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[Gallery] Iran - Iraq war

1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf
2nd Persia never had water until 1925 when persia occupied al ahwaz

There is no Persian-Gulf?simply take a look at standard world maps, from 1000 years till today, you won't find any name except Persian Gulf in them, indeed, not the invented name by Pan-Arabs fed to their people.

Don't derail the thread, if you don't have anything to contribute.either put some pictures of war here or leave.
to me if the world don't stop Saddam army we have opened Persia and end the great fitnah and it residues and all the Middle East becomes Sunni and the end of heresy
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there war is justified in 1971 Iranian Navy occupied the UAE islands of Greater and Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa and your gov supported the iraqi enemy Kurdish armed movements in the north

Talking out of your *** all the way from Africa?

Those islands belonged to Iran before the British occupied them. Your camel riding cousins in sands of Arabia didn't even have a country back then in the 1800's and 1900's. In the 70's Britain gave back the islands to Iran. Where's UAE in all of these? And what's it to you African? Worry about your own corner of the world.

Wahabi insect
There was once a time when Khouzistan was majority arab. But from mid 20th century onward Parsis became majority and today Khouzistan's pop'n is 3:1 in favour of Parsis. So even if you had a claim it no longer exists. Iranian arabs themselves had a chance to fight against Iran when Saddam attacked. But they sided with Iran.

But in any case, as I said, for every arab in Khouzestan there are 3 Persians. Check the demographics from 2012 and then go and cry yourself to sleep wahabi.

In total there are 1.3-1.4 mln arabs in Iran. 200K of those are Iraqis. Israel has 1.8 mln arabs so the Jewish state of Israel that has a total pop'n of 6 mln has more arabs than Iran with a pop'n of 75 mln. If you think you can do anything to us with Microsoft Paint made pics than you've got another theing coming.

African wahabi, lmao
1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf
2nd Persia never had water until 1925 when persia occupied al ahwaz

3rd Iraq is bigger than now before even the rise of persia empier

Sorry man , but you are the symbol of failure in history .

I actually don't know how to start teaching you the history cos you don't know where Persia was , who Persian empires were and where they were ruling .

1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf , What do I say guys ? What can I say when I see such ignorance in people who are filled of hate and racism ? All the historic maps and evidences call it Persian Gulf , then a bunch of puppet Shaikhs that neither have history and root nor have read a history book in their lives , close their eyes on several thousand years of history , civilization and culture and piss on everything .


World Map 1689

Persian golf in 1689 world map-red-arrow


PG 1740




This is the Persia's map from beginning . It might help you know where it was

Persian Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Persian Gulf in Wikipedia


Persian Gulf naming dispute : ( From Wikipedia )

The name of the body of water separating the Iranian plateau from the Arabian Peninsula, historically and internationally known as the Persian Gulf, after the land of Persia (Iran), has been disputed by some Arab countries since the 1960s. Rivalry between Iran and some Arab states, along with the emergence of pan-Arabism and Arab nationalism, has seen the name Arabian Gulf become predominant in some Arab countries. Names beyond these two have also been applied to or proposed for this body of water.

in almost all maps printed before 1960, and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known by the name "Persian Gulf". This reflects traditional usage since the Greek geographers Strabo and Ptolemy, and the geopolitical realities of the time with a powerful Persian Empire (Iran) comprising the whole northern coastline and a scattering of local emirates on the Arabian coast. It was referred to as the Persian Gulf in the Arabic Christian writer Agapius, writing in the 10th century.

According to Mahan Abedin of Jamestown Foundation, the first proposal to change the name to the "Arabian" Gulf goes back to the 1930s by Sir Charles Belgrave, then the British adviser to the ruler of Bahrain; however it was rejected immediately by the British government. In 1957, a few years after the nationalization of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, an alleged British MI6 officer named Roderick Owen published a book named "The Golden Bubble of the Arabian Gulf" making it the first literature in modern history to use the term "Arabian Gulf".

Arab countries used the term "Persian Gulf" until the 1960s, but with the rise of Arab nationalism during that decade, some Arab countries, including the ones bordering the Persian Gulf, adopted widespread use of the term "الخليج العربي" (al-Ḫalīj al-ʻArabiyy; Arab Gulf or Arabian Gulf) to refer to this waterway. A senior presenter for Al Jazeera English said "ironically, among the major drivers of the movement for change were Arab perceptions that Iran, driven by Washington, had supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973". This, coupled with the decreasing influence of Iran on the political and economic priorities of the English-speaking Western World, led to increasing acceptance, both in regional politics and the mostly petroleum-related business, of the new alternative naming convention "Arabian Gulf" in Arab countries.

