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[Gallery] Iran - Iraq war

You were simply going to turn Kabaa into a squire of demonstrations cursing others. Keep your beleef to yourselves. While you were ruining the haj pretending to curse Israel you were buying weapons from them to kill Iraqi Muslims!!!!!!!!!
Iranians do it each year kaaba.
anyway Iraqi muslim should not open fire on their muslim brothers in the east.
Pictures of Iranian PWs during Iran-Iraq war :





Around 8 years ago I watched a program on TV which showed the pictures of Iranian PWs whose bodies' had been Tortured by drill . They said the Iraqis used drill to bore their feet .
You were simply going to turn Kabaa into a squire of demonstrations cursing others. Keep your beleef to yourselves. While you were ruining the haj pretending to curse Israel you were buying weapons from them to kill Iraqi Muslims!!!!!!!!!

Great Mosque not kabba .

Bring me a source or picture Iran was buying weapon from Israel . During those days ( 8 year war ) Iran was arming Amal in Lebanon and sent thousands of soldiers to Syria to defend Palestine but the leader of Iran disagreed and they came to fight against Iraq .So you say , Israel helped it's enemy ?!!!

Killing Iraqi Muslim brothers ? It was Iraq attacked Iran and again It was Iraqi Army raped hundreds of Iranian girls at the beginning of war in khuzestan province .

Iranian martyr who has been buried alive by Iraqis



First group of Iranian PWs coming back to their motherland after several years of captivity






Iran child
using children how human is that : not human

First , Thank you for posting in this thread brother .

Second , Unlike you and many other people that think they were forced to go to the battlefield , No one forced them , all of them went to the war by their own choice and mostly illegally . The reports from those days show something strange that you can't find anywhere in the world according to the reports , most of the teenagers begged and cried to be sent to the battlefield and when they weren't accepted they manipulated their birth certificate to be able to go.

One of them was my uncle who went to war at the age of 15 , There are at least 20 people in the area I live who's been in war when they were teenager and some of them never came back .

Unfortunately no one has information about the 1st decade after the revolution in Iran and that's why they write the things that are too far from the truth .








Iranian teenagers during war
@S00R3NA i just googled and came to know that iran won the war,inspite being far behind iraq in terms of aircrafts,international support etc.
u guys did great.and best of luck for future.

Thanks for the comment man .

Honestly , I think that war had no winner . around 1 million innocent people were sacrificed for Saddam and his allies' purposes .

Iran was winner in defending it's soil while both west and east had planned to end the Iranian revolution but we lost many things and got behind for at least 15 years . at least half million of our people were killed , our industry , economy and education were destroyed and our wealth and energy that had come from the revolution wasted in war while we could use that to build the country .
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Thanks for the comment man .

Honestly , I think that war had no winner . around 1 million innocent people were sacrificed for a Saddam and his allies' purposes .

Iran was winner in defending it's soil while both west and east had planned to end the Iranian revolution but we lost many things and got behind for at least 15 years . at least half million of our people were killed , our industry , economy and education were destroyed and our wealth and energy that had come from the revolution wasted in war while we could use that to build the country .

and inspite of this u people have done well.i was just looking at the thread beautiful iran(this paradise is called iran) and the pics uploaded by @Abii there are awesome.
best of luck.
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I need to mention that Iran had no Army after the revolution , Just 11000 soldiers in western borders which was not comparable with the number of Iraqi soldiers who'd been trained and equipped to start the war . Since the leader of Iran ordered the duty of jihad for every Iranian who was able to fight , all you could see was waves of old and young people who were lining up to register for training and then going the battlefield .



Iranian people registering to go to the battlefield







packing to go to the war
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