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Anonymous donor : ‘Friendly’ country offers $1b for Iran-Pakistan pipeline (Business)

China no offense are greedy (Philippines Typhoon is an example) but maybe they did if the pipeline benefits them in anyway.

Greedy? You want someone to free feed you? 180 million Pakistanis with a land gifted by natural wealth...only if this awaam get their @$$3$ up & start working hard for future generations. If other nations can develop themselves why can't Pakistan?

@Topic My guess is either Turkeye or China.
Cant be Saudi Arabia because Irans involved.
China no offense are greedy (Philippines Typhoon is an example) but maybe they did if the pipeline benefits them in anyway.

Please avoid making insulting remarks on PDF, it will land you in serious trouble.

I realize you are new with fewer than 200 posts, but when you post stuff like that it just shows your immaturity. China has had trouble with Philippines in the South China and their relations are not the best with that nation. Inspite of that they did send their medical ship in helping the injured and sick.

A word for advice, avoid stepping on other people needlessly and try to make friends by being pleasant rather than mean-spirited. You are totally free to express yourself but you can say the same thing in a nice way as well.

'Hawks like you' and not 'You'. Dont take it personally bro. I am talking bout so many people following him for his mentally retarted comments and videos. :D

How do you know he makes retarded comments in his Videos ?

Do you watch his Videos ?

And what does that say about you ? :P
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hmmm Pakistan's friends .....
1. China (if it was China then it wouldn't chose to be anonymous (or Pak authorities will not hesitate in disclosing partner)
2. Saudia (Saudis funding Iran pipeline no Way)
3. :undecided: ? :-)devil::devil::devil::devil:)
This thread is the perfect example of the difference in the mentality of Indians and Pakistanis

When Pakistan announced MFN status to India, Most of the Pakistani were against the decision (even if it was helping them economically) or when there was article about India supplying Locomotives to Pakistan then again the reactions were similar (Same Locos in India were working perfectly for decades under similar condition as Pakistan but people were not in favor of deals because they were Indian)

On the contrary here, the Indian members guessing this anonymous investor as India are not criticizing their government's move.

On topic:
The anonymous investor is not a traditional Pakistan ally because then it doesn't make sense to hide identity (so no China, Turkey, KSA and other GCC Nations)
Which left us with the Countries that can get benefits by this pipeline construction. (Possibilities: India {energy supply}, Russia {getting back its hold in south Asia}, US {this investment might be a part of the deal and US doesn't want to jeopardize its relations with GCC countries by revealing its identity})
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Anonymous country, donation... well most of the chances it's China or May be Russia. Both are worth candidates for "Anonymous Donation". Other contenders would be Qatar because of good relationship with NS but also don't wanna anger Big Bro, KSA but very less chances of that.
India is not a friendly country if this column is written by Armed forces personnel.

Pakistani Democracy considers India as a friend especially if they are getting money. :D

GEO is not in the govt yet :P
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