The term "Arabian Gulf" (Sinus Arabicus) was formerly used to refer to what is now known as the Red Sea (as illustrated in the map examples with this article). This usage was adopted into European maps from, among others, Strabo and Ptolemy, who called the Red Sea Sinus Arabicus (Arabian Gulf). Both of these ancient geographers also used the name Sinus Persicus to refer to the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. In the early Islamic era, Muslim geographers did the same, calling the body بحر فارس (Baḥr Fāris; Persian Sea) or "خليج فارس" (Ḫalīǧ Fāris; Persian Gulf). Later, most European maps from the early Modern Times onwards used similar terms (Sinus Persicus, Persischer Golf, Golfo di Persia and the like, in different languages) when referring to the Persian Gulf, possibly taking the name from the Islamic sources.


Saudi map of Persian gulf - 1952

Hope you've got your answer my friend , please read about everything before posting .

For more information and maps , please search in some valid books , websites and etc in order not to suffer from such illusions
Would you please clarify which branch of Sunni you mean?

With all due respect, you are trying to show Sunnis as divided as you from others. But those branches are all correct to follow according to all Muslims and Ulama and the differences are in the branches (little and insignificant differences) not bases like covering the face or not, washing the whole hair or part of it at Wudu, it's all like this. Sunnis have great respect to those four imams of those four branches.
Sorry man , but you are the symbol of failure in history .

I actually don't know how to start teaching you the history cos you don't know where Persia was , who Persian empires were and where they were ruling .

1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf , What do I say guys ? What can I say when I see such ignorance in people who are filled of hate and racism ? All the historic maps and evidences call it Persian Gulf , then a bunch of puppet Shaikhs that neither have history and root nor have read a history book in their lives , close their eyes on several thousand years of history , civilization and culture and piss on everything .


World Map 1689

Persian golf in 1689 world map-red-arrow


PG 1740




This is the Persia's map from beginning . It might help you know where it was

Persian Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Persian Gulf in Wikipedia


Persian Gulf naming dispute : ( From Wikipedia )

The name of the body of water separating the Iranian plateau from the Arabian Peninsula, historically and internationally known as the Persian Gulf, after the land of Persia (Iran), has been disputed by some Arab countries since the 1960s. Rivalry between Iran and some Arab states, along with the emergence of pan-Arabism and Arab nationalism, has seen the name Arabian Gulf become predominant in some Arab countries. Names beyond these two have also been applied to or proposed for this body of water.

in almost all maps printed before 1960, and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known by the name "Persian Gulf". This reflects traditional usage since the Greek geographers Strabo and Ptolemy, and the geopolitical realities of the time with a powerful Persian Empire (Iran) comprising the whole northern coastline and a scattering of local emirates on the Arabian coast. It was referred to as the Persian Gulf in the Arabic Christian writer Agapius, writing in the 10th century.

According to Mahan Abedin of Jamestown Foundation, the first proposal to change the name to the "Arabian" Gulf goes back to the 1930s by Sir Charles Belgrave, then the British adviser to the ruler of Bahrain; however it was rejected immediately by the British government. In 1957, a few years after the nationalization of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, an alleged British MI6 officer named Roderick Owen published a book named "The Golden Bubble of the Arabian Gulf" making it the first literature in modern history to use the term "Arabian Gulf".

Arab countries used the term "Persian Gulf" until the 1960s, but with the rise of Arab nationalism during that decade, some Arab countries, including the ones bordering the Persian Gulf, adopted widespread use of the term "الخليج العربي" (al-Ḫalīj al-ʻArabiyy; Arab Gulf or Arabian Gulf) to refer to this waterway. A senior presenter for Al Jazeera English said "ironically, among the major drivers of the movement for change were Arab perceptions that Iran, driven by Washington, had supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973". This, coupled with the decreasing influence of Iran on the political and economic priorities of the English-speaking Western World, led to increasing acceptance, both in regional politics and the mostly petroleum-related business, of the new alternative naming convention "Arabian Gulf" in Arab countries.

The term "Arabian Gulf" (Sinus Arabicus) was formerly used to refer to what is now known as the Red Sea (as illustrated in the map examples with this article). This usage was adopted into European maps from, among others, Strabo and Ptolemy, who called the Red Sea Sinus Arabicus (Arabian Gulf). Both of these ancient geographers also used the name Sinus Persicus to refer to the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. In the early Islamic era, Muslim geographers did the same, calling the body بحر فارس (Baḥr Fāris; Persian Sea) or "خليج فارس" (Ḫalīǧ Fāris; Persian Gulf). Later, most European maps from the early Modern Times onwards used similar terms (Sinus Persicus, Persischer Golf, Golfo di Persia and the like, in different languages) when referring to the Persian Gulf, possibly taking the name from the Islamic sources.


