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Anonymous donor : ‘Friendly’ country offers $1b for Iran-Pakistan pipeline (Business)

Exactly I thought this place had people with open free minds and had the ability to think and make judgments accordingly, I noticed that to be the exact opposite. Really sad.
Even we thot the same initially. but with time I understood fanaticism is in blood of Pakistanis. Pathology lie, state of denial, etc are fast growing diseases spreading among pakistanis. Thats not a good thing for any country trying to come out of failed status internationally. my 2 cents.

False-flaggers these days are so useless and transparent, betraying their origins after 200 posts. Whatever happened to the classic false-flaggers like Audio (Indian) and Korean (I don't even know, but I think Taiwanese), who racked up 1000s of posts and were determined to keep up the charade at all cost?
Dude, if someone lives in a liberal western country its natural to have that sentiment. Iss not MANDATORY to inhibit that hawkish, denial mode kind of mentality just coz you have Pakistani passport. Or you mean to say a Pakistani isnt one if he dont hate India. You nuts?
If pakistani forigen office is leaking the news then the friendly country must be of indians :crazy:

Ya india is Iran's age old friend and hence a good friend of the pipeline project. Temme. Was it written 'a friendly country for Pakistan' anywhere? or only friendly country?
If pakistani forigen office is leaking the news then the friendly country must be of indians :crazy:
haan then its ok. waise bhi pakistani foreign office has been the most confusing institution in this world. they saw one thing at a time and then something else immediately after some days. so everyone is confused whether they consider india as enemy or friend. such impulsive bunch.
confusion ? :laugh:
leave foreign office on side
just check posts of indians on this forum every "so called" confusion will be settled in ur mind:haha:

haan then its ok. waise bhi pakistani foreign office has been the most confusing institution in this world. they saw one thing at a time and then something else immediately after some days. so everyone is confused whether they consider india as enemy or friend. such impulsive bunch.
confusion ? :laugh:
leave foreign office on side
just check posts of indians on this forum every "so called" confusion will be settled in ur mind:haha:
Thats not called confusion. Thats reality check for you guyz. Unfortunately whole world calls you pathological liars and denial mode syndrome. So i aint shocked if you feel we are confused. :azn:
Take a look at @Barakah's previous posts. There is little to no indication of any pro-Indian bias.

There is a very distinct pro-Pakistan sentiment in his posts.

Conclusion: He is definitely Pakistani.
Maybe you have a problem understanding, I told you, Look it up Many Chinese members on PDF countless of time have said along the lines of "we are the chosen ones" or "its our God given right to rule this world" am I wrong? No. Just search it. Maybe your blind since you cannot differentiate between a Pakistani and Indian Flag but im Pakistani, Not Indian. I love how when you don't agree with someone they all of a sudden think your a false flagger. Maybe you have problems understanding what I said, I wont repeat my self. I said many Chinese members here on PDF have claimed it, Not your leaders.

We have never came across any such statement.

However, China is progressing silently no doubt
India is not whole world and its their habit
and ur own sentences show India and Pakistan can never be friends. We are not confused about this , u can be if u want

Thats not called confusion. Thats reality check for you guyz. Unfortunately whole world calls you pathological liars and denial mode syndrome. So i aint shocked if you feel we are confused. :azn:
Well , most likely its Russia , as Russia has in past shown keen interest in Energy related products to get Pakistan out of American influence.

Pakistan Steels mills was also Russian contribution

I think the contribution from Russian Energy Giants is positive for Pakistan from Trade prespective
India is not whole world and its their habit
and ur own sentences show India and Pakistan can never be friends. We are not confused about this , u can be if u want
I never said India is world. You can dry your blood over below videos. :rofl: ENJOY.

Could be
1. Russia
2. China
3. Iran (Back door finance)
4. USA (Back door finance)
No youtube in Pakistan :enjoy:
You confused to be happy over your stoneage life or be sad? As I said earlier too. Pakistan is associated with confusion. Whether it is ideology or attitude of its people. :)
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