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Gas pipeline: Iranian firm offers to completely finance and construct Pakistan’s side


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
ISLAMABAD:An Iranian firm has expressed interest in completely financing and constructing Pakistan’s segment of a gas pipeline that will come from Iran, an offer that comes after cancellation of a $500 million loan by Tehran earlier.

According to sources, Pakistan has got the offer from Jahanpars Engineering and Construction, which could undertake entire engineering, procurement and construction work and provide $1.8 billion for the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project.

The company has expertise in engineering works and has the capacity and reputation to engage in mega infrastructure projects.

However, the gas pipeline is a project between governments of the two countries, which will be implemented through their nominated entities. Therefore, Pakistan has asked the management of Jahanpars to contact government authorities in Tehran to press on with the plan.

“Working groups of the two countries will consider the financing and construction offer from the company,” a source said.

Earlier, the two sides had agreed to give the pipeline construction contract to Tadbir Energy of Iran, which in response would provide a $500m loan for laying the pipeline in Pakistan.

However, Pakistan insisted that the contract price negotiated with Tadbir was higher and the contract could not be awarded to it.

During a visit of a Pakistani delegation to Tehran last week, Iran also refused to provide the $500 million loan.

When approached, former adviser to prime minister on petroleum and natural resources Dr Asim Hussain, who had pursued the project, said they had convinced the Iranian government to provide $500 million for the pipeline.

“We had also left $470 million in the national exchequer to fund the project,” he said, adding now the new government should develop required infrastructure.

“Although the contract price was higher, there was no other option. This is not a time to scrap the deal,” Hussain remarked.

In the long term, the deal would have a positive impact on the country’s economy when compared to consumption of furnace oil, he added.

According to a report prepared by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, if furnace oil-based power generation is replaced with imported gas, it will lead to annual savings of $2.4 billion.

It said IP gas would cause just 20% increase in the average gas basket price in the country if 750 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) is imported.

Under the project, Pakistan will import 750 mmcfd, which could be increased to one billion cubic feet. The Balochistan government seeks 250 mmcfd for consumption at the Gwadar Port and the Centre can go for increased supplies to meet the needs of the province.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 17th, 2013.

Gas pipeline: Iranian firm offers to finance Pakistan’s side – The Express Tribune

*Pakistan Want to import the Gas despite the high price
*Iranian firm want to finance aswell as construct it on Pakistan side
*470million dollars will come from Pakistan side for the construction
*It will save 2.4billion dollars for Pakistan yearly despite its high cost

What else we Want?

This Gas will generate an equivalent of 4000-5000mw energy in Pakistan

Hurray,Thanks to Jahanpars Engineering and Construction
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What is the website of Jahanpars Engineering and Construction? & What is the price negotiated for the gas? Apparently, no Pakistani is aware of it! welcome to the democracy!
Great ! Now lets get this pipeline constructed as soon as possible
Quite a pity you can't fund atleast your side of the pipeline.
Great ! Now lets get this pipeline constructed as soon as possible

What is the website of the said company? does it not seem to be a dummy to you!

Quite a pity you can't fund atleast your side of the pipeline.

We have engineering and construction companies with more experience than any Irani company, we build pipe for gas lines locally, but politicians are looking for kick backs and dummy companies.
What is the website of the said company? does it not seem to be a dummy to you!

We have engineering and construction companies with more experience than any Irani company, we build pipe for gas lines locally, but politicians are looking for kick backs and dummy companies.

Which ones in particular?

How does this company plan to raise $1.8B? Which bank is going to lend an Iranian company that much money?
Which ones in particular?

How does this company plan to raise $1.8B? Which bank is going to lend an Iranian company that much money?

One company is owned by a relative of my friend, and there are few more!
I would not give out names so easily, else you will send TTP to bomb them.
Company does not plan to raise $1.8 billion but may offer to do all job in $250 million.
What is the website of Jahanpars Engineering and Construction? & What is the price negotiated for the gas? Apparently, no Pakistani is aware of it! welcome to the democracy!
They have a broken website, not working. Just the domain is registered on their name!
They have a broken website, not working. Just the domain is registered on their name!

I think, after investing $1.8 billion they haven't left with any money to pay for web hosting!
I think, after investing $1.8 billion they haven't left with any money to pay for web hosting!
Where have they invested 1.8bn? Pakistan have told them to talk to Tehran.
Where have they invested 1.8bn? Pakistan have told them to talk to Tehran.

OK.. whatever but the suspense over the gas price must end!
Any mulla insiders or Zardari insiders?
I really do not know in details what is the exact formula to calculate the gas price as stipulated in the agreement between the both countries. But I really think any price other than world gas prices will create problems in the future.
And linking gas price with oil prices is really going to hurt our country. Oil is a fast dwindling resource and its price will continue to increase and might even explode after a decade but the drilling technology to extract gas has become very advanced all over the world which will keep the gas prices lower. In other words, gas and oil prices will continue to diverge in the future and the idea that gas and oil prices move together is not going to hold any longer. Any agreement that links gas prices with oil might hurt us in the future.
Iran is our neighbor and we actually do need a lot of gas to keep our economy running. In order to avoid any problems with Iranians when, in the future, we will see that we are be paying too much compared to world prices and we would ask for re-negotiation while they would show us the agreement. It would be better to re-negotiate a formula for gas prices now when gas pipeline has not been constructed that is fair to both parties and will not cause any grievances in the future. We have more leverage to re-negotiate now than we would have in the future.
Gas prices are heading down. Major players are cutting their prices.

Pakistan will be much better off to expand and build Gawadar/Karachi LNG import terminal and link it to major pipelines up North.

That way we can buy gas from whereever it is cheaper.

Qatar cuts gas prices to keep competition at bay| Reuters

One company is owned by a relative of my friend, and there are few more!
I would not give out names so easily, else you will send TTP to bomb them.
Company does not plan to raise $1.8 billion but may offer to do all job in $250 million.

Well said.

Pak Iran gas pipeline is an emotional issue for Pakistani robots who follow Ayatullahs and marxist mumbo jumbo.

And for their anti-West egos, to be satisfied, they are willing to waste millions of dollars of hard cash on Iran.

not again ? :o:
thought it was end of story
I really do not want any sectarian emotions to muddle our national thinking. We do want gas and Iran is the closest neighbor who can sell us gas to satisfy our national energy needs. A lot of Pak-Iran gas line in their country has alrady been built. Making pipelines sponsored by US, through remote Afghan mountains is going to be a far taller feat.

We do need a fair agreement on the price of gas from Iran. To me, this is the only issue.

Talk of marxism or anti-west egos is totally irrelevant. As an aside, Iran is far more than Ayatullahs.
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