Saudi map of Persian gulf - 1952

Hope you've got your answer my friend , please read about everything before posting .

For more information and maps , please search in some valid books , websites and etc in order not to suffer from such illusions

We have been through this several times here my friend, maybe you are the 10th Iranian who says that Arabs have no history and I am now convinced that it's a systematic education process by your regime to you people. Now, it's time you try other sources. You can Google the name of every Arab country and read about their history. Believe me, it's not mentally healthy to deny existening things by denying others importance just to feel better about yourselves.
We have been through this several times here my friend, maybe you are the 10th Iranian who says that Arabs have no history and I am now convinced that it's a systematic education process by your regime to you people. Now, it's time you try other sources. You can Google the name of every Arab country and read about their history. Believe me, it's not mentally healthy to deny existening things by denying others importance just to feel better about yourselves.

I hear it's raping season in Syria. Go spread some of your wonderful culture in Syria (or AFG, pakistan, Iraq).

The only culture you have is wahabism. That's all yours.
there war is justified in 1971 Iranian Navy occupied the UAE islands of Greater and Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa and your gov supported the iraqi enemy Kurdish armed movements in the north

that is a dirty lie. i saw the documents in university about a deal between UK and first or 2end Pahlavi shah about giving Bahrain independence and in exchange the three islands become fully under control of Iran.
''So had the fact that the Iraqi troops in Iran were fighting for an objective that was relatively abstract, while the Iranian troops were fighting for their homeland. While no one can quantify the ideological and morale aspects of war, there is no question that Iranian troops had fought during 1981 and 1982 with a willingness to die that often frightened or awed their Iraqi opponents.''


Thats why the Iraqis weren't able to defeat Iran; because of our spirit.

1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf
2nd Persia never had water until 1925 when persia occupied al ahwa
3rd Iraq is bigger than now before even the rise of persia empier

You Tunisian fool. The term Arabian Gulf was created in the 20st century by the British, who had political reasons to do so. You are nothing but a Arabized Berber, who has lost its history and original culture, conquered by a bunch of illiterate and uncivilized Arabs, who were only able to bring destruction and degeneration. And no Blackeagle; I don't need to look on Wikipedia to read about your insignificant history. The only Semitic countries in the Middle East with a rich history are Egypt and Iraq, who were both non-Arabs from the beginning. The history of other countries, and especially of those countries in the Arabian Peninsula, are insignificant and worthless. You can compare it to all those African kingdoms. My ancestors spoke, not without reason, about lizard-eating Arabs thousands of years ago. The image of your people has always been negative. Do you want to see Arab culture? Watch this:

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With all due respect, you are trying to show Sunnis as divided as you from others. But those branches are all correct to follow according to all Muslims and Ulama and the differences are in the branches (little and insignificant differences) not bases like covering the face or not, washing the whole hair or part of it at Wudu, it's all like this. Sunnis have great respect to those four imams of those four branches.

I ask both my Iranian brother and you to end the shia sunni fight here . please .

Thank you .
We have been through this several times here my friend, maybe you are the 10th Iranian who says that Arabs have no history and I am now convinced that it's a systematic education process by your regime to you people. Now, it's time you try other sources. You can Google the name of every Arab country and read about their history. Believe me, it's not mentally healthy to deny existening things by denying others importance just to feel better about yourselves.
Firstly , I think everyone going off topic and hope it ends now .

Why are you accusing Iranians to that brother ? There are some racist Iranian people who have such idea or some extremist shias that don't like just some of the Arabian leaders not the whole of them , but majority have no problem with you an your history and respect you .

You have history and your culture and if someones says something against that is absolutely false . I've read some pages of the Muslims history that could beat both major powers of the world and could conquer Iran , parts of Roma nd in continue they occupied Spain . That's just one of the great ones in your history .

Believe me , all the nations and races have had role in creating the world civilization . and its BS if some people call themselves the special ones or the chosen ones by God and etc to change the fact .

I've seen some Iranians whose idea was like what you said and thought it was only Persians that built the world's history , civilization and etc and same by some European guys who had the mentioned idea about Roma . But its all BS cos every nation and race had it's role in creating the history and world .

Hope both Iranian and non Iranian friends forget this issue in this thread as its Iran-Iraq war picture gallery .

Iraq-Iran war.:)


Hi , what's your point ?
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