifiable
They shouldn't have killed the family so horribly.

But what about the thousands of innocent Palestinian children and families killed by IDF?

I can post pictures of those who were orphaned or those innocent children who were mercilessly killed by IDF.

1 Israeli family is killed and there's a huge outcry but when thousands of Palestinians are killed in a matter of a few days then its normal.

There should be an outcry whether those killed are Jews or Muslims alike. What we are criticizing are the celebrations after deaths.
Well now if and when Israel takes action against Hamas everybody will jump on the bandwagon of Israel bashing but the fact is that these people (who commit such crimes and those who celebrate it) deserve nothing less that a horrific death
i dont. i just make you see a fact. religion stuck in your minds. tell me why i never see one of you hindu guys criticize israel when they are killing "innocent" children? are palestinian children less innocent to you than israeli ones? nobody supporting children deaths here, but you have things to admit and obvouisly you didnt like to face it.

religion stuck in my mind it is you guys who bring religion into every thing read my previous posts and see if i have ever taken down religion into any discussion and lets get this straight these hamas go into there LAND creat mess over there what do you think israelis should do leave them no they should not but many a times they do
They would need a reason to express their anger.
They got it here.
Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children. Residents handed out candy and sweets..."The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone," said Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri, adding, "However; we in Hamas completely support the resistance -"
[Hamas is the terror organization in control of Gaza that in its charter justifies Jew-hatred by deifying that old forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]

Sad incident of deaths RIP to the victims.On the other hand sad to see Israeli propaganda cashing dead bodies sans any evidence
Cruel Jana seems to have caught something the rest of us missed: the difference "evidence" - to her, pictures - makes:

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, denied the movement's involvement in the attack in the settlement of Itamar near Nablus, stressing that Hamas' and Palestinian resistance groups' policy is not to target children.
As I said, the release of such pictures by Jews is unusual, but not unprecedented. Out of the 1,200 Israelis killed by terrorists since Israel offered to help create a Palestinian state (including much of Jerusalem) in 2000, here are pictures of some of the 120+ other child victims of deliberate and focused murder:





And to you mr solomon the Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian lives.
The acts of violence against an innocent family is truly horrific.

But solely focusing on the acts by the Israeli government I cannot see how the violence will end. The cycle seem to go on in perpetuity
1. Occupy Territory already resided by Palestinians
2. Ignore any protest peaceful or otherwise
3. Resort to greater violence when attacked with low regard of the Palestinian population

It just breed greater hatred for themselves,

This news just came in BBC News - Israel approves new Jewish settler homes in West Bank

Will it ever end?
The acts of violence against an innocent family is truly horrific. But solely focusing on the acts by the Israeli government I cannot see how the violence will end.
That's your mistake. You are focusing solely on the actions of the Jews. You admit the horror of Arab deeds but do not condemn them. It's like Arabs are mindless beasts and only Israelis are responsible for Arab actions.

Will it ever end?
How did violence between Germans and Poles end? How did violence between Hungarians and Romanians end? How did violence between Turks and Arabs end?

WWI saw the end of three empires: the Russian, the Ottoman, and the German. Each Empire had mixed up its nationalities to better exercise Imperial control. The function of the peace afterward was to re-divide the nationalities into nation-states. It was an imperfect process: Germans and Poles remained cheek-by-jowl in Danzig, for example. Wherever nationalities of different temperament remained in close proximity violence remained.

Palestine appears to be unique for this reason: contrary to the wishes of the Ottoman Caliph, by the terms of the League of Nations (at Britain's urging) the Arabs were allowed to kick Jews out of much of the middle east without compensation or apology while the Jews were obligated (and were quite willing) to let the Arabs remain. (The Caliph, as expressed in the Treaty of Sevres, wanted the Arabs to respect Jewish property rights.) The Arabs eagerly complied: starting with Transjordan, kicking out Jews and stealing their property under threat of death became socially acceptable and personally profitable. Naturally the Arabs in Palestine wanted to join in the fun and felt it unjust they were denied the same rights given to their brethren.

Most likely the violence will stop when separation-of-population is completed by some fashion or another. Maybe it'll happen when Israelis settle the West Bank and fence off its Arabs completely. One can be sure that won't happen if the Jews just up and depart from the Middle East; the Jews are just a finger in the dike of the desire of Arab dictators and their hate-filled followers to profit via conquest. No Israel means everyone else better watch out: it'll become a competition for leadership among the Arabs as to who is the better conqueror. It wasn't just coincidence that Al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. right at the moment Israelis were under their worst onslaught by Arafat-led forces and news anchors were proclaiming the end of Israel was imminent. Arafat realized right away that Osama bin Laden was his competitor, not his ally.
Jana, you obviously equate attacking Armed terrorists who put their stockpiles in Hospitals and schools using sophisticated weaponry to going into a family`s home and stabbing each person to death by hand. That says more than enough about you so there really isn`t more i`ll say to you.

I am not supporting any kind of violence. But you know how Israel has formed, don't you?
For those conflicts, they seem to have the same GOD for both sides.

First, I am not on either side and please do not twist my words. I am a total outsider on this issue.

From Jew's point of view, the murder of family is really horrific. Israel retaliation is definitely on the way. Those killers are simply terrorists.

From Palestinians point of view, there is no other way for them to get back their lands. Negotiations do not seem to work at all. Israel will not give back anything it has taken and keep taking more and more. More settlement buildings are being built. UN resolutions? Israel simply ignore that.

Then we evaluate the situation. Can Israel annihilate those Palestinian? Militarily, it is possible but in reality it is not. Can Palestinian annihilate Israel? Well, it is impossible for now.

So what will happen next? Another cycle of brutality against each other, and on and on...

That's your mistake. You are focusing solely on the actions of the Jews. You admit the horror of Arab deeds but do not condemn them. It's like Arabs are mindless beasts and only Israelis are responsible for Arab actions.

How did violence between Germans and Poles end? How did violence between Hungarians and Romanians end? How did violence between Turks and Arabs end?

WWI saw the end of three empires: the Russian, the Ottoman, and the German. Each Empire had mixed up its nationalities to better exercise Imperial control. The function of the peace afterward was to re-divide the nationalities into nation-states. It was an imperfect process: Germans and Poles remained cheek-by-jowl in Danzig, for example. Wherever nationalities of different temperament remained in close proximity violence remained.

Palestine appears to be unique for this reason: contrary to the wishes of the Ottoman Caliph, by the terms of the League of Nations (at Britain's urging) the Arabs were allowed to kick Jews out of much of the middle east without compensation or apology while the Jews were obligated (and were quite willing) to let the Arabs remain. (The Caliph, as expressed in the Treaty of Sevres, wanted the Arabs to respect Jewish property rights.) The Arabs eagerly complied: starting with Transjordan, kicking out Jews and stealing their property under threat of death became socially acceptable and personally profitable. Naturally the Arabs in Palestine wanted to join in the fun and felt it unjust they were denied the same rights given to their brethren.

Most likely the violence will stop when separation-of-population is completed by some fashion or another. Maybe it'll happen when Israelis settle the West Bank and fence off its Arabs completely. One can be sure that won't happen if the Jews just up and depart from the Middle East; the Jews are just a finger in the dike of the desire of Arab dictators and their hate-filled followers to profit via conquest. No Israel means everyone else better watch out: it'll become a competition for leadership among the Arabs as to who is the better conqueror. It wasn't just coincidence that Al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. right at the moment Israelis were under their worst onslaught by Arafat-led forces and news anchors were proclaiming the end of Israel was imminent. Arafat realized right away that Osama bin Laden was his competitor, not his ally.
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