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Anonymous donor : ‘Friendly’ country offers $1b for Iran-Pakistan pipeline (Business)

Interesting guess... They maybe doing it as goodwill gesture or token of appreciation after recent successful dialogue. Also maybe they don't want to further annoy Saudia or Israel so trying to keep it secret :-)
It can be India coz of certian reasons.

India wants to sustain its age old relationship with Iran and also try revamp from IP pipline to the old IPI pipeline but not being in bad books of West. Saala Diplomacy kya kya karati hai. :D

Since when India became friendly country? unless sources are member of PDF and have learned art of sarcasm
Since when India became friendly country? unless sources are member of PDF and have learned art of sarcasm
India is not a friendly country if this column is written by Armed forces personnel.

Pakistani Democracy considers India as a friend especially if they are getting money. :D
India is not a friendly country if this column is written by Armed forces personnel.

Pakistani Democracy considers India as a friend especially if they are getting money. :D

Nobody consider India a friendly country other than Aman Ki Asha clowns - And yeah it has been exposed that they are getting paid for this propaganda
Nobody consider India a friendly country other than Aman Ki Asha clowns - And yeah it has been exposed that they are getting paid for this propaganda
Exposed? You guyz can expose anything or for that matter of fact term it so for your own desire. Aman ki aasha is a moderate initiative. Hawks like you dying after Zaid Hameed will never understand that. So doesnt matter.
Or may be Saudi "hidden" policy of appeasement !! They need us for some "back door diplomacy" with Iran , and we always need $audis !!!
I think may be Turkey. Chinese companies already said they were not interested, if I'm not mistaken. Although the Chinese government could be.
Exposed? You guyz can expose anything or for that matter of fact term it so for your own desire. Aman ki aasha is a moderate initiative. Hawks like you dying after Zaid Hameed will never understand that. So doesnt matter.

LOL!!! Me dying for ZH? --- Come on, you can do better
LOL!!! Me dying for ZH? --- Come on, you can do better
'Hawks like you' and not 'You'. Dont take it personally bro. I am talking bout so many people following him for his mentally retarted comments and videos. :D
Greedy, lol.

You can just reject the $1 billion if you like.
Whats the problem in rejecting? Any country will reject no matter what sum it is if they dont find it sustainable in future. Why consider Pakistan different in that case?

It doesnt mannet if its 1bn or 1k dollors.
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